Females with no father figure= disaster

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

if Your adding in Everest and Devry they are still ahead of black men
As far as Everest about 80% of the programs deal with the medical field
Medical Assisting
Pharmacy Tech etc
who do you think are signing up for those classes
and its always been a fact that there are more black men in prison(whether still in or out)
I mean $#!@ where do you think most of these black father figures are

Yes they are ahead of black men because the amount of black woman 38.15 million african americans with 22.7 being woman so about 40% more african american woman then men so of course there will be more in college etc then the men. And as far as where the father figures are alot are married off with other family, or single joint custody/visitation etc none of these factors go into the stats, and again they count marriage even if the kids arent a result of the marriage, which miscue ppl views. A white woman with two kids from different men and goes off and marries a guy, really isnt different then black etc having 2 kids diff dude and dates a guy if the fathers arent active in the kids life.

But being married kinda puts a bow on the situation and to the average person they kinda overlook the fact that the other 2 baby daddies arent in the picture, and deadbeats because the woman has married and has a male in the home. But when you single or in a relationship not married it is viewed as oh they deadbeats no male figure in the household, kids have no father.

Again like I said fathers with joint custody/visitation rights etc apart of there kids life but not the mothers doesnt even get factored in these surveys. Example 100 black men/hispanic etc 20 marry the mother 30 dont and just active in the kids life, those 30 arent even counted so instead of 50% it is viewed as 20%. 100 white men 20 marry the mother, 30 of the woman marry another man, and bring her illigentimate kids, since she is married it looks as 50% when in actually its 20% because yea the other 30% have fathers/male but it isnt the kids blood father. and percentage wise blacks are higher and again thats debatable due to the flawed way the do the stats, number wise there are more whites in prison/jail system due to the fact that there are far more white males then blacks hispanics etc. So 10.3% black males vs 6.1% whites. percentage wise blacks are higher but not actually ppl seeing 15 million black males vs 97+ million white males. So 6% of 97 million is higher then almost 11% of 15/16 million isnt it?
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

if Your adding in Everest and Devry they are still ahead of black men
As far as Everest about 80% of the programs deal with the medical field
Medical Assisting
Pharmacy Tech etc
who do you think are signing up for those classes
and its always been a fact that there are more black men in prison(whether still in or out)
I mean $#!@ where do you think most of these black father figures are

Yes they are ahead of black men because the amount of black woman 38.15 million african americans with 22.7 being woman so about 40% more african american woman then men so of course there will be more in college etc then the men. And as far as where the father figures are alot are married off with other family, or single joint custody/visitation etc none of these factors go into the stats, and again they count marriage even if the kids arent a result of the marriage, which miscue ppl views. A white woman with two kids from different men and goes off and marries a guy, really isnt different then black etc having 2 kids diff dude and dates a guy if the fathers arent active in the kids life.

But being married kinda puts a bow on the situation and to the average person they kinda overlook the fact that the other 2 baby daddies arent in the picture, and deadbeats because the woman has married and has a male in the home. But when you single or in a relationship not married it is viewed as oh they deadbeats no male figure in the household, kids have no father.

Again like I said fathers with joint custody/visitation rights etc apart of there kids life but not the mothers doesnt even get factored in these surveys. Example 100 black men/hispanic etc 20 marry the mother 30 dont and just active in the kids life, those 30 arent even counted so instead of 50% it is viewed as 20%. 100 white men 20 marry the mother, 30 of the woman marry another man, and bring her illigentimate kids, since she is married it looks as 50% when in actually its 20% because yea the other 30% have fathers/male but it isnt the kids blood father. and percentage wise blacks are higher and again thats debatable due to the flawed way the do the stats, number wise there are more whites in prison/jail system due to the fact that there are far more white males then blacks hispanics etc. So 10.3% black males vs 6.1% whites. percentage wise blacks are higher but not actually ppl seeing 15 million black males vs 97+ million white males. So 6% of 97 million is higher then almost 11% of 15/16 million isnt it?
Uh oh this thread is making me nervous. Just started dating a chick who has "daddy issues", guess I'll have to wait and see if OPs theory is true.
Uh oh this thread is making me nervous. Just started dating a chick who has "daddy issues", guess I'll have to wait and see if OPs theory is true.
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Uh oh this thread is making me nervous. Just started dating a chick who has "daddy issues", guess I'll have to wait and see if OPs theory is true.

