FIFA Confederations Cup 2009 in South Africa

Originally Posted by zizou

Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Originally Posted by zizou

Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Originally Posted by zizou

xabi's stock has been high for awhile now.

real really dropped the ball when they didn't sign him years ago.
I meant to say his stock rose eve more for some of the clubs trying to chip him off Liverpool.


i hate liverpool, but i love xabi. the guy so smooth. i love him watching him play when he's spraying passes from the midfield. his passing game is so fun to watch. and every once in awhile, he'll try a shot from the halfway line

<--- will definitely get a xabi alonso 14 spain shirt one of these days. i think my raul spain shirt is ready to be retired.

Yea his passing game is amazing, can wait to see him play more often now that im starting to follow the EPL... but he is still the bootleg XaVi

Are you a Spain fan?

i wouldn't call him a bootleg xavi since they're different types of players.

xabi alonso is more of a deep lying playmaker (though he does act as a defensive mid too). xavi doesn't play as deep as alonso. he'll track box to box more, however.

but both players are sublime passers.

spain mids are just sick. they didn't even have iniesta.

i'm not really a spain fan. i like their players but never "supported" them. i've always like raul, though.

I was being sarcastic.... at one point in my life I thought they werethe same person

Regarding Spain mids, Iniesta > Xavi > Fabregas > Xabi > Senna >.... thats my personal "chain" preference currently.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by JRose5


You don't know how bad I hate Bradley and his substitution patterns. Like you said, he seems he's having a hard time reading the game in certain situations.


QFT. I dont get what Bradley tries to do in his subs. Sacha??? Borstein??? Did he really think Connor can run at people and get a goal, penalty or what with 5 minutes to go against Brazil??????? I was never on this Fire Bradley campaign until these last 5 or 6 games. He needs to really see what is going on outhere or he needs to go.
im not a bradley fan either, but do you think it's too late to fire him, being that we're less than a year away from the WC? im not really sure what id do.

i think it is too late to fire him and get a new manager. we're only a year out, and there only so many friendlies and matches for a new manager. and wehave some tough qualifiers coming up.

i'm not a fan of BB, but i think we stick with him through the rest of this world cup cycle.

that said, i believe he's done a lot of good things during his tenure. and i'm glad we've been playing good competition during the last few years.that was severely lacking during the previous world cup cycle. even though we only sent a b team to copa america, that along with friendlies against sweden,switzerland, england, spain, and argentina can be valuable experience even if they're just friendlies.
doh. my bad.

of that quintet, xabi's my favorite. but there's something about iniesta's game that makes me smile.

what's scary is that those are only the central mids, and they all offer something different from one another.

then you have the likes of silva, mata, riera, etc.

man, i wish the u.s. had that kind of depth.
Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

JRose honestly stop trolling this thread. You have absolutely NO soccer knowledge. USMNT garbage soccer? They same team that's defending Gold Cup champs? The team that has OWNED Mexico for years? The team that just beat the worlds #1? Honestly you come in here to try and prove you're a real fan by making these outlandish statements. How about you **** and stop making a fool of yourself.
Excuse me, you fairweather fan? I've got more knowledge than you. You actually think USMNT is great soccer?
Just stop, you're making a joke out of yourself. You know NOTHING about soccer at all. Well, no freaking %*++, the USMNT always easily wins the CONCACAF region. So you think that's great soccer? Come on now, give me a break. Fan? I'm a fan of the game, not a fan of the USMNT and crap soccer like your bandwagon !%* is.

I guess the "Gold Cup" champions ain't going to be champions this year because the US brought in a great roster.
USMNT will continue to be a joke.

at you jumping on the FC Barcelona bandwagon after they upsetted Manchester United in the Champions League final. What a freaking joke, freaking fairweather fan, always picking the team that just wins. Stick to your sport basketball, your screen name suggests it. The Timberwolves might be good next year.

Yea because I didn't join after the Champions League or anything. Just because I argued that the USA isn't a garbage soccer club makes me believe they're GREAT? I never said they were amazing, I said they played with heart and aren't as bad as people say they are. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm only 19 and I'm 100% positive I've watched more soccer games than you, been to more soccer games than you, and since I've joined this month I bet I've POSTED IN MORE SOCCER THREADS THAN YOU.[/color] How am I on the "Team Barcelona" bandwagon if I was first to have the sig? What you need to do is wait a couple more years and watch a couple more soccer games and THEN come bash the USMNT. "Michael Bradley is only on the team becuase of his dad" well I guess you haven't watched any BUNDELSLIGA games. You are a lame excuse for a soccer supporter, JROSE just quit man.
Oh wow. You're only 19 and you've been to more soccer matches than me? You've got to be kidding me. I've been to more matches than you've ever been in your whole lifetime, so that makes your 100% wrong, ole Otis. And I know the only matches you've gone to are the last place Minnesota Thunder A league team you got there and a couple of high school games. Soccer in Minnesota and your region ain't *+++ compared to other regions.

