Fellas and ladies, what's the deal breaker for you for the opposite sex?

i can't stand a woman who has dirt underneath her fingernails, I mean, *%+?!

Cigs are also a no-no, as well as kids...
Originally Posted by k3stacks

Jacked up feet, excessively loud, no manners

yea, I mean I dont have a foot fetsih or anything but I hate when a girl has crusty feet or her toes arent at least done. Same for finger nails. Its just a cleanliness thing. 
Also a girl who doesnt wear perfume or at least smell nice. Nothing worse than a bland smelling girl

And for a smoker. It goes out the window if shes sexy. 
Crooked teeth is HUGE for me in terms of appearance
No goals or ambitions
Cleanliness is also important long term because I come from a household that is a little OCD in terms of cleaning so I expect things to be at a decent level at least.
Dont know how to act in public

F'ed up hair (whether its real or not)

No knowledge of current events

Being dirty. I hate dirty $@% @$*$#%%.
Anti social
No confidence

But if the sex if ridiculous, I could live with all of those.
If she used to be a man or technically still is.
If she smokes cigarettes.
A general lack of hygiene.
Sloppiness (both in appearance but also in how she keeps her living space)
If she plays games.
If she has an attitude more than 20% of the time or gets upset way to easily.
Some one stuck up.
Some one close minded.
Some one irrational.
Really loud
Lack of respect and manners
Biggest one is stupidity

Others are lack of a sense of humor, takes themselves way too seriously.

Smoking used to be a deal breaker for me but as long as they aren't a chain smoker I could deal with it. I used to fool around with a chick who smoked a few cigs a day and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And the kitty tasted fine lol
How could I forget a lack of intelligence or ambitions or life goals...
Yall trippin, if she smokes, she pokes.

Closed minded
Lace fronts
A penis
Busted sneakers
Bad skin
Concave mass
My ex gf of 3 years was a smoker. She always made it a point not to smell like walking smog throughout our entire relationship, so if future gfs
smoke (cigs) and they take that same initiative, then I don't mind that at all.

I'd say a deal breaker for me is f'd up teeth, with or without bad breath. That just irks the hell out of me.
-No ambition
-Extreme insecurity

-No sense of humor/ultra sensitive


-Tattoos not easily covered and excessive piercings 

-No job
If she smokes
If she's too dumb (incorrect grammar
If she drinks too mush
If she used to have a penis
If she has any blood type other than O (Who knows when I might need a blood transfusion or when I need her organs)
If she has crooked tooth or a weird smile
If she has terrible skin
If she has a little belly (gotta be flat or have abs since I'm a frail Zeus)
If she doesn't wear deodorant
If her handshake is like a dead fish
If her mom is ugly
If her dad is equally ugly
If she had plastic surgery
If her bootyhole is too hairy
Busted feet & hands
Horrible tattoo placement i.e. tramp stamp
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