Just look for signs of bitterness man. Like he said, a negative person will drain your energy none stop. Check how she carries herself and her attitude. Not everyone will have a bright day everyday, but a negative person will try to make it negative no matter what. There's more to it, but I'm just telling you to stay alert. Eh... take it for what it's worth. People will pull the unexpected when you least expect it no matter their background, just their grimy personality traits.
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Uh oh this thread is making me nervous. Just started dating a chick who has "daddy issues", guess I'll have to wait and see if OPs theory is true.

Just look for signs of bitterness man. Like he said, a negative person will drain your energy none stop. Check how she carries herself and her attitude. Not everyone will have a bright day everyday, but a negative person will try to make it negative no matter what. There's more to it, but I'm just telling you to stay alert. Eh... take it for what it's worth. People will pull the unexpected when you least expect it no matter their background, just their grimy personality traits.
I wish I starting looking for daddy issues earlier. It helps explain so much.

I don't know if it's been put this way yet, but one negative aspect is that the girl may never fully respect a man.

On the flip side, how are we going to raise our daughters? Why are so many of us becoming terrible fathers?
I wish I starting looking for daddy issues earlier. It helps explain so much.

I don't know if it's been put this way yet, but one negative aspect is that the girl may never fully respect a man.

On the flip side, how are we going to raise our daughters? Why are so many of us becoming terrible fathers?
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by HighMan

I hate when people hear the truth and get angry...
And what's the truth here?

women without a father figure usually fail… men usually pull thorugh and bounce back...

Oh.  OK champ, thanks for clearing that up for us.



Originally Posted by LDJ

Exactly i mean the facts are most girls that have a kid before 17 have another before 21, The fact that most men dont have another kid till mid 20's tells you common sense factor that the woman obviously had to have a kid with someone else. No it doesnt take 2 to have a kid, it takes 2 to have sex, the decision and choice to get pregnant and have a kid is left to 1, the woman. When did they allow men to choose abortion, when did they make brth control and the morning after pill mandatory and other preventive measures the law? Please when did this pass let me know.

And then think about this is you hated not having a father, and see how it affected your life why would you consciously make the decision to repeat the cycle. Ok you say the guys are bad, jerks etc. Why say f the pill, f birth control, and even after that f the morning after pill. Its funny how that always gets over looked. And continue to complain about it when you and only you have the choice/decision to correct the decision, and choose not to....And ok maybe not believing in abortion understand that but their is preventive ways well before that even comes into play.

I know that was a lil off topic but a few comments lead it to this.

And to the question how can woman have multi baby daddies and how can it not be the same for men in the same %'s. I dont know if ppl realize this but there are more woman by a huge margin in the us then there are men. Average kids for woman before 30 3.18 men its 1.86. So just using deduction and common sense its safe to say these woman have to be having kids with more then one man.
Fam you do not know how to interpret, analyze, and draw conclusions from statistics.  Period.  Please stop.

The first "statistic" you posted means that older guys are bumping off younger women.  It has nothing at all to do with men somehow being more "responsible" than women.  It has to do with a multitude of factors, including older men pursuing younger women, young men having higher mortality and incarceration rates, etc.

The birth control "argument" is completely invalid and an absurd way of trying to absolve men of their role in having sex and creating life.  As a man, you should not stick your **** in anyone if you are not prepared to deal with the potential consequences of having sex with that person.  So it does take two people to make a baby (unless a woman is artificially inseminated).

Your last statistic once again simply points to the fact that older dudes are impregnating younger women.  Also, you're right that there are more men than women in this country.  What you apparently fail to realize is that due to this fact, the actual average of kids will be necessarily higher for men than for women.  Like I said, please stop with the stats fam, you have no idea what you're doing
.  Your other posts aren't even worth addressing because you're simply talking our of your %+@ and speculating about research methodology which you have no clue about.
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by HighMan

I hate when people hear the truth and get angry...
And what's the truth here?

women without a father figure usually fail… men usually pull thorugh and bounce back...

Oh.  OK champ, thanks for clearing that up for us.



Originally Posted by LDJ

Exactly i mean the facts are most girls that have a kid before 17 have another before 21, The fact that most men dont have another kid till mid 20's tells you common sense factor that the woman obviously had to have a kid with someone else. No it doesnt take 2 to have a kid, it takes 2 to have sex, the decision and choice to get pregnant and have a kid is left to 1, the woman. When did they allow men to choose abortion, when did they make brth control and the morning after pill mandatory and other preventive measures the law? Please when did this pass let me know.

And then think about this is you hated not having a father, and see how it affected your life why would you consciously make the decision to repeat the cycle. Ok you say the guys are bad, jerks etc. Why say f the pill, f birth control, and even after that f the morning after pill. Its funny how that always gets over looked. And continue to complain about it when you and only you have the choice/decision to correct the decision, and choose not to....And ok maybe not believing in abortion understand that but their is preventive ways well before that even comes into play.

