|| FIFA 17 Thread || Release Date-- Sept. 27 || Demo is out

What do you guys who play FUT do about fitness nowadays? Those 2,000 coin prices are about to have me running out of coins. Making around 400 coins per match yet needing to use a squad fitness every 2-3 matches is stupid

Might have to switch to normal seasons tbh, stopped spending money on Fifa points a while ago .

If I play an offline match and just put my controller down will my guys who arent playing recover on fitness? Might have to sell KDB or Ibra if I wana continue playing FUT

Bought KDB for 181,000 before the price cap and just saw him going for 53k. Bought Ibra before the cap at 343,000 and just saw one for 125,000
I have 2 teams so I don't need fitness cards. One is significantly better than the other of course but I enjoy both and alternate between them. Each team has the other team on the bench/reserves so they keep eachother at full fitness by switching teams after 1 or at most 2 games.

Main squad: French/Ligue 1 hybrid (will be replacing Tolisso with his MOTM version)

Second squad. I used to have IF Can instead of his regular card and Lallana is a temporary replacement for SIF Firmino as I sold his first IF a few months ago to get more coins for TOTS.
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What do you guys who play FUT do about fitness nowadays? Those 2,000 coin prices are about to have me running out of coins. Making around 400 coins per match yet needing to use a squad fitness every 2-3 matches is stupid :lol:

Might have to switch to normal seasons tbh, stopped spending money on Fifa points a while ago .

If I play an offline match and just put my controller down will my guys who arent playing recover on fitness? Might have to sell KDB or Ibra if I wana continue playing FUT

Bought KDB for 181,000 before the price cap and just saw him going for 53k. Bought Ibra before the cap at 343,000 and just saw one for 125,000 :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :x :x :x :x :x :x
I have 2 teams so I don't need fitness cards. One is significantly better than the other of course but I enjoy both and alternate between them. Each team has the other team on the bench/reserves so they keep eachother at full fitness by switching teams after 1 or at most 2 games.

I was thinking about doing this but I sacrificed so many players to build my squad that a 2nd squad for fitness purposes would be atrocious :lol:

Do you know if you play against the CPU if it helps players recover for fitness and/or injuries?
I was thinking about doing this but I sacrificed so many players to build my squad that a 2nd squad for fitness purposes would be atrocious

Do you know if you play against the CPU if it helps players recover for fitness and/or injuries?
Yeah if you play against CPU it'll recover fitness for your bench/reserves and recover injuries. The problem is the injury rate against the CPU is atrocious. You get injured almost every game. I've often had 2 or even 3 injuries in a single match against the AI.

And you can get a decent and fairly cheap fitness squad with cheap OP players like Smalling, Bailey, Can, Tolisso, Renato Sanches, Tolisso, Matuidi, Gueye, Lacazette, ...

This used to be my former French squad when I didn't have much coins. Less than 100k now and performs decent. 
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Gotcha, good lookin' out man. May have to do it

Ibra's days are numbered if so :frown:
Belgium Belgium Took your advice and made a 2nd squad which I'm really feelin' and should be able to compete with. I had to sell Ibra unfortunately, but I was able to build a French squad as well and it only costed ~62k. Tempted to grab Griez or one of Mbappes IF's

Good lookin' out though! Appreciate the advice, I don't even want to know how many coins I wasted on Squad Fitness cards this year :lol: :x
How do you guys feel about the game after the recent patch?

I wasn't able to play for 8 days, since I was on vacation, but I fired up FIFA yesterday and started to play the weekend league and I felt it was almost a brand new game. 

What I'm noticing is, you have to be very precise and smart with your passes now, it's almost as if an accurate and realistic physics engine was implemented into the game. 

Everything feels pretty fluid, I feel lest scripting. The game also feels harder, maybe there's a skill gap now? Idk.

If this is what FIFA 18 is going to play like I feel it's a step in the right direction. 
Just qualified for Weekend League, thought I'd get someone epic for the reward (TOTS Card) but nope, just some random dude :lol:
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How do I upload a video from my phone to NT you guys gotta see this **** 

How do I upload a video from my phone to NT you guys gotta see this **** 
Upload it to https://streamable.com/

Idk if you can do it from phone but if not just email the video to yourself and download it on laptop or upload it to your dropbox or something.
Thanks repped @Colombia

I uploaded them there  then turned them into gifs.

look at this ****
 two pens that should have been saved instead this happened twice now two days in a row 
^^this is the type of **** that'll make me fling my remote across the room :lol:

was this the FUT tournament ?
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​ Nah this was in seasons I was so ****in heated both cost me wins that ended up being draws
man that **** is mad annoying.

I played a dude in the KO tournament yesterday and it went to pens.

I wanted to go down the middle everytime but somehow all my shots veered off to the right.

and when I wanted to dive with the keeper to make a save he reacted too slowly. 

I know it probably has something to do with the patch. Because I usually never lose in pens. ever.
One of my close friends I always play Fifa against keeps getting more and more frustrated playing against me even though he wins 90% of the time 

These are all just from yesterday and today

TOTS Falcao gets the bicycle kick equalizer 

Same game, subbed on Son in extra time and he's brushing off everyone from my half to his goal to put the nail in the coffin 

Then Kante scored this ridiculous equalizer in another match

After some of those games we decided to play some regular friendlies.

First game, I score the worst aids goal in my Fifa career

My man was furious 
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wait until his pot shot futties card... all hell will break loose
One of my close friends I always play Fifa against keeps getting more and more frustrated playing against me even though he wins 90% of the time :smh: :lol:
These are all just from yesterday and today
TOTS Falcao gets the bicycle kick equalizer :smokin

Same game, subbed on Son in extra time and he's brushing off everyone from my half to his goal to put the nail in the coffin :rofl:

Then Kante scored this ridiculous equalizer in another match

After some of those games we decided to play some regular friendlies.
First game, I score the worst aids goal in my Fifa career

My man was furious :rofl:  

That last one :lol:

I scored an AIDs goal today too. Rainbow flicked his keeper, and his defender mashes his head onto the ball but goes through the entire ball. Felt bad for dude.

I ended up adding salt to his wounds by literally just dancing in the box with Ronaldo to finish the game :pimp:

decided since i had some coins left did a 15k squad builder, gonna rtg that *** until fifa 18 drops, been killin dudes with loic, son, and bolasie as my front 3 lol
Ended up selling all my tradable guys last night.

ended up with about 1.1 Mill coins.

current team looking like this:

Already had alba, FUT champs version of isco, pulisic smalling, umtiti and lallana. Bought everyone else and I'm working with about 730k.

Played a couple of games with them and had to adjust to the speed, didn't seem as fast as my italian team.

Defense needs some work as well. Maybe replacing umtiti with an IF Ramos

if yall have random same nation st/cm/cb's sell them now, people dropping stupid coins, i've made 20k in the past hour selling random players 
if yall have random same nation st/cm/cb's sell them now, people dropping stupid coins, i've made 20k in the past hour selling random players 
Prices were going crazy for that Smalling SBC, especially 84 rateds and higher

Luckily I had some players saved up for an 84 rated SBC. Bought them for cheap a while back. 
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fml I just accidentally bought a Eder that i was gonna get for an SBC for 10,000 coins
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