Fake Phone Conversations Vol. I cant be the only one!

I'm thorougly convinced most chicks do this. Out of every 10 chicks I see on the street, at least 5 are on the phone. But for every 10 dudes I see it'smore like 1 is on the phone. So all these chicks are talking to other chicks? Yea... right .
"How come there's no parking for midgets? You ever notice that? Not one spot in the #%!*@@@ mall for midgets. Unbelievable. You want to know why?'Cause there's no telethon for midgets. Nobody gives a +%$*. The kind of humidity you get in Manhattan during the summer... by the time you even get tothe front doors of the mall, they're passing out. You've got to piss on them to revive them. And I love midgets with those pumpkin heads, little buglegs. I never %+!$$* one, I'll admit that. But I would do it. They're people. So they're a little light, all right. So, so you stick 'em onyour %#@+, you can shave, shower, they don't get in the way. You throw 'em in a drawer when you're done. "Yeah, use my socks as a pillowhoney." "Wait, a mouse went under the table, get the @$%%@%." Could you imagine being a maitre d at a fancy restaurant and a couple midgets comein for dinner? What do you say? "Table for, ugh, I don't know, +%$*, three quarters?" Midgets, man. What do they do when a ****** is missing? Put'em on the back of a container of Half & Half?"
some chick I used to talk to did this %%!! to me when I called her name at school as she walked like 10 ft behind me, and I texted her like "why you actlike you didn't hear me?" and she tries to say "I don't know what you're talkin about" F___g B___h! my friend I was talking to infront of the library even said she seen me (while my back was to her) and stared for like 5 seconds to confirm if it was me or not and proceeded to have a fakeconversation on the phone

the worst part is (I F'ing grew up with this girl, and she pulls some %%!! like this)

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

some chick I used to talk to did this %%!! to me when I called her name at school as she walked like 10 ft behind me, and I texted her like "why you act like you didn't hear me?" and she tries to say "I don't know what you're talkin about" F___g B___h! my friend I was talking to in front of the library even said she seen me (while my back was to her) and stared for like 5 seconds to confirm if it was me or not and proceeded to have a fake conversation on the phone

the worst part is (I F'ing grew up with this girl, and she pulls some %%!! like this)


This pic seems familiar... didn't you post this before?

@ her totally ignoring you.

Thanks goodness i'm a personable person so i've never had anyone do that to me... but I do feel like that to certain people at times
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

^in the music industry shouldn't you be looking to network though?

Yeah. But I'm not a huge proponent of milking money out of art. All that networking comes about when people want to get connected and "blow up"and all that jazz. I'm not like that. I connect with MCs, producers, DJs, and engineers only because I make music to satisfy my need to make music. It's not a business decision. So yeah, you're right.... but I'm non-applicable. A lot of people don'tget that at all. If the money comes with the music, fine. I'll sell my music to whoever wants to hear it. But I'm not a business man. I'm no Jay-Z,though he's my favorite rapper of all time. I feel more like Nas in the sense that I'm a poet from the streets and the words are my calling. Idon't wanna be distracted from making music by all the dollar signs floating around. I'm not gonna change my direction for monetary or materialisticgain........but if some dollars floated MY way.....
i do it when bums are bugging me outside of a club or something for change for "looking after your car"(miami thang)
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

Hahah yall dont ever see no annoying M'effer walking ur way in the distance?

or be really zooted n see some cutie from class n u got nuthinggg to say at the moment?

or see a person u recently met n cant rememebr their name for the life of u???

All the time and I react sort of the same way...anything to make it look like i'm busy.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

This pic seems familiar... didn't you post this before?

@ her totally ignoring you.
*these are her exact words from a conversation we had via text like a week later*

"I know this is gonna sound stupid but umm, ok I really really really like you, but you're just not that nice to me. I feel like every time we go outI'm paying for you. (
) We were supposed to go to Six FlagsMemorial day and you didn't even call me. (that's false I called and texted her multiple times friday and saturday that weekend
) But yea you need to be nicer to me and I shouldn't have to ask you when wecould go out, you should offer. I'm really sad cuz I really did like you but you're just immature and I don't think we could be in arelationship."

all this is coming from a girl whom I asked if we could have an adult conversation in person about this, but decided to to duck and dodge instead of just beingan adult and saying I don't want to talk to you anymore...it's not gonna hurt my feelings I would have just been like "ok, guess I'll see youaround then" and moved on "IMMATURE B___s FTL"

1) I didn't want a relationship

2) the reason I was mad is because b4 I literally seen her ignore me in person, we didn't talk to me for like 2 weeks and I was concerned for her wellbeing. Sending texts like "hey, you ok? cuz I haven't heard from you in a while..." and this B___h is freakin ignoring me F'in +%%
....the worst is when u forget to put your phone on silent while having these fake convos n your phone really goes off
hell yea, i do that. having pointless convos with ppl you don't give a rats #$$ about ftl.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

... but i do pretend like i'm textin sometimes
I also do this in my car when idiots post up right next to me and stare, AFTER i look at them like i'm gonna kill them though.

I've never done the whole fake convo thing because i don't know what to say and what if your phone rings?
i remember reading an article and alot of people actually do it. ill try to find it

ive done it maybe once
When I see sum1 i dont wanna talk to i pull out my phone nd start textin. Dis girl asked me y I acted like i didnt see her nd i was like oh........ Nd walkedaway
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