EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon


Hearing people speak Arabic is a normal thing. If that's their native language, cool.

Hearing two grown men yell Arabic across a plane when they aren't sitting next to each other . . . that would definitely have me shook. It's not politically correct to say but whatever.

I think it's moreso that the passengers don't know what they are saying and that they are yelling across a plane is what scares them.

REVERE, Mass. (AP) — Police were seen carrying several large bags from a suburban Boston apartment that authorities say was searched in connection to the Boston Marathon bombing.

Boston area television stations reported that the bags were removed from the apartment on Ocean Avenue in Revere just north of Boston at about 2 a.m. Tuesday.

Police did not disclose what was in them and calls to federal and state authorities were not immediately returned.

Massachusetts State Police confirmed that a search warrant was served Monday night but provided no further details.

The Revere Fire Department wrote on its Facebook page that firefighters responded to the scene for a search for ‘‘a person of interest.’’

The FBI is leading the investigation into the explosions, which killed three people and injured more than 140.
No but it's obviously insensitive to yell out Arabic across a plane given the circumstances of what happened in 2001. It's not that they were speaking Arabic . . . it's that they were yelling it across the plane. The Boston incident just gave people heightened paranoia. Not even just an Arabic thing. Would have been the same reaction if any language was yelled across a plane that the majority of the passengers couldn't understand.​

Also their demeanor plays a factor too . . . if they seemed angry/serious, then no question I'd raise an eyebrow.​

I know it's insensitive to a degree, but you really never know these days. It's not like they all got up and beat the guys . . . they just turned the plane around. Better safe then sorry.​

They were SPEAKING arabic...not yelling. Also, since when is that a crime? A lot of people speak in their native tongues while traveling. Yes, I understand the heightened paranoia since 9/11, but to say it's insensitive for them to speak Arabic when they haven't been accused of anything other than being profiled, it's a bit off base.
No but it's obviously insensitive to yell out Arabic across a plane given the circumstances of what happened in 2001. It's not that they were speaking Arabic . . . it's that they were yelling it across the plane. The Boston incident just gave people heightened paranoia. Not even just an Arabic thing. Would have been the same reaction if any language was yelled across a plane that the majority of the passengers couldn't understand.​
Also their demeanor plays a factor too . . . if they seemed angry/serious, then no question I'd raise an eyebrow.​
I know it's insensitive to a degree, but you really never know these days. It's not like they all got up and beat the guys . . . they just turned the plane around. Better safe then sorry.​
They were SPEAKING arabic...not yelling. Also, since when is that a crime? A lot of people speak in their native tongues while traveling. Yes, I understand the heightened paranoia since 9/11, but to say it's insensitive for them to speak Arabic when they haven't been accused of anything other than being profiled, it's a bit off base.
Well that changes everything . . . if they were calmly speaking it, then yeah it was an overreaction

But if they were yelling it (mind you they weren't sitting anywhere near each other apparently) then like I said, I would be shook too.

It all comes down to their demeanor and tone of voice
:lol y'all ****** stay speculating

The full details of the plane situation haven't eem came out yet so how can anybody say if the reactions we're justified or not?

Also, where did it say they were yelling?
A Revere man said police informed him his roommate was injured by shrapnel at the Marathon before searching his apartment and questioning him for hours.
“He’s sweet and kind and a good person,” Mohammed Hassan Bada, 20, of Saudi Arabia of his roommate, who he said is a 22-year-old also from Saudi Arabia, here to study English in Boston. Bada said he doesn’t believe his friend had anything to do with yesterday’s deadly explosions
Bada said he got home last night to find police surrounding his apartment and saying they wanted to talk to him about his roommate.
“The police said that my roommate was in the hospital with shrapnel from the Marathon,” he said.
Last night, a phalanx of officers from the FBI, ATF and Boston swarmed
the fifth-floor apartment in Revere’s Ocean Shores Tower last night in
what residents said was a startling show of force just hours after the
horrific Boston Marathon double bombing.
In addition to two Boston Police K-9 units and a bomb squad unit,
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as well as Homeland Security investigators and state police also assembled at the two buildings on
Ocean Avenue in Revere.
Boston Police Crime Scene Response unit which collects evidence following major crimes arrived and two members of that unit took several brown paper bags, normally used to store evidence taken from the scene, into the building.
Bada said police removed things from the apartment, but he does not know what
“I was five hours with the police,” Bada said in broken English. “I signed some paper to let them in.”
Police questioned him in Arabic, with a translator, he said.
“I was scared,” he said.
He said he had lived with the man, and another 19-year-old Saudi man, for five months at the apartment in Revere. He said the 19-year-old was traveling in New York yesterday.
“My roommates are good people,” he said.
So watching the news and a flight to Chicago has turned around and returned to Boston due to 2 gentlemen who were not sitting next to each other pretty far from each other having a conversation in Arabic. Everyone got scared and plane turned around.