I know that was a lil off topic but a few comments lead it to this.

And to the question how can woman have multi baby daddies and how can it not be the same for men in the same %'s. I dont know if ppl realize this but there are more woman by a huge margin in the us then there are men. Average kids for woman before 30 3.18 men its 1.86. So just using deduction and common sense its safe to say these woman have to be having kids with more then one man.
Fam you do not know how to interpret, analyze, and draw conclusions from statistics.  Period.  Please stop.

The first "statistic" you posted means that older guys are bumping off younger women.  It has nothing at all to do with men somehow being more "responsible" than women.  It has to do with a multitude of factors, including older men pursuing younger women, young men having higher mortality and incarceration rates, etc.

The birth control "argument" is completely invalid and an absurd way of trying to absolve men of their role in having sex and creating life.  As a man, you should not stick your **** in anyone if you are not prepared to deal with the potential consequences of having sex with that person.  So it does take two people to make a baby (unless a woman is artificially inseminated).

Your last statistic once again simply points to the fact that older dudes are impregnating younger women.  Also, you're right that there are more men than women in this country.  What you apparently fail to realize is that due to this fact, the actual average of kids will be necessarily higher for men than for women.  Like I said, please stop with the stats fam, you have no idea what you're doing
.  Your other posts aren't even worth addressing because you're simply talking our of your %+@ and speculating about research methodology which you have no clue about.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by HighMan

I hate when people hear the truth and get angry...
And what's the truth here?

women without a father figure usually fail… men usually pull thorugh and bounce back...

Oh.  OK champ, thanks for clearing that up for us.



Originally Posted by LDJ

Exactly i mean the facts are most girls that have a kid before 17 have another before 21, The fact that most men dont have another kid till mid 20's tells you common sense factor that the woman obviously had to have a kid with someone else. No it doesnt take 2 to have a kid, it takes 2 to have sex, the decision and choice to get pregnant and have a kid is left to 1, the woman. When did they allow men to choose abortion, when did they make brth control and the morning after pill mandatory and other preventive measures the law? Please when did this pass let me know.

And then think about this is you hated not having a father, and see how it affected your life why would you consciously make the decision to repeat the cycle. Ok you say the guys are bad, jerks etc. Why say f the pill, f birth control, and even after that f the morning after pill. Its funny how that always gets over looked. And continue to complain about it when you and only you have the choice/decision to correct the decision, and choose not to....And ok maybe not believing in abortion understand that but their is preventive ways well before that even comes into play.

I know that was a lil off topic but a few comments lead it to this.

And to the question how can woman have multi baby daddies and how can it not be the same for men in the same %'s. I dont know if ppl realize this but there are more woman by a huge margin in the us then there are men. Average kids for woman before 30 3.18 men its 1.86. So just using deduction and common sense its safe to say these woman have to be having kids with more then one man.
Fam you do not know how to interpret, analyze, and draw conclusions from statistics.  Period.  Please stop.

The first "statistic" you posted means that older guys are bumping off younger women.  It has nothing at all to do with men somehow being more "responsible" than women.  It has to do with a multitude of factors, including older men pursuing younger women, young men having higher mortality and incarceration rates, etc.

The birth control "argument" is completely invalid and an absurd way of trying to absolve men of their role in having sex and creating life.  As a man, you should not stick your **** in anyone if you are not prepared to deal with the potential consequences of having sex with that person.  So it does take two people to make a baby (unless a woman is artificially inseminated).

Your last statistic once again simply points to the fact that older dudes are impregnating younger women.  Also, you're right that there are more men than women in this country.  What you apparently fail to realize is that due to this fact, the actual average of kids will be necessarily higher for men than for women.  Like I said, please stop with the stats fam, you have no idea what you're doing
.  Your other posts aren't even worth addressing because you're simply talking our of your %+@ and speculating about research methodology which you have no clue about.

Wrong because if you no all these men are so called deadbeats etc then why have a baby? You have yet to explain that. If i know fire is hot and sticking my hands in it will cause me damage, how is it the fires fault. And lets be serious do you really think the reason is because there is a rampade surge in damn near 30 year old men sleeping with 15-18 year old girls, and if so then ok its the parents to blame since you saying the stats mean its older men. I have 2 daughters and aint no way in hell imma let some 26-30 man come and take my 15-18 y/o daughter off somewhere.

So your saying the reason why women have kids earlier and more kids by the age of 21 then men at 30 is because they are sleeping with older men, in this case at least 7,8,9 y/o then them. So again you are saying no responsibility on the woman or her parents, for allowing their 15 y/o to sleep with a 24 y/o.

