Fighting Game Tip's Thread- All Fighting Games Accepted

Apr 15, 2013
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Mash buttons
Or look at the guide for all the moves and practice over and over.
Step 1

Deplete your opponents health before yours

Step 2


Step 3
Step 4
Bruh MKX is not even out yet...

Trying to get head starts and **** [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Bruh MKX is not even out yet...

Trying to get head starts and **** [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
It was more or less me trying to get info on it :lol:
where's the ken flow chart? someone needs to post that asap. the sad part is it really works.
where's the ken flow chart? someone needs to post that asap. the sad part is it really works.
Explain this

Oh and you can post your GT's and PSN's in here strictly for practice purposes, specify Xbox 360/XB1 or PS3/PS4

Xbox 360
1st account- Trickzy Tang
2nd account- Fresh Gamma 11s

Add the 2nd one for street fighter, it's the only one I play on atm
Honestly FG's are all about repatition. Once you play enough (and get beat) by then you should know what's coming next. Rinse, repeat. You can also go the OD route and go by frame data. Once you learn the OP moves and figure out how to either make them safe or house to decoy them you'll be good.

Next is the 50/50 game. High low, or left right (cross up). No way of getting around that other than making a read or a guess.

I love fighting games because it's nothing more than out smarting the next guy. No "luck" involed at all, nobody to help you.
Ken flo Chat went something like, jump back, fireball spam, shoryu when they get near, jump back or jump over + tatsu to get away, repeat. :lol:
Play your opponent dont just play the game. Learn to block. When you got the lead dont take unnecessary risk. Dont be afraid to run the clock.
Thanks Tony

Also I need a C. Viper player to teach me on usf4.
Xbox 360 player
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