Theres a part of me that knows this is effed up, but theres another part of me that feel those men should've known better.

this is exactly what i was talking about and honestly its sad. americans are now associating terrorism with muslim/arabic/w.e..thats like associating all black people to criminal activity on account of a few, word to stop and frisk in NYC.

idk i get the fear, but people quickly forget that americans have committed terrorist acts of violence in the past. the media is def to blame for this honestly, molding americans perception of terror and tragedy.

so saying they should've have known better to speak their native language is ignorant.

So you woulda been cool with them just yelling out random stuff in Arabic across the plane, especially one day after what happened . . .  It's not even about  any racism . . . dudes yelling out random Arabic is exactly how the hijackings started if I'm not mistaken​

(for the record, I don't think this was a terrorist attack, like dude said up there, I didn't even know there was a such thing as a Patriots Day in Boston, so I know someone overseas isn't Wikipedia-ing random local holidays)​

yea i would've found it annoying if they are having a loud *** convo mad far from each other...quietly speaking is courtesy on an airplane (or any form of transportation for that matter). but what if it was russian? or chinese? is it more suspect if its arabic. i get the fear like i said, and americans DO NOT have a good image in the middle east, esp with all the bombs we dropping. but im just considering those who aren't terrorists that are labeled or suspect as such just by association in terms of common cultural factors.

as for your second point, i would agree. i didn't kno nething about patriots day. so idk if its an elaborately planned overseas attack or something like that. who knows tho...waiting for some hard info.
After the two years in Iraq, being shot at and dodging mortars and rpgs... no. Because for every Iraqi/Arabic person that shot at me, there was two that showed me more respect as an invader than most people in America do as a fellow citizen.
+ 1. Not only arabic, but I'd feel nervous if I heard anyone screaming on the plane. At the end of the day anyone can be a terrorist.
BOSTON - Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick says no unexploded bombs were found at the Boston Marathon. He says the only explosives were the ones that went off Monday.

Three people were killed, including an 8-year-old boy, and more than 150 injured by two explosions just seconds apart near the finish line Monday.

Special Agent in Charge Richard DesLauriers says there are no known additional threats and agents are following a number of leads

so because the hijackers happened to speak Arabic prior to 9/11 then any time you hear people speaking Arabic (doubtful that it was even random) you are going to assume they're terrorists?!


Hearing people speak Arabic is a normal thing. If that's their native language, cool.​

Hearing two grown men yell Arabic across a plane when they aren't sitting next to each other . . . that would definitely have me shook. It's not politically correct to say but whatever.​

I think it's moreso that the passengers don't know what they are saying and that they are yelling across a plane is what scares them.​

I think your last sentence is definitely the truth, and I get that but we can't just automatically assume its them saying anything even remotely close to something dangerous or hostile, but if they were yelling in Japanese, Russian, or French people wouldn't have had those same worries or at least to that degree when in reality it could've been them saying the exact same thing...I even said it would've crept into my mind for a brief moment too. I blame the media, it relates to all the "paranoia" they incite...like the mosque being built in NYC and plenty of other instances.
I hope those wounded patients who are eventually released aren't hounded relentlessly by these media people....just hearing the press conf. with the doctors you can already tell they'll be digging up addresses, phone numbers, etc to try and get a "scoop" based on some of these questions :{
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Those Westboro church clowns take solace in anything.  I hope they get dealt with accordingly by the people of Boston if they show up.
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