Fan loyalty

If the Raiders move I'm still a Raiders fan and potentially would still remain a season ticket holder, too.

If the A's move... I likely stop following baseball altogether.
I don't care one way or the other "how" people root, I just grew up with the mindset as a child, these are the teams that appeal to me, now stick with them for life. And I have.

But people that root for local teams, what happens when you move? Or when the team moves?

Are you a Raider fan, then a Ram fan, then back to the Raiders, then nobody cuz no local NFL team in LA?

Are you a Hornet fan, then they move to New Orleans, so you become a Pelican, but then the Bobcats are created (local to you now) so you drop the OG Hornets, for the new Hornets?

Do you root for the Seahawks, Mariners, Thunder? Or switch to the Blazers as your "local" team?

What if you live in North Dakota? Do you just not follow sports?

The "local" fans don't make any sense, unless they just plan on living in one major city forever, and no teams move. *shrugs*

You have to be be very narrow-minded to not understand how you can only be a fan of local teams. I grew up liking the teams I do because I was surrounded by fans of those teams every day of my life. I could easily go to any game I wanted and every game was always on TV. Also NOTHING compares to celebrating the good times in the city in which your team is from. If I were to ever move, I would stay a fan of those teams, forever. If those teams ever left, I cut ties with that team.

If say the 49ers moved, unfortunately I'd stop following the team because in my mind they just wouldn't be the same team I grew up watching. I'd still watch football, but I just wouldn't be a fan of any team.

The reason you just picked random teams to root for as a child, is obviously because as far as sports go, you weren't raised right.

Not serious about that..
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wow...that's ironic that you're calling another poster "narrow-minded" :lol:
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So, then, you root for your hometown teams based on birth, and that's it.

You said if you moved, you'd still stick with them, so you wouldn't really be rooting locally, you'd be rooting based off where you grew up.

You grow up in San Fran, move to Chicago, but stay a 9er fan.

There's a difference. You're merely rooting for teams where you grew up. Which is fine, for you.

Not every child is born in a city with 3-4 major sports tho.

Local fans are simple minded tool bags anyway. Too stupid to make up their own minds, so they root for who everyone around them roots for. Bunch of **** tards. :rolleyes
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I used to like participating in discussions about this topic..... but at the end of the day, its pointless 

do you
It's not a big deal but I just don't think you could get as much of a "high" from seeing your tram win if you've only been a fan for 4 years or so. The Angels were awful when I was growing up do when they finally won it all it was amazing.

If the Clippers ever win it all I might murder someone.

On the flip side, I didn't get nearly the same feeling when the Saints won. If LA ever gets a football team I'm jumping ship. It's tough being a die hard fan when nobody else around me gives a **** about the Saints. Nobody to watch games with kr celebrare with lol. When the won the superbowl, my roommates decided tk go play pickup during the post game interviews. I was sitting alone watching :lol: :smh:
Do what makes you happy man.

I care about the NBA way more than the NFL but if the Nuggets ever win I would just yell loudly.

If I see another Bronco championship I might cry.

Having a team to cheer for makes sports fun. I don't need all the stupid rules that go with it. At the end of the day you're cheering for a corporation owned by billionaires that look at you as a customer not family.

CP you're too easy, you're reactions are all too predictable.

Don't get so defensive man, it's the Internet. Some fresh air would do you some good.
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I just hate the "You should root for teams in the place you're from people" Thats utter nonsense.
For those who state they stick with their teams no matter what, let me ask you this: Hypothetically, Is there ANYTHING those teams could do to start chipping away at that? Or are all bets off.
For those who state they stick with their teams no matter what, let me ask you this: Hypothetically, Is there ANYTHING those teams could do to start chipping away at that? Or are all bets off.

I mean, like what?

I'm a Cubs fan. I been thru tremendous ****, and I still stay. So outside of beating up my daughter in front of me, what could a team do to me to get me to stop caring? :lol: :lol:

I look at a team like the Marlins, always selling off their players, etc, yet, they gave their fans two world series titles in a decade. Cubs are 11 decades in, so really, why would Marlin fans have more right to be upset than us?

Miami football right now with Joe Philbin and Al Golden is two cases in tragedy, but, there are things there that are worth having hope for, just need a break here or there to clean some things up, and they could get thru it.

I dunno, I can't see much in the way of getting me to change my allegiance. You're there for the success, you have to deal with the pain during down times. Jumping ship just seems like the weakest way out, imo. Cuz that line gets even blurrier. Where do you stop jumping ship? If your new team doesn't make the playoffs that year? If they trade away a player you like? Fire a coach? When do you jump ship again?
I was born and raised in Chicago. Ill forever live and die with the Bears, Bulls, Cubs, Blackhawks, and Fire. Also a Man City and RM fan.

Cubs havent won in 103 yrs, Bears havent since i was 4yrs old, I endured the Tim Floyd era , Blackhawks werent on TV until a few yrs ago. Im less inclined to go see a team live when they suck, but ill never change allegiances. NEVER
I my team choice makes zero sense to most. But I have some kid of personal connection when I was little and that's hard to shake. Even though the Astos stink right now, there is always that light at the end of the tunnel. And his name is Carlos Correa.
I will forever follow Barcelona, Steelers, Orioles, & The Pirates.

I will say though, aside from Steeler games, I don't watch nfl anymore. Games are too hard to watch with even more stoppage in play due to the amount of penalties called & the instant replay process. Who wants to devote 4 hours of when there is only about 13 mins of actual game play?

At the end of the day, who cares who follows what team & for what reason. Whatever makes you happy.
Root for whoever you want to root for. To me, switching teams up whenever things go bad is pretty lame. I rep the teams that I support to the fullest, through good times and the bad times. Born and raised in the city of LA, and my family are big sports fans. Since I was born it was always the Lakers, Dodgers, Kings. Those were the teams my family raised me with, and those are the teams I am going to die with :lol: . They weren't big on the NFL or college football, so I adopted USC as my college football team due to local ties. But people always ask why I'm an Eagles fan when all my other teams are LA sports. I was too young to see the Raiders or Rams in LA, nor did I really know much about them when growing up. I just knew that a ton of people were Raiders fans, but never really got into them. I was pretty young when I first watched football, and saw the Eagles on TV. My grandpa had the TV on, and the Eagles were the first football team I saw on TV, and was geeked when I saw the wings on their helmets :lol: pretty lame story but thats how I became an Eagles fan. Stuck with them ever since.

A lot of people are loyal to their teams to a fault. I can easily drop jump off ship when my teams suck, but I never really found any good reason to do so. People will root however they want for their teams. Or they can just root for an individual player, thats just how things are. I think today, it's easier to get away with switching teams. But to me, those "fair weather" fans are lame.
For those who state they stick with their teams no matter what, let me ask you this: Hypothetically, Is there ANYTHING those teams could do to start chipping away at that? Or are all bets off.

would take a lot...

Patriots trade Tom Brady to Jets for Geno Smith
Bruins sell team to Montreal
etc. etc.

it would have to be pretty drastic and infuriating
For those who state they stick with their teams no matter what, let me ask you this: Hypothetically, Is there ANYTHING those teams could do to start chipping away at that? Or are all bets off.

man , it would take the Yanks to hire David Ortiz ( I refuse to call another man Big Papi :smh: ) as an in game analyst in the future. That would start the chip away. Sharing a stadium with the Mets and changing the uniforms to celebrate that would definitely do it .... :x

It would take the Knicks selling the team to Jordan for me to bounce there .... :stoneface:

I don't think the Jets can piss on me anymore than I've been pissed on already. It would take the team to just disappear there :lol:

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