Favorite quote from "The Office"?

Aug 22, 2004
Dwight: And I will travel to New Zealand. And walk the Lord of the Rings trail to Mordor.
Dwight: I keep various weaponry strategically placed around the office. I saved Jim's life with a can of pepper spray I had velcro'd under my desk. People say, "oh, it's dangerous to keep weapons in the home or the workplace". Well I say, "it's better to be hurt by someone you know accidentally than by a stranger on purpose."
Post your favorites!
i forget exactly, but there were like 10 of them in the cure for rabies episode.
it's waaaay too many, but this Creed gem sticks out in my mind....

Creed: I'm not offended by homosexuality. In the 60s I made love to many, many women, often outdoors in the mud and the rain, and it's possible that aman slipped in. There'd be no way of knowing.

These are my top 3. They're in my AIM profile, all by Dwight.

"As you have planted your seed into the ground, I will plant my seed into you."

"Reject a woman and they'll *!%+* at you. It's one of the many defects of their kind... and weak arms."

"No, don't call me a hero. Do you know who the real heroes are? The guys who wake up every morning and go into their normal jobs and get a distresscall from the commissioner and take off their glasses and change into capes and fly around fighting crime. Those are the realheroes."
"In the Schrute family, we have a tradition, where when the male has sex with another woman, he is rewarded with a bag of wild oats left on his door stepby his parents. You can use these oats to make oatmeal, bread, whatever you want. I don't care - they're your oats."-Dwight
"No, don't call me a hero. Do you know who the real heroes are? The guys who wake up every morning and go into their normal jobs and get a distress call from the commissioner and take off their glasses and change into capes and fly around fighting crime. Those are the real heroes."

I was gonna post this too.
I have a bunch of favorite quotes, but this one is always near the top.

"Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for corporate, so he's really not a part of our family. Also, he's divorced, so he's reallynot a part of his family."
-Michael Scott
"You, me, bar, beers, buzzed. Wings, shots, drunk! Waitresses - hot! Football, Cornell-Hofstra, slaughter! Then quick nap at my place, then we hit thetizzown." - Andy Bernard
Oh sooooo many...

Three of my faves:

Michael Scott: Yeah, I went hunting once. Shot a deer in the leg. Had to kill it with a shovel. Took about an hour. Why do you ask?
http:// Dwight Schrute: When I was in the 6th grade I was a finalist in our school spelling bee. It was me against Raj Patel. I misspelled, in front of the entire school, the word "failure".
Creed Bratton: I'm not offended by homosexuality. In the 60's, I made love to many, many women. Often outdoors... in the mud and the rain. And it's possible a man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing.
justhotkicks' favorite quotes from The Office: The Michael/Toby edition. (off the top of my head).

Toby: "Michael, we need to talk."
Michael: "Not now, not ever."

Michael: "Toby Flenderson is everything that is wrong with the paper industry."

Michael: "I hate so much about the things you choose to be."

Michael: "Toby is in H.R., which technically means he works for corporate, so he's really not a part of our family. Also, he's divorced, sohe's not a part of HIS family."
Angela has the best quote of season 3:

"I don't go into your house and steal your Hello Kitty backpack."

That line is flawlessly delivered.
"It's not that children make me uncomfortable, it's just that why be a Dad when you can be a fun Uncle? I've never heard of anyone rebellingagainst their fun Uncle."
M. Scott
Off the top of my head... Michael: Happy Birthday (To Jan on the phone) Jan: It's not my birthday Michael. Michael: Oh, I thought we had the same birthday.Jan: Happy Birthday Michael. Michael: Thanks.

"Bears. Beats. Battlestar Gallactica." - Jim Halpert as Dwight Schrute.
the lines where Jim coomes to work dressed as Dwight and he goes, "What kind of bear is best?" and a few more lines after.
Toby: Me, Dan from Buffalo, Mark Chisholm, Jeff from Albany and Ryan, obviously. Made so many s'mores, that I finally had to say, "No mores'mores, no more s'mores."

Toby: Ryan invited me to go on his wilderness adventure retreat. It was this amazing, beautiful experience [Michael knocks on the window behind Toby fromoutside]
Michael: [from outside] Hey, nobody cares. Nobody cares. I need that room at some point, so just, wrap it up.
Toby: Michael wasn't invited.

Dwight: Once again, Jim, I will take care of this. I will locate the wedding crashers and report them to Phyllis. That way I won't have to get her a gift.

Michael: Martin went from being a new guy from Stamford... to a convict, to... my friend. Back to a convict. Then to... a kind of a nuisance, actually, to becompletely honest. And finally, to... a quitter. And I will not miss him. And that is not because he is black.

more to come soon
"How would I describe myself? 3 Words. Hardworking. Alphamale. Jackhammer..Merciless. Insatiable."
- Dwight K. Schrute
"Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica." - Jim Halpert as Dwight Schrute.
Fixed. Was going to post this.

Some other Michael quotes in regards to Toby that I like, and are actually from the same episode:

"I'm going to give you my best man; you may have Toby. He's very, very smart, and funny, and charming... blahhhh I can't do it. Toby is theworst. That was a bluff."

"*Toby walks in with bowtie on and holding teacups* Oh. My. God... That's why people are leaving. I... I have no words."
^Not Same episode. Jim as Dwight was Product Recall. The other one was Branch Wars.
"Before I do anything I ask myself, 'would an idiot do this thing?' If so then I do not do that thing. "
-Dwight Schrute
"I know exactly what he's talking about. I sprout mung beans on a damp paper towel in my desk drawer. Very nutritious, but they smell likedeath."
"I suggested we flip a coin, but Angela said she doesn't like to gamble. Of course by saying that, she was gambling that I wouldn't smackher."
"hey karen."
"hey dwight, lookin sharp."
"yeah, that's cuz i'm your boyfriend. Jim Halpert. hey...karen wanna get together later and have sexual intercourse cuz you're mygirlfriend?"

"if i had money problems would i do this?"
*takes out a dollar bill crumples it and put back into pocket*
" you just put it back in your pocket..."
"yea, but i destroyed it, it's not even usable anymore.."

"have any of you ever had a disability?"
"i had scoliosis as a girl"
"no, i've never even heard of that. no i mean a REAL disability....not some women's trouble"
Michael: I want, I want people hanging from the ceilings, lampshades on the heads. I want it to be a Playboy Mansion party. And also, I want you to know, andspread the word, that I will have my digital camera. And I will be taking pictures all along the way. And the best and craziest thing that happens will be onthe cover of the newsletter. Incentive.
Pam: You do realize that we can't serve liquor at the party.
Michael: Yeah, I know. Dammit. Stupid corporate wet blankets. Like booze ever killed anybody.
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