EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

So at what point do we stop calling these things conspiracies?

A handy guide for all of the nutjobs in here.

False Flags and Roof Terrorists: Your Guide To All of the Internet Horse****

It's already begun: The wacko conspiracy theories about the Boston Marathon bombings are taking over the internet. (In fact, "it" began only 30 minutes after the explosions, when conspiracy kingpin Alex Jones pre-emptively declared it a "False Flag" attack.) Here's our rundown of the most popular—which is to say the dumbest—conspiracy theories and general internet horse****.

The False Flag Attack

The theory is: the Boston Marathon bombings were a "false flag" attack perpetrated by the government and used an excuse "to take our civil liberties and promote homeland security while sticking their hands down our pants on the streets."
Who is posting about this on Facebook and Twitter: Alex Jones, the wackadoo radio host and conspiracy monger; the staffs of his websites, InfoWars and PrisonPlanet; your weird uncle who always wears a POW/MIA bandana.

Time between bombings and first accusation: 30 minutes.

Representative tweet:

Alex Jones [emoji]10004[/emoji] @RealAlexJones
Our hearts go out to those that are hurt or killed #Boston marathon - but this thing stinks to high heaven #falseflag

Did a pro wrestler ask a question about this at a Boston Police Department press conference last night: Yes. "Bionic" Dan Bidondi, an InfoWars radio host and small-time pro wrestler from Providence, R.I., managed to get into last night's BPD press conference and ask the question that was on everyone's mind: "Is this another false flag staged attack to take our civil liberties and promote homeland security while sticking their hands down our pants on the streets?"

The Roof Guy
The theory is: This one is not so much a "theory" as a blurry picture taken after the bombing by spectator Dan Lampariello, in which a figure can be seen on a roof in the distance. Literally just a guy on a roof.

Who is posting about this on Facebook and Twitter: Twitter user "Darth ****es" (now suspended); "@Fraank_Oceaan, a parody Twitter for singer Frank Ocean"; your little sister; several actual, genuine news outlets have written SEO-bait stories.

Is it true that janky low-standards Twitter accounts like YourAnonNews deleted their tweets about this stupid photo last night and yet theoretically serious news organizations like Yahoo! and ABC still wrote stories about it this morning: Yep.

Time between bombings and first accusation: One hour

Representative tweet:
Jordan Adams @J_Adams91
New photo someone on roof during blast! Look "@YourAnonNews: #BostonMararthon GET THIS PICTURE EVERYWHERE pic.twitter.com/Wa3TMp9dYo"

Did a pro wrestler ask a question about this at a Boston Police Department press conference last night: No, but, someone (most likely not a wrestler) asked about the photo at a press conference this morning.

This is just a guy watching the marathon from his roof, isn't it: Yes.

He looks like bigfoot more than anything: Basically, yes.

Crisis Actors

The theory is: Many of the photographed victims of the bombings were "crisis actors," hired by the government to pretend to be casualties. Just like Sandy Hook.

Who is posting about this on Facebook and Twitter: Your cousin who's off his meds.

Time between bombings and first accusation: 20 minutes

Representative tweet:

Rachel Gates @rotchgates
The government planned the bombing, just like Sandy Hook. They use "crisis actors" and then Obama acts like he cares about America. #leave

Family Guy Predicted the Bombing

The theory is: Family Guy predicted the Boston Marathon bombings in an episode from last month.

Who is posting about this on Facebook and Twitter: Your dad, after he hit a button somewhere.

Time between bombings and first accusation: 12 hours.

Representative tweet:
The Revolutionary @EricSaenz4
PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING Family Guy Episode Predicted Boston Marathon Attack: WHAT ARE THE ODDS!!!!!???

But... why: I mean, if you even have to ask.
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 Some of yall need to lay of the Drugs 
You're a sheep if you believe everything the media and government tells you... but if you believe everything Alex Jones or a Youtube video tells you, then you're "aware" and fighting against mass media conspiracies. You don't have to be one or the other, but both sides think they're totally different... when it's just two sides of the same coin. It's the same garbage Pig Love spewed when he was here... if there's a single hole or issue with the "official story" then it's all bogus and fake... but if you point out flaws in the conspiracy, then that's ok because they're not SAYING it's the truth, but just a possibility. It's a win-win. Make all the claims you want, if any come true then you get to beat your drum but if they're incorrect then you ignore it.

