Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

His SN is CannonCooley. Needs to leave NT and take all that racism back to the stormfront board where he came from. :smh:
you're the clown thats trying to convince people that he was drake's bodyguard... so if a black person says two black people look alike its fine but if some other race says they look alike its racism? cool your jets son

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I never said that. I said something to the effect of "let him cook and let the coyotes get to him. Don't let this dude get burial and services."

How come I didn't say that when the corrupt cops were killed? Because to the best of my knowledge, the officers in question didn't kill any women in cold blood like Chris Dorner did. Whatever corrupt acts they committed should be addressed and they should be punished accordingly. But I know Dorner was a murderer of innocents. I could care less how he is treated thereafter. I'd be saying the same about police if they had killed innocent people in cold blood.

It's not about cops vs. civilians. It's about the way they behave and the acts they commit that define them.

And yes I know about Rampart. Studied it in school.

by you saying, don't let him get burial services, but i'm sure you're fine with the cops who got involved to get a ceremony, donation, foundation, and you are ok with that, and you honestly, don't think you are choosing sides, then ok.

you don't what kind of grime those cops did just you don't know if dorner did commit those murders. because there is no clear evidence besides a letter. again, that is not evidence. you just don't get it do you? cops don't get due process. they are treated above the law, this is what dorner addressed. hoping for the day cops are treated like normal civilians in court will never happen unless change comes from the inside and the department too far into to go back. again, YOU DONT KNOW IF DORNER DID IT. were you there? you said you're going with gut instinct ? just like how the cops went with there gut and shot up that truck with the two ladies? :lol: please man

and the cops almost killed a couple of people. where is the outcry for that?

you learned about rampart, but it's different when you actually see it and experience which my point.
by you saying, don't let him get burial services, but i'm sure you're fine with the cops who got involved to get a ceremony, donation, foundation, and you are ok with that, and you honestly, don't think you are choosing sides, then ok.

When did I say what cops do or not deserve in terms of remembrance? You're just putting words in my mouth at this point to help your argument. It's not working either.

you don't what kind of grime those cops did just you don't know if dorner did commit those murders. because there is no clear evidence besides a letter. again, that is not evidence.

His multi page manifesto implicating himself that contains personal information only he would be able to comment on is not evidence? Not sure if serious. Do you know what evidence is or even means?

you just don't get it do you? cops don't get due process. they are treated above the law, this is what dorner addressed.

I understand. I agree with you. Cops definitely are treated above the law when it comes to misdeeds.

you said you're going with gut instinct ? just like how the cops went with there gut and shot up that truck

My gut also tells me that everything Dorner said about the LAPD and racism was the honest truth. Still doesn't justify his actions. Sorry.

you learned about rampart, but it's different when you actually see it and experience which my point.

Obviously. No one's denying that. Why don't you just move bro? :lol:

Chris Dorner in his manifesto "never forget the innocent children of Sandy Hook" ..... goes on to:

  • Shoot and kill basketball coach and her fiancee who was a safety officer
  • Shoot and kill veteran officer and critically wounds his 27 year old trainee
  • Attempts to hijack 81 year old man at marina, holds him at gunpoint, ties him up, and flees
  • Carjack 61 year old man at gunpoint
  • Take 56 and 66 year old couple inside their cabin. Holds at gunpoint and ties them up.
  • Shoot and kill San Bernadino sheriff's deputy and father of two

But you condone all of this on the basis that he was treated unfairly and discriminated against. His only option right? :rofl:
When did I say what cops do or not deserve in terms of remembrance? You're just putting words in my mouth at this point to help your argument. It's not working either.
His multi page manifesto implicating himself that contains personal information only he would be able to comment on is not evidence? Not sure if serious. Do you know what evidence is or even means?
I understand. I agree with you. Cops definitely are treated above the law when it comes to misdeeds.
My gut also tells me that everything Dorner said about the LAPD and racism was the honest truth. Still doesn't justify his actions. Sorry.
Obviously. No one's denying that. Why don't you just move bro? :lol:

Chris Dorner in his manifesto "never forget the innocent children of Sandy Hook" ..... goes on to:

  • Shoot and kill basketball coach and her fiancee who was a safety officer
  • Shoot and kill veteran officer and critically wounds his 27 year old trainee
  • Attempts to hijack 81 year old man at marina, holds him at gunpoint, ties him up, and flees
  • Carjack 61 year old man at gunpoint
  • Take 56 and 66 year old couple inside their cabin. Holds at gunpoint and ties them up.
  • Shoot and kill San Bernadino sheriff's deputy and father of two

But you condone all of this on the basis that he was treated unfairly and discriminated against. His only option right? :rofl:

so do you feel they should get the twenty one salute? even if they were corrupt? but a cop killer should be treated less equal? i'm not understanding, you saying everyone SHOULD get the same treatment but you fail to understand that is fantasy. you say you don't choose sides but yet you are a clear cheerleader for dorner to get 'what he deserves'. if they really wanted to make him suffer then LAPD would have taken him to court. BUT no, they instead silenced him. they didn't want him to speak out. but yet, you fail to see that because he killed 'innocent' people.

