Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

It sickens me that people are really trying to get behind him killing innocent people

dont think so

hes going to hell for what he did but dude was treated unfairly. LAPD is trash and crooked as hell, too bad no one will know that since all the media is gonna say that he killed cops so they killed him.

Oh okay, sounded like you were excusing him. 

So do you agree with me and think he and the cops deserve a special place in hell for killing those civilians?

I don't believe in hell but unless it's just nothingness when you die I believe they BOTH have caused detriment to themselves or their souls, for lack of a better word. I also believe anyone who dies with a mindset that murder and violence are acceptable in any situation have also caused detriment to themselves. So yes, I guess. lol

Edit: To clarify, I don't know the history of the cops who were killed so I can't speak on them. I was speaking generally about cops who have killed innocents or even those they didn't have to but were legally justified in doing so, and cops who support such actions.

But the killing of the innocent is something that many in here are CHOOSING to ignore.

LAPD has killed more innocent people than Dorner would ever possibly be able to kill. The irony in your statement is strong.
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:lol: His intentions were cool but his actions weren't. He killed folks that had nothing to do with the cause. Miss me with that, "This nation was built on blood-shed" talk. The dude killed innocent people. Good guys don't kill innocent folks. He isn't a hero.
God forgives all.

I hate that they're calling him a monster but dude in Sandy Hook kills his mom + those kids and he's labelled mentally ill.

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first cats to call the police for help...
I support this man and his cause all the way. Really couldn't give a single **** about y'all being appalled, whole nation built on bloodshed and injustice and I'm supposed to sympathize because it's the American thing to do. Get real.

This man is no hero. I don't get why you're hyping him up as so. He's a cold-blooded killer and doesn't deserve the distinction of being put on a pedestal for bringing many of the LAPD's indiscretions to light. You can't tell me that MURDER was his only means of getting his point across. I'm sorry, but if you or anyone else is choosing this man as someone to look up to, you need better influences in your life.

I'd love to hear a more in-depth reason as to why his murders should be excused while what some of his colleagues at the LAPD did should be vilified. To me, they are all the same. Dorner IS LAPD.

[marlo stanfield] you want it to be one way, but it's the other way [/marlo stanfield]
But the killing of the innocent is something that many in here are CHOOSING to ignore.

he is a 'hero' in the sense that he went through the proper steps and was shut down by the system which he believed in. this was his last resolution. can you imagine what it took for him to put himself here? i think that is the fact you refuse because of the 'innocent bloodshed' at last, he died for what he believed in. i don't know about you but i have much more respect for a person who dies for what they believe in, instead of live a lie and say they are hardcore but when **** hits the fan they back down aka LAPD.

and i bet there will be no body. how/why did they snipe him if he didn't go out guns blazing? what would he say that the authorities were scared of? can you answer me that? can you please tell me why the media choose to say he was a cold blooded murderer instead of acknowledging his claims? and can you tell what happened with reopening his case? and why did they already charge him with murder if there was no clear evidence of him doing so ?
:lol: His intentions were cool but his actions weren't. He killed folks that had nothing to do with the cause. Miss me with that, "This nation was built on blood-shed" talk. The dude killed innocent people. Good guys don't kill innocent folks. He isn't a hero.

"TBIJ reports that from June 2004 through mid-September 2012, available data indicate that drone strikes killed 2,562 - 3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom 474 - 881 were civilians, including 176 children. TBIJ reports that these strikes also injured an additional 1,228 - 1,362 individuals," according to the Stanford/NYU study.

Nah. YOU miss me.

I don't believe in hell but unless it's just nothingness when you die I believe they BOTH have caused detriment to themselves or their souls, for lack of a better word. I also believe anyone who dies with a mindset that murder and violence are acceptable in any situation have also caused detriment to themselves. So yes, I guess. lol
LAPD has killed more innocent people than Dorner would ever possibly be able to kill. The irony in your statement is strong.

Dorner killed innocent people JUST like the LAPD has. How are you not understanding this? You can't sit there and pick and choose when both sides have INNOCENT blood on their hands.
"TBIJ reports that from June 2004 through mid-September 2012, available data indicate that drone strikes killed 2,562 - 3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom 474 - 881 were civilians, including 176 children. TBIJ reports that these strikes also injured an additional 1,228 - 1,362 individuals," according to the Stanford/NYU study.

Nah. YOU miss me.


Only if I considered those guys heros though....... 8)
Dorner killed innocent people JUST like the LAPD has. How are you not understanding this? You can't sit there and pick and choose when both sides have INNOCENT blood on their hands.
Yea I am not understanding how folks are missing that.

His heart was in the right place but he didn't have favorable execution.

Innocent people got killed. I can't praise someone that does that. I don't care what their message is.
how many 'famous' people have killed in order to get ahead? i mean our all whole nation's upbringing was created because of this.
Dorner killed innocent people JUST like the LAPD has. How are you not understanding this? You can't sit there and pick and choose when both sides have INNOCENT blood on their hands.

Pick and choose what man? What the F are you talking about? Can you read?
he is a 'hero' in the sense that he went through the proper steps and was shut down by the system which he believed in. this was his last resolution. can you imagine what it took for him to put himself here? i think that is the fact you refuse because of the 'innocent bloodshed' at last, he died for what he believed in. i don't know about you but i have much more respect for a person who dies for what they believe in, instead of live a lie and say they are hardcore but when **** hits the fan they back down aka LAPD.

and i bet there will be no body. how/why did they snipe him if he didn't go out guns blazing? what would he say that the authorities were scared of? can you answer me that? can you please tell me why the media choose to say he was a cold blooded murderer instead of acknowledging his claims? and can you tell what happened with reopening his case? and why did they already charge him with murder if there was no clear evidence of him doing so ?

So, who gives a **** about the innocent that were killed as long as he was fighting for what he believed in? Is that what you're saying? Cmon man..there is NOTHING respectable or admirable about Chris Dorner. The way he tried to get his point across was all kinds of wrong. I just don't see how you can put this man on any sort of pedestal for how he went about his business over the past 2 weeks or so.

This story had NO steam until he started catching bodies. So, you tell me...if he's killing the innocent, why shouldn't be labeled as anything other than a cold-blooded killer? Oh, that's right...he was fighting for what he believed in so **** the innocent.

You're going to sit there and tell me this man exhausted every possible outlet to get his story across and his last resort was murder? Give me a ******g break. Again...if you or anyone else choose to look at this guy as any sort of hero you need to get your priorities in order. For real. Dorner DESERVES to be buried with his LAPD badge.
how many 'famous' people have killed in order to get ahead? i mean our all whole nation's upbringing was created because of this.
Why do you all keep bringing up the past as if that means we are OK with those situations as well? :lol:
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