And for the millionth time, like I said before, I am hardly in the sports forum much less NikeTalk anymore. So you posted more than me and you think you know soccer in general? Please, believe me, my whole family, friends, and others would kick your %%% and whoever you know in soccer. Because you're 19, makes you more wiser or something? Just quit dude. You have nothing on me on soccer, especially in the United States? I've stopped coaching soccer because of the politics involved. Sooner or later I'll be getting my "B" license, but of course money is tight. You actually play soccer? What the highest level you've been on your club team, if you even played at all? Don't tell me you won State Cup, because now I know you're lying. Believe me, I've turned down Division II and low Division I scholarship offers for academics instead.

Wait a couple years and then bash the US team? Please, I've been waiting more than 10-12-15 years for the USMNT to do something. I've been bashing those scrubs for years now, ever since your were in diapers.
at this "kid" thinking I'm starting to blast on USA soccer, this week. You have no idea what you're talking about.

You're a lame excuse for soccer in general.

On another subject......

As for you and your multiple personalities, "younggunna828" aka "deepinajeep". I love how on one screen name you praise me all gung-ho and *+++ and you even PMed me praising me and on your "deepinajeep" you consistently blast me on all your threads. Looks like your multiple personas have backfired. I love how after you asked for your banishment and that you "reached" out to Method Man claiming ignorance after you dared me. Please.

This is my only account I have no other screen names.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

This is my only account I have no other screen names.
My bad, it wasn't directed towards you. It was directed at "younggunna828" aka "deepinajeep". See if you were those two,you'd be at "banned camp" as well.

But anyways, someone asked if it is too late to fire Bradley or something like that.

I'd just keep him along. The World Cup is a year away, there would be no point in changing coaches. The US need better supporting players. Three or fiveplayers isn't cutting it. The US needs to get deeper as the bench, I think, is practically worthless. And lastly, that midfield needs to improvedrastically. The backline is fine and up top. It's the midfielders for us that's playing like @$@$.

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Craftsy21 wrote:

It's rather frustrating, too... given that we DID actually start
looking more organized on offense the last two games early on in the
games.. to the point where it seemed we could've stayed somewhat
aggressive (or at least not 100 percent defensive) and still won both
Yup....I almost want to say that if Brasil would have
scored they're 1st goal in the 1st half, we would've been a lot better
off, instead
of stuffing the back, and relying solely on counters in the 2nd half,
we would've been more agressive.

What do you guys think of our back-line. In my opinion,
Spector----Demerit----Gooch----Carlos...........should be our starting
back 4 (baring no injuries) in

Bradley, Clint, and LD, should be in the midfield, and Jozy up
front. Ricardo should have to battle w/ hopefully Jermaine Jones and Mo
Edu for that defending
mid position, and even though Charlie played a pretty good
you think his spot is still safe?
I really liked Charlie in there with Jozy up front..
I'd like to see that continue. I'm not a big fan of Ching,
. Davies provided a nice spark for us, he's quick and seems
to have some good finishing abilities - i think the more he gets to
play this summer, the better.

It will be nice to have Edu back - but I want to see more of Torres and
Adu in the mid field this summer too before I make up my mind on the
completion of it - I think Dempsey and Donovan should be the only sure
things at this point in the middle.

And I didn't HATE our backline - but I can't say I feel entirely
confident with Demerit, and Spector and Gooch still make me nervous
sometimes... Still - when they were all on the same page, they looked
solid as a foursome.

It'll be nice having some options to play with - I hope Bradley uses
the gold cup to really get some different looks out there - is that
gold cup roster on wikipedia right now official/set? If so, it's
almost a sure thing he'll have to let us see some different players.
That's a good thing in my mind, I really don't care what happens in the
GC so long as we play hard and get to sort some players out in the

I dont like ching either, but i was hoping he was healthy just so that we didnt take connor...
and i bet my screenname connor will start in the gold cup.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Anyone going to any of the Barcelona tour games. I need help finding cheap tickets.

nah, sorry.... they were too expensive.. I got 30 dollar tickets in the lower bowl for the gold-cup semi's in Philly though.. pretty pumped to see that.
Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

This is my only account I have no other screen names.
My bad, it wasn't directed towards you. It was directed at "younggunna828" aka "deepinajeep". See if you were those two, you'd be at "banned camp" as well.

But anyways, someone asked if it is too late to fire Bradley or something like that.

I'd just keep him along. The World Cup is a year away, there would be no point in changing coaches. The US need better supporting players. Three or five players isn't cutting it. The US needs to get deeper as the bench, I think, is practically worthless. And lastly, that midfield needs to improve drastically. The backline is fine and up top. It's the midfielders for us that's playing like @$@$.

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