Thats the problem with things now everyone has to be accountable for actions except them person who has the control to rectify the situation. Ok yes sexual it takes two to get pregnant, but if dude is a deadbeat etc wont be a good father, why have the kid? Why not morning after pill, why not birth control? Abstinence is a stupid and unrealistic answer, and ok you can say condoms, but guess what, they are only at the highest 80% while birth control is 96-97% effective when used correctly, and morning after and abortion is 100% effective. What do you have to say about that.

And hello how are men dodging responsibility, you do know that they have this thing called child support, and child support laws etc. If the girl doesnt use her rights and inforce them, thats on her. Also lets not forget that she isnt held liable for care or responsibility for the child either. You do know that outside the war govt assistance programs such as wic, free healthcare, section 8, welfare etc is our countries biggest spending. So lets not act like they taking care of the problem either, its usworking ppl and our tax dollars taking care of the child, in a sense alot of these young mothers not all are nothing more then glorified baby sitters, they are physically and emotionally there but not finnacially, which oddly enough is what alot of woman say makes a deadbeat daddy.

Lets not mention that fathers do not even have rights to there child outside of being able to spend money on them. But thats another subject.

End of the day back to topic at hand, please explain why would you knowing how detrimental your life is without a father figure, knowing a guy isnt any good and wont be a father figure to a child, with good conscious say hey why dont i not use b.c., morning after pill, abortion etc and have a baby? Again explain how is it the guy fault? they only one who knows for sure if she has daddy issues would be her right? That might explain the whole theory you say of all these young girls not dating guys there age and guys old enough to almost be they daddies (which i dont believe, entirely) Yes some due but lets not act like the average 14/15 gets knocked up by 24 y/o men and none are dating having sex with guys near their age.

I mean id like a serious sincere answer to these questions, and not the oh it takes two. Ok yes it does but it is only one person who can decide what is to be made of the situation.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by HighMan

I hate when people hear the truth and get angry...
And what's the truth here?

women without a father figure usually fail… men usually pull thorugh and bounce back...

Oh.  OK champ, thanks for clearing that up for us.



Originally Posted by LDJ

Exactly i mean the facts are most girls that have a kid before 17 have another before 21, The fact that most men dont have another kid till mid 20's tells you common sense factor that the woman obviously had to have a kid with someone else. No it doesnt take 2 to have a kid, it takes 2 to have sex, the decision and choice to get pregnant and have a kid is left to 1, the woman. When did they allow men to choose abortion, when did they make brth control and the morning after pill mandatory and other preventive measures the law? Please when did this pass let me know.

And then think about this is you hated not having a father, and see how it affected your life why would you consciously make the decision to repeat the cycle. Ok you say the guys are bad, jerks etc. Why say f the pill, f birth control, and even after that f the morning after pill. Its funny how that always gets over looked. And continue to complain about it when you and only you have the choice/decision to correct the decision, and choose not to....And ok maybe not believing in abortion understand that but their is preventive ways well before that even comes into play.

I know that was a lil off topic but a few comments lead it to this.

And to the question how can woman have multi baby daddies and how can it not be the same for men in the same %'s. I dont know if ppl realize this but there are more woman by a huge margin in the us then there are men. Average kids for woman before 30 3.18 men its 1.86. So just using deduction and common sense its safe to say these woman have to be having kids with more then one man.
Fam you do not know how to interpret, analyze, and draw conclusions from statistics.  Period.  Please stop.

The first "statistic" you posted means that older guys are bumping off younger women.  It has nothing at all to do with men somehow being more "responsible" than women.  It has to do with a multitude of factors, including older men pursuing younger women, young men having higher mortality and incarceration rates, etc.

The birth control "argument" is completely invalid and an absurd way of trying to absolve men of their role in having sex and creating life.  As a man, you should not stick your **** in anyone if you are not prepared to deal with the potential consequences of having sex with that person.  So it does take two people to make a baby (unless a woman is artificially inseminated).

Your last statistic once again simply points to the fact that older dudes are impregnating younger women.  Also, you're right that there are more men than women in this country.  What you apparently fail to realize is that due to this fact, the actual average of kids will be necessarily higher for men than for women.  Like I said, please stop with the stats fam, you have no idea what you're doing
.  Your other posts aren't even worth addressing because you're simply talking our of your %+@ and speculating about research methodology which you have no clue about.