It's justified to question what we're told and it's understandable to want there to be deeper significance to some of these actions. It's not out of the realm of possibility and certainly governments or organizations are capable of pulling it off. But people coming into these threads and drop a Youtube link with "Just saying..." or putting 8o, come on... Stand behind what you're saying if you're going to say something or wait until maybe a few days have passed before you start throwing stuff around.
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THAT PIC was horrible, i dont know why i opened it.

those poor people.

Knowing a photographer stood there and snapped a pic of that bothers me for some reason. In the same type of way that a photographer stood by and took the time to snap a shot of the guy who got pushed onto the track in NY :{
Praying for the People of Boston

I really hope people don't automatically thinks its people from middle east or North Korea are the culprit of this awful attacks until we get all the facts, because we have a **** loads of domestic terrorists here in America. Yall must forgot about 
Timothy McVeigh.
Unfortunately most people are so racially bias they will assume its any group but their own like your example I'm pretty sure most white people are not looking at other whites as "suspicious" but if its some middle easterner guilty until proven innocent. I guess thats just how we have been conditioned and its sad. Don't think it will be changing anytime soon though.
Knowing a photographer stood there and snapped a pic of that bothers me for some reason. In the same type of way that a photographer stood by and took the time to snap a shot of the guy who got pushed onto the track in NY :{
He is a photographer........
Knowing a photographer stood there and snapped a pic of that bothers me for some reason. In the same type of way that a photographer stood by and took the time to snap a shot of the guy who got pushed onto the track in NY :{

Those two scenarios are totally different. The subway photographer took the time to take the picture in lieu of possibly helping save the guy's life. Also, photographers are paid to capture live events. Shouldn't you be proud that we have freedoms that allow for historic events to be documented?
It's not bad taste bro, he used a spoiler and warning, you saw it because you wanted to.

Ya gotta understand those pictures are REALITY, RAW AND UNCENSORED, just how the 911 jumpers were, it's sad but is the things that make up history and really put things in perspective, if you've read or watched news from other countries they don't blindfold/sheltered their readers as much as the US does, their news are uncut, someone got their heads cut off, they'll show it...sometimes we need that type of blunt reality to place things in perspective of how serious isshh really is.

ESP since the media in this country distorts information, reports on speculation, gasses that up, and tries to incite fear in viewers....for ratings i guess? either way, i cosign with all of this.

a lot of jimmies getting violated in this thread...not even 24 hrs. but thats the nature of the modern internet i guess..
Knowing a photographer stood there and snapped a pic of that bothers me for some reason. In the same type of way that a photographer stood by and took the time to snap a shot of the guy who got pushed onto the track in NY :{

Those two scenarios are totally different. The subway photographer took the time to take the picture in lieu of possibly helping save the guy's life. Also, photographers are paid to capture live events. Shouldn't you be proud that we have freedoms that allow for historic events to be documented?

Sometimes you have to put that camera down.

http://www.snopes.com/photos/people/kevincarter.asp :{
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He is a photographer........

Thanks for clearing that up

Those two scenarios are totally different. The subway photographer took the time to take the picture in lieu of possibly helping save the guy's life. Also, photographers are paid to capture live events. Shouldn't you be proud that we have freedoms that allow for historic events to be documented?

I know what they're paid to do. There's just something odd thinking about someone seeing a dude with his legs blown off, limbs and blood everywhere, unconscious people, and then taking pictures of it literally standing arm's length away.
Knowing a photographer stood there and snapped a pic of that bothers me for some reason. In the same type of way that a photographer stood by and took the time to snap a shot of the guy who got pushed onto the track in NY :{
He is a photographer........

nah DC don't stoop that low son. the pic of the guy before he gets hit by a train is OD. and the pic was later sold for profit in the form of a cover page with an overly dramatic headline. it was uncalled for, you're telling me if you saw a child chasing after a ball towards a busy street you gonna pull out your iphone and hit record, or are you gonna grab that kid from being hit?

photos are great tools to convey a message depending on the context of how/when/why. but many times, more often than not, its just more appropriate to chill wit da point n shoot and help a fellow human being out b.
Unfortunately most people are so racially bias they will assume its any group but their own like your example I'm pretty sure most white people are not looking at other whites as "suspicious" but if its some middle easterner guilty until proven innocent. I guess thats just how we have been conditioned and its sad. Don't think it will be changing anytime soon though.


I just can't stand that within 20 minutes peoples first reactions are "CONSPIRACY."

Where's the compassion?

Not everything in this world is a damn conspiracy. There are F'D up people out there.

Like my man Alfred Pennyworth said, "Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Propaganda if you ask me. And it seems none of the stories from any of the sources seem to corroborate w/ one another.....Just like the JFK assassination.
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