Famous Hacker Calls Windows More Secure than Mac Vol. LoL

Mar 26, 2009
When asked about the current state of security in Microsoft products, Maiffret responded:

"Now when you look at Microsoft today they do more to secure their software than anyone. They're the model for how to do it. They're not perfect; there's room for improvement. But they are definitely doing more than anybody else in the industry, I would say."

In a follow up question, Maiffret was asked if he feels Apple is taking security seriously. In his response, Maiffret calls out Apple and its "ignorant" community saying:

"It's even a little scarier with them because they try to market themselves as more secure than the PC, that you don't have to worry about viruses, etc. Anytime there's been a hacking contest, within a few hours someone's found a new Apple vulnerability. If they were taking it seriously, they wouldn't claim to be more secure than Microsoft because they are very much not. And the Apple community is pretty ignorant to the risks that are out there as it relates to Apple. The reason we don't see more attacks out there compared to Microsoft is because their market share isn't near what Microsoft's is."

The reason we don't see more attacks out there compared to Microsoft is because their market share isn't near what Microsoft's is.

I thought this was common knowledge....
So at the end of the day Apples are less secure but PCs are still losing because there are more viruses out for them.
Originally Posted by Jack Daniels

So at the end of the day Apples are less secure but PCs are still losing because there are more viruses out for them.

basically meaning that, Apples are more secure for now?
is this a logical conclusion?
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

When asked about the current state of security in Microsoft products, Maiffret responded:

"Now when you look at Microsoft today they do more to secure their software than anyone. They're the model for how to do it. They're not perfect; there's room for improvement. But they are definitely doing more than anybody else in the industry, I would say."

In a follow up question, Maiffret was asked if he feels Apple is taking security seriously. In his response, Maiffret calls out Apple and its "ignorant" community saying:

"It's even a little scarier with them because they try to market themselves as more secure than the PC, that you don't have to worry about viruses, etc. Anytime there's been a hacking contest, within a few hours someone's found a new Apple vulnerability. If they were taking it seriously, they wouldn't claim to be more secure than Microsoft because they are very much not. And the Apple community is pretty ignorant to the risks that are out there as it relates to Apple. The reason we don't see more attacks out there compared to Microsoft is because their market share isn't near what Microsoft's is."


Really? please tell me i took that the wrong way 
Originally Posted by AizenSousuke

Originally Posted by Jack Daniels

So at the end of the day Apples are less secure but PCs are still losing because there are more viruses out for them.

basically meaning that, Apples are more secure for now?
is this a logical conclusion?

Less secure
This argument is all hypothetical. Here are the facts:

Windows has the most numerous and well know security exploits.

Microsoft is faster than apple at identifying them and patching them. In cases where they aren't able to provide an immediate patch, there is plenty of documentation made available on each exploit and what measures the admin can take to patch an exploit by disabling effected code while waiting on an official patch. If you wait for a patch to show up in windows update, you're not taking the necessary steps, there may have been another method of securing the PC months ago. Stay informed.

Apple relies on their service people and software updates, not network administrators or end users to fix known security issues. It is more user friendly, but leaves more people vulnerable in the meantime.

Windows machines are bigger targets. They have a much larger market share, particularity in business which are the most tempting marks for an attacker.

Linux is solid, if you know how to use it. Contrary to popular myth, simply loading Linux does not make you invulnerable to attacks. However, until recently, most Linux users have known how to tell their head from their $@* and don't make the mistakes windows and mac users often do. They are also a less appealing target most of the time due to the variety of Linux distros out there, each often having different security exploits attributed to them, they are a much smaller target. If you don't already know the basics of security, loading ubuntu instead of XP on an old machine will not make you any safer.

If you want a secure windows experience, you must read up on known security issues. Don't just rely on your antivirus and windows update, that's not adequate if you value the information on your machine.

If you prefer a Mac, you may hear of security vulnerabilities that you can do nothing about. They are fewer than with windows, and you are less of a target, which usually keeps you safe. But that safety is not a result of the OS, it's a result of the fact that most Mac users don't keep critical business data on their machines (obviously some do, but they're a minority). You're probably safe with just the minimum basic security measures, but if someone decides they want your data, they can usually get it in spite of your best efforts.

The would-be attackers out there aren't relying on some Hacking Tools Software Suite to do the work for them, they rely on their own knowledge of the system and the users. As such, it's foolish to believe you can simply rely on the latest anti-virus and internet security suite to prevent an attack. You must also have knowledge. Just start with some common sense.

If your browser tells you you have a virus, you don't yet-- but click on the "Click here" button and you will.

Read up on comments for P2P downloads.

Don't share entire volumes on your network and set the user "Everyone" to have read/write access. That should be a no-brainer, but apparently a lot of people do it.

If you receive an e-mail greeting card, stop what you're doing, drive to the sender's home and beat them to death with their keyboard, even if it's your own grandmother. Virtual greeting cards and gifts are in a civilized culture looked upon in the same way as forced sodomy. In such cases, "They just don't know any better" is never an acceptable excuse.

