^^ different scenario..but I see it the same way. cheating is cheating whether they happen to be a close friend or old crush.
I wouldn't let it happen because I know how it feels.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

^^ different scenario..but I see it the same way. cheating is cheating whether they happen to be a close friend or old crush.
I wouldn't let it happen because I know how it feels.
yes cheating is cheating. but the scenario you described & the scenario this thread is addressing are two different/unrelated things.

your situation involves somebody that you used to like
this thread involves somebody that you are close friends with aka hang out with, talk to frequently

you see the difference
I see the difference and I know it's a difference..but that's just the closest thing I can relate it to.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

I see the difference and I know it's a difference..but that's just the closest thing I can relate it to.
I have a girl best friend right now. We've known each other for about 3 years and she's kind of like a sister to me
ive got hella females friends but most jus stay friends.. u cant jus text dudes throughout the day.. but u can jus talk to chicks.. most stop as friendships..but even those.. the bad ones id knock down with no hesitation lol. but if i have a chick then they just stay homies.
No. neither can a man, UNLESS those avenues have already been traveled in one way or another. The only "safe" friend of an opposite sex is anunatractive one, or one that has already had a shot at something "more than friendship".
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