******February 2009 WDYWT Vol. NO PIC QUOTING******!

^^lol, what?? that's OD AirAnt23, she promised me one a while back but i never go to nyc wheni'm supposed to.
let me fall back then
Sorry peeps not much heat today due to rain/cold weather again in LA
just wore these with Kanye tee & thermo x Levis x Barons for midterm which by the way sucked!!

nice fits tho everyone
Originally Posted by mynameisdebby

thanks OG2345, spenserhawk & norcalballgirl23 (nice penny's, i wish they retro'd my size).
I wish JB retro'ed for everyone....all they gave us were Olives, Cool Greys, and so forth..except charcoals..
altho a nearby mom n' pop shop were selling the Olives dyed...but nothing compared to charcoals...
****wishing JB can retro******
firepower- those infrared 6s are clean

skavb- been a while, nice gold supras
uptempo- nice drurys
I have been in these the past few days..

But just had to add this..
My oldest son (7)..
Before putting on his CDP 1s.. Tells his little brother (3)..
"These are the Jordan 1s.. They are the first Jordan's that MJ had... And these (pointing to the other pair in the pack) are the XXII.. Because 1 + 22= 23.."

His brother is just like.. "Cooooolll"

I was surprised to hear that he actually listened to a damn thing we say.. Lol.
Here it is.. To my little brother's birthday party.


His name is Skyler so he had to have that hat..
Anyone know anything about it?
Today to the city with friends :

511 Eco Levis
Open Wheel
columbia XI's ( recent $40 purchace

sorry for the bad picture quality , my older digital camera .

to go watch :
Originally Posted by kevin2nd

Originally Posted by SkavengerBrandon

Where have I been?

i know where you been. you been using the "n" word on your blog

i'm sorry but i LOL when i read this....

the fact of the matter these days r so many people use it and it has been accepted....it was wrong in the 1st place but once a word is adopted by everyone itskinda hard to say who can and can't use it....personally i don't like hearing it out of folks mouth who aren't black, like myself....but even ifthey don't say it around u at some point in the day they are saying it to someone
Originally Posted by s dubl

at a SkavB sighting....

Hey Skav...Flight Lites are on clearance on NDC.
whats NDC?....might as well cop since they're on clearance
lol, good looks ANT.
Thanks for the comment on the golds too.
I really like em, I wore em into the ground over the past month.
Broke out the 2001 Black/Cement IIIs to school today. Easily becoming a beater shoe as I wear them at least 3 days out of the week. Think I'm crazy? Nahdude, it's just that damn Nike Air sign looks so sexy. If I have to go to Target or Key Food or something, I wear these bad boys. hah

Good times.
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