Federal Housing Administration greenlights 40-year mortgages.

Aug 6, 2012
This week the Federal Housing Administration gave the OK to 40-year mortgages. It's a move designed to try and make it easier for first-time home buyers.

The idea is to reduce monthly mortgage payments, which have been rising as mortgage rates go up.

Redfin.com reports over the last year, the average mortgage payment has risen 30% to a record $2,563 a month.

"Forty-year mortgage stretches out that payment over a longer period of time, so it makes for a lower payment, which is what a lot of buyers need right now," Gonzalez said.

Bankrate.com recently compared 30- and 40-year mortgages and found on a $312,000 loan at 6.85% interest, the monthly payments were $2,044 for 30 years and $1,904 for 40 years.

The extra 10 years also added more interest, close to $170,000 more, but in the short term, experts said it can make a difference, especially since many homeowners hardly stay in one house for 30 or 40 years.

"It's going to attract buyers struggling to put their money together for getting into a house, like a first-time home buyer, and it's great because it saves them from wasting money on rent," Gonzalez said.

40 years to pay back 300k? no thanks
It may be beneficial in some circumstances but even if you only plan on being there for a few years there'll be no equity in the crib (depending on the market and location)
reminds me of the car loans that are going to like 72 months so people can fit the car loan in their monthly payment.
amerikkka is screwed mane
This is shameless and gross.

It shouldn’t take 15, 30, or 40 YEARS for any American to pay off their primary domicile. These are the symptoms of a broken country and failed leadership.

They finesse you left, right, front, and center. When will the people say enough is enough?
Honestly wouldn't mind owning a home for me and the family rn.

Are there any good programs for first-time homeowner?
Honestly wouldn't mind owning a home for me and the family rn.

Are there any good programs for first-time homeowner?
You live in HI right? I've browsed over there, how are folks even affording those homes?
I mean, people put here with $1500 car notes

People living in SF with 8 roommates paying $2000 each…

Nyers paying $4000 for a studio, mornings be delayed because they have to let the rats brush their teeth first.

We have 96 month car loans and 40 year mortgages now…
Just wish we would address the problem (income inequality, unrealistic costs of living, low salaries, etc) and not the symptoms. Homes and pretty much everything are just too expensive (even renting is too expensive) but as a home owner I like that the value of my home is significantly more than what I paid for it but that prices others out.
Just wish we would address the problem (income inequality, unrealistic costs of living, low salaries, etc) and not the symptoms. Homes and pretty much everything are just too expensive (even renting is too expensive) but as a home owner I like that the value of my home is significantly more than what I paid for it but that prices others out.
Financial literacy should be thrown in there, too. Not only are there people who don’t know up from down, its people who don’t know advantageous it would be to learn the difference.
So If you start paying notes when you're 30, you'll be done when you're 70? No thanks.

If I were single I'd just buy a tiny home. Get that paid off in a few short years and tell these banks to shove it.
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