FAT Shaming

it's not the ice cream...of course that's not the actual problem
it's the principle

but if this is enough to really bother him, then there's def some underlying issues in the relationship we don't know about
Exactly. Swap out “ice cream” for “paycheck” and it all makes sense.
The availability or sharing of food has never been a problem for me in a relationship, certainly not enough to piss me off, but I acknowledge that every relationship is unique. I wasn’t aware the refrigerator and pantry could breed such contempt amongst loved ones. Thank you for broadening my perspective.

The availability or sharing of food has never been a problem for me in a relationship.

But if me and someone went to the store and bought things specifically for us, and also acknowledged WE DON'T LIKE WHAT THE OTHER PERSON BOUGHT, then yes, Communicationis needed before you go in the fridge being a got damn cookie monster.
Call me discriminatory, but this commercial makes my blood boil and makes me want to leave hateful ignorant comments on YouTube

that halo top commercial is terrible
not only the enabling of unhealthy habits, but why they got this big girl dancing cause she has a pint of ice cream
and the old skinny neighbor looking at her in complete disgust :lol:

halo top is a solid alternative though
good macros

Glad you said the something. :lol:

The irony of marketing a low calorie ice cream alternative using faux a message of obesity positivity. :rofl:

That confetti birthday cake Halo Top flavor hits though and like jape jape said the macros on point.

Easy to **** a pint up and get yourself right if you're a little short on your macros at the end of the day. :pimp:
havent really went through the thread but here's my thoughts on fat shaming

its wrong to bring up someone's weight unless you're a health professional and you see serious problems/symptoms.
(im not referring to the dermatologist. im talking about a general physician)

but its also wrong to glorify obesity and mask it as "self love"

self love is self betterment. if you truly love yourself, you would want whats best for you and your health.
your weight and eating habits are def a concern for a dermatologist though
his wife needs to ask permission?!!!

I understand why she should not have to ask permission

but on the flip side, is it not inconsiderate of her to eat it when she is clearly aware of the discussion they had when buying both ice creams?

If I'm gonna buy something to eat and my wife knows that i've been looking forward to it, then I would expect she would at least ask if she could eat it. It just feels disrespectful not to in this context (given the conversation they had).

i'm not married though.
Exactly. Swap out “ice cream” for “paycheck” and it all makes sense.

Going from “ice cream” to “paycheck” is a major leap. I don’t think this behavior is indicative of someone who would steal money from their partner but I may be naive.

But if me and someone went to the store and bought things specifically for us, and also acknowledged WE DON'T LIKE WHAT THE OTHER PERSON BOUGHT, then yes, Communicationis needed before you go in the fridge being a got damn cookie monster.

It’s honestly not that deep to me on the surface. I might say “Damn, I thought you didn’t even like butter pecan :lol: “ then just get more ice cream next time.
your weight and eating habits are def a concern for a dermatologist though

Im not familiar with what dermatologist go through in schooling and how far they can give medical advice outside skin related issues so I was trying to watch my words carefully.

obviously diet and nutrition affects the skin as well but I was just playing safe with that comment
his wife needs to ask permission?!!!

sometimes my fiance (living together for 3 years now) will ask if she can eat a certain food in the fridge or pantry that might be kind of designated for me but it's only out of courtesy
she doesn't actually need my permission cause if i told her no she'd probably laugh, say "too bad", and eat it anyways. our relationship isn't on edge like that though...we share everything
but this is a whole other topic of discussion... and if you aren't married or don't live with a significant other there's no way you can say either way cause all those preconceived notions of what you think is yours and hers goes out the window :lol:
Fat shaming is a real thing and imo people should mind their business, however, she wasn't fat-shamed. The Doctor was concerned about her health. Only in America can concern be twisted into shaming. Notice, there's a reason why she's turned off the comments on the video because people would tell her what she doesn't want to hear. She sounds sensitive to her weight despite all of the "body-positive" commentaries that she's making. Imo this is an overreaction due to her being sensitive about her weight.
jape jape nailed it for me.
my wife will usually ask out of courtesy but there is no damn way i'd ever deny someone food. i'd sooner go the store and get more rather than say nah that's mine. pettiness like that doesn't belong in a marriage imo.

I know a half dozen girls 5'10 220LBS plus that look WAY better than that heffer

This joint in PA or just visiting? I can look past the over use of animal ears filter.
sometimes my fiance (living together for 3 years now) will ask if she can eat a certain food in the fridge or pantry that might be kind of designated for me but it's only out of courtesy
she doesn't actually need my permission cause if i told her no she'd probably laugh, say "too bad", and eat it anyways. our relationship isn't on edge like that though...we share everything
but this is a whole other topic of discussion... and if you aren't married or don't live with a significant other there's no way you can say either way cause all those preconceived notions of what you think is yours and hers goes out the window :lol:
jape jape nailed it for me.
my wife will usually ask out of courtesy but there is no damn way i'd ever deny someone food. i'd sooner go the store and get more rather than say nah that's mine. pettiness like that doesn't belong in a marriage imo.

Thank you guys for confirming (to me at least) that I’m not crazy in this situation.
Thanks for admitting you understand the harmful nature of the commercial.

That is ALL anyone is saying in regards to that commercial.

Not sure why you are tying to throw this "Hate Fat People" angle.

It's harmful from just the health angle.

It's positive from other angles in regards to women's choice, beauty standards, and body positivity. They're leaning on and leveraging that positive side to it.
Without getting too deep into the personals, unless something is bought for US, permission is always asked. No is rarely ever an answer but again, the principle exists.

There are specific things I buy for me.
There are specific things she buys for her. Those things are understood to belong toba certain party. We both respect that.

Twizzlers are HER thing. I would never just go in and eat her Twizzlers without asking. Just not how I operate.

With cooked food, we just try to keep it fairly even. But when there is a little left, "Can I finish this" is always asked.

That works for what we have going. Might sound too structured for some but it works for us. Communicate and not assume you got the green light.
Without getting too deep into the personals, unless something is bought for US, permission is always asked. No is rarely ever an answer but again, the principle exists.

There are specific things I buy for me.
There are specific things she buys for her. Those things are understood to belong toba certain party. We both respect that.

Twizzlers are HER thing. I would never just go in and eat her Twizzlers without asking. Just not how I operate.

With cooked food, we just try to keep it fairly even. But when there is a little left, "Can I finish this" is always asked.

That works for what we have going. Might sound too structured for some but it works for us. Communicate and not assume you got the green light.
Or just be single, eat all the twizzlers and both plates of cooked food keep it simple
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