The pretty girl from highschool who never noticed you is not looking you up on Facebook and having pornographic conversations with you now. She didn't know you existed then, and wouldn't know or care how you are now. The person using her account is likely a scam artist, and they'll lead you on, send you a gift and then tell you the gift they want (sold on the con-man's own website so they can grab your credit card number). This scam used to be done through the mail, now online it works over international boarders and the mail fraud charge is removed making it harder to prosecute. In fact just about every old text-book scam has been resurrected and refined for the internet.

Don't be gullible, don't be stupid. If you can manage that, you'll negate 95% of the security risks out there today. Updated software and general knowledge of your OS and browser will cover the remainder.http://lifehacker.com/5518787/famous-hacker-calls-windows-more-secure-than-mac#
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

I've had Macs for 10 years, 0 viruses. /Thread.

Stay ignorant, soon enough.  Still got to be careful.
yep soon enough.  If more people start using mac's hackers will definitely target apples platform.  Hackers always want their scripts/viruses/code noticed so they target PCs right now because majority of the people around the world use PCs.  Once more and more people switch to Mac's they will write viruses for Mac's.
at everybody preaching in the "your time will come" .."stop being oblivious" tone...

well when that time does come, I'm sure Apple will adjust.
Apple will have its time. The hackers don't need to do anything special to "hack" a Mac. Apple will do something ******ed on its own that will be something along the lines of indirectly greeting all sorts of crooks into its computers.

It's funny how people think Apple is the greatest computer system. "they're so innovative," one may say. Alas, removing the shopping cart in iTunes so that you'll keep buying and buying Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon until you pass out; genius! Bigger is better right? Behold, the iPad! No multi-tasking, but who gives a *!$%!? It's $600 and everyone wants it!

Apple will probably concoct another one of their bad-boy ideas that will rail home the truth to you bum-heads who think owning a white polycarbonate-enclosed computer will save you from hackers. It will be so ridiculously ******ed that at first people will think, "Ah this is great!" but are getting butt +!!*#! in the process. Then when the SHTF, you will all realize you got punk'd. By Steve Jobs.
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Apple will have its time. The hackers don't need to do anything special to "hack" a Mac. Apple will do something ******ed on its own that will be something along the lines of indirectly greeting all sorts of crooks into its computers.

It's funny how people think Apple is the greatest computer system. "they're so innovative," one may say. Alas, removing the shopping cart in iTunes so that you'll keep buying and buying Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon until you pass out; genius! Bigger is better right? Behold, the iPad! No multi-tasking, but who gives a *!$%!? It's $600 and everyone wants it!

Apple will probably concoct another one of their bad-boy ideas that will rail home the truth to you bum-heads who think owning a white polycarbonate-enclosed computer will save you from hackers. It will be so ridiculously ******ed that at first people will think, "Ah this is great!" but are getting butt +!!*#! in the process. Then when the SHTF, you will all realize you got punk'd. By Steve Jobs.

calm down sis.. its really not that serious. 
Originally Posted by Jack Daniels

at everybody preaching in the "your time will come" .."stop being oblivious" tone...

well when that time does come, I'm sure Apple will adjust.
not really apple has known that snow leopard has

major security issues but hasn't commented or havent done anything to fix it
I thought it was common knowledge that Mac's are bunk for security. I can crack a networked MAC 3-4x faster than a networked XP machine and 10x faster than a Win7 pro machine.

If you're doing a hack-job and you're looking to do major damage or get major money why would you waste your time on a company that has a whopping 8% market share.

Custom built Linux box>anything else period. Not only is it the most secure setup it's also the best setup to launch attacks from. And let's not forget it's free.

If you prefer a Mac, you may hear of security vulnerabilities that you can do nothing about. They are fewer than with windows, and you are less of a target, which usually keeps you safe. But that safety is not a result of the OS, it's a result of the fact that most Mac users don't keep critical business data on their machines (obviously some do, but they're a minority). You're probably safe with just the minimum basic security measures, but if someone decides they want your data, they can usually get it in spite of your best efforts.
Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

The reason we don't see more attacks out there compared to Microsoft is because their market share isn't near what Microsoft's is.

I thought this was common knowledge....

Basically. Most serious hackers are not in it for the fun of it. Gotta think about what's more profitable. 
Reason there is this stigma is because there has never really been a need to hack an Apple computer. They're just now gettin a market share of customers to even make it worth hacking, so this is the reason. It's not that there operating system is more secure, it's just there's less of a threat.
The reasons why I would prefer a PC over a mac is because of its uses and the ability for multi tasking. Why run windows and other microsoft products on macs when you can get a PC? Macs are a good use for recreational/music needs but not good for like business, word processing, multi tasking imo.
Originally Posted by JayAmazin

The reasons why I would prefer a PC over a mac is because of its uses and the ability for multi tasking. Why run windows and other microsoft products on macs when you can get a PC? Macs are a good use for recreational/music needs but not good for like business, word processing, multi tasking imo.
I disagree.
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