This is one of those situations where the, look at it from both sides, devils advocate types aren't needed. If someone gets caught red handed molesting, its nothing to rationalize or say what if about.

If its a he said, she said thing where its accusations and strictly claims, id take my sons side until all the facts come out if he was accused of something like that and if guilty id wash my hands of him. I don't think its unreasonable to defend someone in the case of a he said she said situaion where its just accusations though
So let me ask you, you're own child grows up to be a rapist, gets caught in the act, gets beat up for it, gets arrested and pleads guilty. You chalking that up to "Well he/she is gonna do what they want anyway". Don't front like you wouldn't be relieved that they'd be going to prison for a long time so you wouldn't have to deal with them anyway.
I would be relieved that they would be in prison so they don't cause harm to anyone else. All I'm saying is IF my child was on trial I would be sitting behind them. Somehow that makes me a advocate of the crime committed, or I built the monster. Or if I visited my child in prison I guess that means I don't see what damage they done or something is wrong with me. I'm not disowning my child, and if that's just me I'm cool with that.

so just to be clear, all the people in here backing the 18 year old are saying that even if your child was to ruin another child/family's life, you don't give a **** cause family first? yall are either self-centered or stupid as hell

No, just to be clear your comprehension needs a tune up because no one in this thread anything close to that.
Let's not forget all of the NTers on here that are down to smash 15 year olds.
Never ever forget that. Talking about "bruh you wouldn't? What's the difference?"


Best thing about highschool girls is that I keep getting older but they stay the same age


not srs
I would be relieved that they would be in prison so they don't cause harm to anyone else. All I'm saying is IF my child was on trial I would be sitting behind them. Somehow that makes me a advocate of the crime committed, or I built the monster. Or if I visited my child in prison I guess that means I don't see what damage they done or something is wrong with me.
When I said what I said, I didn't mean it in the way you are putting it now.

What I meant if my son was caught in the act and got beat to a pulp, I wouldn't be mad. He ruined a kids life and I would not be seeking revenge ... if you think otherwise, then I believe there might be a problem.

If after the beating you want to have his back so beat it ... he's still your blood, but I caution you if you have other small children in the household. Would you be willing to accept him back into your home and let him roam around your other kids unsupervised?

I wouldn't!
[h1]Paedophile beaten unconscious by child's father handed 25 year prison sentence[/h1]
A man who was beaten by the father of a child he was caught sexually abusing has been sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Raymond Frolander, from Daytona Beach, Florida, was beaten until he was unconscious and left with clear facial injuries after he was found abusing the 11-year-old boy last year.

The father called police after administering his own punishment.

Frolander, who was 18 at the time, was found by officers lying in a pool of his own blood.

According to a 911 recording, the unnamed father told the operator: "I just walked in and found a grown man molesting (my child) and I got him in a bloody puddle for you right now.

"Send an ambulance. He is going to need one."

The father ended the call by saying: “I did whatever I got a right to do, except I didn’t kill him.”

Frolander was charged with sexual battery on a victim under 12.

Speaking to investigators after the attack, the child said that he had been playing games with friends at the property; however, once those friends had left, Frolander began to sexually assault him.

The child also said that this had not been an isolated incident, and that Frolander had been abusing him since the age of eight.

According to Daytona Beach police Chief Mike Chitwood, Frolander was "almost like a family member" to his alleged victim and he had groomed his target for a period of time, having sex with the victim on multiple occasions.

The father was not charged with any crime.

Chitwood said the man was just "acting like a dad", and he didn’t see anything to charge him with.

Asked whether he had any issues with the father’s actions, Chitwood said: "Not as a police chief and not as a father."

Frolander took a deal to prevent a mandatory life sentence. However he will be registered as a sex offender for the rest of his life and will have to wear a GPS monitor upon his release, NBC News affiliate Wesh reported.

After the sentence, the father told reporters at the station: "He's going to learn in the next 25 years why I let him live."

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