Family Appreciation!!

Jul 3, 2009
There is nothing like Fam. Holidays, birthdays.....whatever. When your friends are all gone, your family is forever.

On your worst day, just being around them can lift you right back up. My fam gets on my god damn nerves sometimes but when its time to come together its thebest feeling in the world. Just seeing everybody happy.

Happy 4th to all of you! Now get the hell off NT and do something!!
i have mixed feelings.
it's nice to be around them for like the first hour, then i realize why i live so far away from them.
Appreciated! My uncle threw down on the grill today, his 40th b-day. I enjoyed myself with my family as always.
To be honest..
My family sux... Most of my fam lives in a Different country. and some live in NY (Where i used to live)
now i live in MN and i only have 2 cuzins a aun and a uncle here.
And theres always some family on family drama and @@!*... (im hispanic btw)

and wer i live all there is here is White PPL
and wen ever i see a big family reunion full of Wht ppl they ALL look like theyre havin a blast and enjoy eachothers presence and i wish i had that cuz My GFis white and she enjoys going to fam reuniouns and suff!
and i look at my fam and wen we're all together u can sense they all sayin "F**k y r we here?"
and theyre always talkin about gossip and stuff! which is mad annoyin.......

So yeah not apperciated! and i kno i used "And" alot lol!

Hope io didnt offend ne1.. but im speakin from my point of view and the things i see wer i live now.
Appreciated to the max!

even the people that you've known for soooo long, they are basically family and they feel like ginuine blood..

i couldnt live without my fam and true friends!

word to my folks!
When you lose a brother or anyone as close as that [ mom, dad, sibling,ect ] unexpectadly, you learn to value life and your family more.

Just the other day me and my two siblings went to watch My Sister's Keeper, and that movie made us all cry only because we kind of experienced that pain.Of losing someone so close

Family is greatly appreciated.
Appreciated! Especially the little ones! Aw they make ya feel all warm inside! hehe! My 1-year old cousin says my name and puts a smile on my face everytime nomatter my mood
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