Favorite accent on a girl

I like my wife's accent: British (lived there as a child), Caribbean (She's Boricua), and a little bit of that New York accent.

Yeah she calls apartment's.. flats, and calls a guy.. lad.
the rosie perez kind. "jooooooooo stoooooopeddddd"

nah, but really. no accent is my favorite accent. as long as they can speak elquently and in a flowing manner.
1st= Southern...im from Georgia
2nd= English...Kiera Knightley FTW
3rd= see video...this girl can get it.
British or southern

I had some British exchange students in one of my classes a few semesters back and anytime those girls spoke, I about lost it.

IF you find a cute southern girl with a high pitched voice and a southern accent, lock her up. They don't get much better than those girls.
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