Wrong because if you no all these men are so called deadbeats etc then why have a baby? You have yet to explain that. If i know fire is hot and sticking my hands in it will cause me damage, how is it the fires fault. And lets be serious do you really think the reason is because there is a rampade surge in damn near 30 year old men sleeping with 15-18 year old girls, and if so then ok its the parents to blame since you saying the stats mean its older men. I have 2 daughters and aint no way in hell imma let some 26-30 man come and take my 15-18 y/o daughter off somewhere.

So your saying the reason why women have kids earlier and more kids by the age of 21 then men at 30 is because they are sleeping with older men, in this case at least 7,8,9 y/o then them. So again you are saying no responsibility on the woman or her parents, for allowing their 15 y/o to sleep with a 24 y/o.

Thats the problem with things now everyone has to be accountable for actions except them person who has the control to rectify the situation. Ok yes sexual it takes two to get pregnant, but if dude is a deadbeat etc wont be a good father, why have the kid? Why not morning after pill, why not birth control? Abstinence is a stupid and unrealistic answer, and ok you can say condoms, but guess what, they are only at the highest 80% while birth control is 96-97% effective when used correctly, and morning after and abortion is 100% effective. What do you have to say about that.

And hello how are men dodging responsibility, you do know that they have this thing called child support, and child support laws etc. If the girl doesnt use her rights and inforce them, thats on her. Also lets not forget that she isnt held liable for care or responsibility for the child either. You do know that outside the war govt assistance programs such as wic, free healthcare, section 8, welfare etc is our countries biggest spending. So lets not act like they taking care of the problem either, its usworking ppl and our tax dollars taking care of the child, in a sense alot of these young mothers not all are nothing more then glorified baby sitters, they are physically and emotionally there but not finnacially, which oddly enough is what alot of woman say makes a deadbeat daddy.

Lets not mention that fathers do not even have rights to there child outside of being able to spend money on them. But thats another subject.

End of the day back to topic at hand, please explain why would you knowing how detrimental your life is without a father figure, knowing a guy isnt any good and wont be a father figure to a child, with good conscious say hey why dont i not use b.c., morning after pill, abortion etc and have a baby? Again explain how is it the guy fault? they only one who knows for sure if she has daddy issues would be her right? That might explain the whole theory you say of all these young girls not dating guys there age and guys old enough to almost be they daddies (which i dont believe, entirely) Yes some due but lets not act like the average 14/15 gets knocked up by 24 y/o men and none are dating having sex with guys near their age.

I mean id like a serious sincere answer to these questions, and not the oh it takes two. Ok yes it does but it is only one person who can decide what is to be made of the situation.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

I wish I starting looking for daddy issues earlier. It helps explain so much.

I don't know if it's been put this way yet, but one negative aspect is that the girl may never fully respect a man.

On the flip side, how are we going to raise our daughters? Why are so many of us becoming terrible fathers?
Because some men are too lazy/dumb to acknowledge and embrace the importance of developmental psychology.
Positive reinforcement, instilling confidence, and the proper amount of discipline and attention should lead to a well-developed child.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

I wish I starting looking for daddy issues earlier. It helps explain so much.

I don't know if it's been put this way yet, but one negative aspect is that the girl may never fully respect a man.

On the flip side, how are we going to raise our daughters? Why are so many of us becoming terrible fathers?
Because some men are too lazy/dumb to acknowledge and embrace the importance of developmental psychology.
Positive reinforcement, instilling confidence, and the proper amount of discipline and attention should lead to a well-developed child.
The original purpose of this thread, is to highlight the common denominator in women with no father figures. ISSUES. The topic in and of itself, blames MEN. While NT does tend to be a place of vengeful virgins who hate women, I think this topic is unique in that it has validity. Women with no fathers are ,messed up. Is it a generalization? Maybe, but that doesn't make it any less true.

As far as the blame game, we can argue till the cows come home about who's fault it is. Women who have these daughters with dead beat dads. the women that raised these women who had dead beat dads, the women that raised the women who raised the women with no father, the blame could go in circles.

Aside from the blame game, I think the true purpose of dialogue is to find a solution, and when a woman grows up with no father, I am not so sure there is one.
The original purpose of this thread, is to highlight the common denominator in women with no father figures. ISSUES. The topic in and of itself, blames MEN. While NT does tend to be a place of vengeful virgins who hate women, I think this topic is unique in that it has validity. Women with no fathers are ,messed up. Is it a generalization? Maybe, but that doesn't make it any less true.

As far as the blame game, we can argue till the cows come home about who's fault it is. Women who have these daughters with dead beat dads. the women that raised these women who had dead beat dads, the women that raised the women who raised the women with no father, the blame could go in circles.

Aside from the blame game, I think the true purpose of dialogue is to find a solution, and when a woman grows up with no father, I am not so sure there is one.
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