Females are mad wierd man....

Mar 17, 2007
This is somewhat of a rant...

2 weeks ago, went out with this chick that im somewhat talking to and we had a blast. We went together, i danced with other girls she danced with other guys-we left the club together with our group and i didnt smash.

Last night, she hits me up inviting me to this club that her girlfriends BF djing for, i agree. Comes and picks me up.We in there sippin and chillin, so she leaves to the bathroom with her friend. This black girl starts grinding on me, i let her do her thing. THEN i get a text from her saying, "thanks for wandering away idk how youll get home but aight w.e." Im like mannnnnn really? SO i text her back saying where you at and i meet her, she gets smart saying "you done with that black $$$#%?" im like well damn...broad must be jealus or something. We argue to the point where i tell her to unlock her car so i can get my @*%# and she does. Then I start walking to my house. She then calls me telling me that's %%#$%! up that i left and ask me where am i so i tell her and she comes and gets me. The ride to the house is quiet. I try to make peace by saying thanks and giving her a kiss on the cheek, the moment i get out and close the door, she pressed onto that gas pedal like crazy and dipped. Today i havent heard from her-no text or calls like usually.

At this point i shouldnt even bother hittin her up right?
She wants the D and had plans on getting it last night until you blew it by dancing with that chick. You didn't know, so she'll probably give you another shot.

Just be aware next time that she wants pipe. 9 outta 10 she's gonna make you work for it next time though when you could've gotten it easy last night had you chilled a little.

Just don't hit her up for a couple of days. Hope you didn't mess up already by blowing up her cell. Don't be all apologetic either. Put the ball in her court and ask her to explain "from her perspective" what happened that night.
You got her right where you should want her.
females are just a weird species...she caught feelings...didn't like that a "black" girl was grinding on you...she was probably feeling you because you didn't sweat her but now she's type mad at you.

I say give her some space and then text her to find out what the issue is....
Pics and she just wants to be mad so let her be mad. Don't hit her up. She got jealous, her problem so let her deal with it
Keep it moving, unless you're genuinely interested in her for something serious, which by the looks of it you're not.

Edit: but yeah, you may have messed up
. She may have dropped hints and you might've been oblivious to them.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

She wants the D and had plans on getting it last night until you blew it by dancing with that chick. You didn't know, so she'll probably give you another shot.

Just be aware next time that she wants pipe. 9 outta 10 she's gonna make you work for it next time though when you could've gotten it easy last night had you chilled a little.

Just don't hit her up for a couple of days. Hope you didn't mess up already by blowing up her cell. Don't be all apologetic either. Put the ball in her court and ask her to explain "from her perspective" what happened that night.

Na, i know better. Havent called or text her, wasnt on planning onto neither.

Im somewhat new to this. Got out of a 5 year relationship back in June so im getting my *#%# back....knew females were wierd but damn once you experience it, its kinda hilarious to see their behaviors.
Females are weird? How about you're an idiot. Girl clearly is into you and you playing games lol.
Just read your post op.. don't hit her up anymore.. only reply when she texts you..

use her jealously against her.. you gtd much quicker..
C'mon son. Never argue with a girl, especially if she's not your GF.
No matter how mad or irritated they are, deflect those bad vibes with positive energy... arguing in circles is a waste of everybody's time and damn sure isn't going to lead to you getting any top or box for the first time from her.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

She wants the D and had plans on getting it last night until you blew it by dancing with that chick. You didn't know, so she'll probably give you another shot.

Just be aware next time that she wants pipe. 9 outta 10 she's gonna make you work for it next time though when you could've gotten it easy last night had you chilled a little.

Just don't hit her up for a couple of days. Hope you didn't mess up already by blowing up her cell. Don't be all apologetic either. Put the ball in her court and ask her to explain "from her perspective" what happened that night.


good knowledge right here...

how old are you, fambs? cuz you stay dropping some intense and insightful stuff.


Originally Posted by ricky409

Brolic Scholar wrote:

She wants the D and had plans on getting it last night until you blew it by dancing with that chick. You didn't know, so she'll probably give you another shot.

Just be aware next time that she wants pipe. 9 outta 10 she's gonna make you work for it next time though when you could've gotten it easy last night had you chilled a little.

Just don't hit her up for a couple of days. Hope you didn't mess up already by blowing up her cell. Don't be all apologetic either. Put the ball in her court and ask her to explain "from her perspective" what happened that night.


good knowledge right here...

how old are you, fambs? cuz you stay dropping some intense and insightful stuff.



A young 33.

Preciate that.
Nah man, I think you messed that one up. What did you expect her reaction to be messin' around like that? 
This was my first time experiencing this, so ill take it as a learning lesson.

It was hard to understand cause the signals she be sending out were weird so i couldn't exactly make it. So its onto the next one for me
She's feeling you bruh, she is going to wait till you call, if you take longer than she expected, she's gonna hit u up wit a anger text, then you gone feel forced to call and in the process you guys end up workn it out
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Just read your post op.. don't hit her up anymore.. only reply when she texts you..

use her jealously against her.. you gtd much quicker..

Tommy, what does GTD stand for?
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Just read your post op.. don't hit her up anymore.. only reply when she texts you..

use her jealously against her.. you gtd much quicker..

Tommy, what does GTD stand for?

Get the draws
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