Fake check on a few websites

Jul 22, 2012
I'm not sure if these sites have been talked about in here or not so sorry if they have i'm new to this site. I thought posting a new thread would be easier then going through a bunch of pages looking for info on these sites.  I was wondering if they are selling legit A grade shoes, B grades or fakes. The sites are  www.flightclubny.com   www.citysole.com and www.kixclusive.com
heard some sketchy stories about kixclusive but these are websites known to sell authentic shoes..
yeah ive been told not to pre order from any of these sites.  they said if your gonna pre order do it from a mom and pop shop where you can show up to their store in person.  I was just gonna use these sites for pairs i messed out on grabbing.  I was gonna go the ebay route but i've been finding a lot of suspect stuff from even the highly respected sellers on their.   just like with all the people claiming they're sellin real mitchell & ness jerseys on there but there fakes.  im one of them people that pay close attention to fine details and i  see the flaws.
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