so a typed statement is clear evidence? wow. so if LAPD typed something you would take it as facts? alright. so only he would know what he typed? not the people involved. it's obvious when he goes into that celebrity rant, it's not him. that document is altered.

gut instinct? that's nothing but you're opinion. it's not evidence.

again, how do you know those people he killed were not corrupt? you don't and that's my point. you're going with your gut, which was what chris was going with as well. everyone has a gut instinct, doesn't mean it's right or wrong. that's my point. if chris was such a monster and was hell bent on killing innocent people why didn't he just kill the boat owner along with the two ladies he tied up in the cabin? he killed people tied to police because his gut instinct said to due so, which is why you are still critiquing his actions instead of just excepting it because you want to be the 'good citizen'
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He deserve to be buried correctly.... 21 gun sulfate and everything... He served his time so y'all can't hate on the man
so do you feel they should get the twenty one salute? even if they were corrupt?

Who? I don't know who you are referring to. What cops in this case that were killed were proven to be corrupt?

you say you don't choose sides but yet you are a clear cheerleader for dorner to get 'what he deserves'.

AGAIN...I said I didn't choose sides between corrupt police and Christopher Dorner. I chose the side of authorities in order to end the ordeal and stop the innocent casualties.

they didn't want him to speak out. but yet, you fail to see that because he killed 'innocent' people.

You're probably right about that. Of course the LAPD didn't want to get exposed in court. No secret there. Not sure why you say "you fail to see that" when I never disputed it.

Sad thing is, it easily could have been straight cops that were victims of his violence just following the chain of command of the corrupted individuals and were caught in the crossfire. I have a feeling Dorner wasn't very picky when it came to choosing victims.

so a typed statement is clear evidence? wow. so if LAPD typed something you would take it as facts?

It's admitted as evidence. Whether or not the jury refutes it is up to them. How do you not understand that? I for one believe he did everything as charged. I also believe he had good intentions when it came to his beef with corruption. He just choose revenge via violence and ended up killing innocent people instead of those who probably had a part in his dismissal.

gut instinct? that's nothing but you're opinion. it's not evidence.

Didn't say my gut instinct was evidence. Judges and juries have "gut instincts" too though. Believe that. His ex- girlfriend exposed the hell outta him too. Talking about how he was ashamed of being black, bullied throughout his childhood, had bi-polar episodes. But she also said he had a good heart. All of that is believable to me. Even the people he carjacked said he was apologetic. Doesn't change what he did.

again, how do you know those people he killed were not corrupt? you don't and that's my point. you're going with your gut

You're right. The basketball coach was probably "corrupt." I bet she shaved points and had her team using PEDs :stoneface:

if chris was such a monster and was hell bent on killing innocent people why didn't he just kill the boat owner along with the two ladies he tied up in the cabin? he killed people tied to police because his gut instinct said to due so, which is why you are still critiquing his actions instead of just excepting it because you want to be the 'good citizen'

All sorts of fail here with the reaching. He killed innocent people period. F#*& his intent. His selfishness ruined the lives of innocent people and their families and probably traumatized the hell out of the elderly people he held at gunpoint. He's a monster for just that. Lucky the 81 year old didn't croak. He also stigmatized his own family and everyone he had contact with. Selfish dude. Glad he capped himself. Had he stayed alive, he had a better chance of exposing the LAPD and if not, moving out of state or out of country and getting another job as law enforcement. All his intent is in vain now.

Monica Kwan was "tied" to police in that she was the daughter of Chris' union rep
Her fiancee was not tied to police, unless you count being the future son-in-law of Monica Kwan's dad a "tie." I don't. That's a reach.
Who? I don't know who you are referring to. What cops in this case that were killed were proven to be corrupt?
AGAIN...I said I didn't choose sides between corrupt police and Christopher Dorner. I chose the side of authorities in order to end the ordeal and stop the innocent casualties.
You're probably right about that. Of course the LAPD didn't want to get exposed in court. No secret there. Not sure why you say "you fail to see that" when I never disputed it.

Sad thing is, it easily could have been straight cops that were victims of his violence just following the chain of command of the corrupted individuals and were caught in the crossfire. I have a feeling Dorner wasn't very picky when it came to choosing victims.
It's admitted as evidence. Whether or not the jury refutes it is up to them. How do you not understand that? I for one believe he did everything as charged. I also believe he had good intentions when it came to his beef with corruption. He just choose revenge via violence and ended up killing innocent people instead of those who probably had a part in his dismissal.
Didn't say my gut instinct was evidence. Judges and juries have "gut instincts" too though. Believe that. His ex- girlfriend exposed the hell outta him too. Talking about how he was ashamed of being black, bullied throughout his childhood, had bi-polar episodes. But she also said he had a good heart. All of that is believable to me. Even the people he carjacked said he was apologetic. Doesn't change what he did.
You're right. The basketball coach was probably "corrupt." I bet she shaved points and had her team using PEDs :stoneface:
All sorts of fail here with the reaching. He killed innocent people period. F#*& his intent. His selfishness ruined the lives of innocent people and their families and probably traumatized the hell out of the elderly people he held at gunpoint. He's a monster for just that. Lucky the 81 year old didn't croak. He also stigmatized his own family and everyone he had contact with. Selfish dude. Glad he capped himself. Had he stayed alive, he had a better chance of exposing the LAPD and if not, moving out of state or out of country and getting another job as law enforcement. All his intent is in vain now.

Monica Kwan was "tied" to police in that she was the daughter of Chris' union rep
Her fiancee was not tied to police, unless you count being the future son-in-law of Monica Kwan's dad a "tie." I don't. That's a reach.

that's my point bro. none were proven guilty, just like how dorner was not guilty because there is no evidence. why don't you see that? you didn't choose sides but you chose the side of the authorities? that's not choosing sides? you really think that once he is caught that the innocent bloodshed will stop? what kind of world do you think this is? they basically silenced him. most cops in LAPD are corrupt. it's not just the higher in command. and if they really were good cops they should speak out against the injustice (like dorner) not turn the cheek and keep it all within the vault because you don't want to cross the blue line. dorner wasn't picky? then why didn't he kill those people in big bear? he shot at people who got in his way. they are just doing their job, that's the price you have to pay. the jury ? what jury? the cops were judge, jury and executioner. one reason he didn't kill those responsible for his firing is because they all went into ghost mode. you act like you know monica? how do you know she had a good heart? because what everyone says? most of the time people die they ONLY have good things to say. unless they are killers. his selfishness? why do you point out the actions of a certain individual acting like what he does is even comparable to what the police department does on a daily basis? they do much more damage then you could ever imagine. they kill off a family's only hope of getting out of the hood. you weren't even here on the street while the manhunt was on, cops were shook. but why do i tell you this if you already know because of internet right? how do you even know he shot himself? because what they say in the media? the media which chooses sides? :lol: come on man. it's in vain if you chose to think so. wasn't monica's fiancee striving to become a cop?
jury ? what jury? the cops were judge, jury and executioner

As was Christopher Dorner. He took it upon himself to assume the role of judge, jury, and executioner. Just like the police you speak of.

you act like you know monica? how do you know she had a good heart? because what everyone says?

I know she didn't deserve to die execution style in the front seat of her car.

wasn't monica's fiancee striving to become a cop?

wtf do his career aspirations have to do with anything? :lol:

Oh right, you're just trying your hardest to validate his rampage. I forgot.
Christopher Dorner's badly scorched, partially dismembered body was photographed after his death ... and TMZ has learned the pics are now being shopped to the media.

TMZ has seen the photos (the sellers showed up to our doorstep) -- and the shots are extremely gruesome.

The top of Dorner's head is gone ... presumably the result of the self-inflicted gunshot wound that ended his life after the gun battle at a remote cabin in Big Bear, CA last week.

The body is missing several limbs ... including an arm and parts of a leg ... and his midsection is charred from the fire that consumed the cabin during the Feb. 12 shoot-out.

Despite the intense blaze, several body parts remained intact ... including his eyeballs, chest area and penis.

In fact, Dorner's upper teeth were barely damaged ... which helped authorities ID the body.

TMZ did not purchase the photos -- but the sellers are definitely on the hunt for a buyer.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a law enforcement official of some sort tying to sell these pictures.
Christopher Dorner's badly scorched, partially dismembered body was photographed after his death ... and TMZ has learned the pics are now being shopped to the media.

TMZ has seen the photos (the sellers showed up to our doorstep) -- and the shots are extremely gruesome.

The top of Dorner's head is gone ... presumably the result of the self-inflicted gunshot wound that ended his life after the gun battle at a remote cabin in Big Bear, CA last week.

The body is missing several limbs ... including an arm and parts of a leg ... and his midsection is charred from the fire that consumed the cabin during the Feb. 12 shoot-out.

Despite the intense blaze, several body parts remained intact ... including his eyeballs, chest area and penis.

In fact, Dorner's upper teeth were barely damaged ... which helped authorities ID the body.

TMZ did not purchase the photos -- but the sellers are definitely on the hunt for a buyer.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a law enforcement official of some sort tying to sell these pictures.

Sick f'n world we live in :x:rofl:

I agree. Yes what he did was wrong, but that shouldn't erase what he has done for this country. Also if Bin Laden can get a traditional islamic burial, then he should get a proper one as well.
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