Finances Vol. Piggy Bank

Trying to do the same, money in my wallet goes just like that, but when it's in my cheqing it's there for a little while longer
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I've been cheap for as long as I remember...

I have no problemo saving money.
same here...i'm always trying to find ways to save money.

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Yeezy St Laurent

For the New Year, I recently signed up on which is a personal finance tracking site. I found this site helpful since I can monitor all my finances from one site.

givin all your info to them is what turned me away.

I seen it reccommend sp? by many folks (including Howard Clark) but there own policy states they're not responsible...i cant roll with that.

and as far as compounding interest, i understand it, but dont know where to do it, to get REAL gains.

They aren't responsible for what? And can you also link me with said policy?
That sounds stupid, but man, I save sooooo much money this way. Every night, I come in and put my charge, $1 bills, and $5 bills in a HUGE jar. You honestlywon't even notice the money is missing. I've been doing this since high school (I'm 23 now), and I know I have a few thousand chilling in the jar.My local bank will roll my coins for free, so if I want, I can just bring the jar in.

I have a certain % of my paycheck automatically sent to a high-interest savings account, but my bank will not allow me to withdraw the money for three years,or there will be penalties. You can't spend money you aren't permitted access to.

I do coupons, coupons, coupons, and I watch sales like a hawk at the grocery store. I save an insane amount of money when I go there. On that note, refrainfrom eating out. You could save between $40-50/week by cooking your own meals.

Stop using your credit card unless it is absolutely necessary. You can end up owing more than charged in the end because of interest, and $5 here and $10 thereadds up.

If you have an expensive phone with a data plan (like a smartphone or a Blackberry) consider downgrading. If you don't want to downgrade, check to see ifyour phone company offers discounts through your employer. I work for two major hospitals, and Verizon offers me serious discounts because of that.

For one month, monitor your checking account. After that month, sit down and analyze where most of your money is going. Is it going to clothes/shoes? Toelectronics? To eating out? Doing this could provide a huge wakeup call.

I hope that helps! I love to save money.
Wow, I forgot I even made this thread. But everyone's ideas and stuff are sure to help me.

I appreciate it. I'll definitly be putting some of this into action soon
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

When I get my yearly raise I increase my contributions to my 401k. So if I get a 5% raise I'll increase my contrabutions by 5%. I don't miss the money because my take home pay stayed exactly the same (cant miss what you never had). Plus there are so many penalties with early withdrawels of 401k's that believe me, you will leave the money in there. (sp)
if you're already contributing 15% on your should put it towards a Roth IRA instead
Well first of all you need to know what you're spending your money. So unless you have a great memory, I would suggest a personal financing accountingsoftware like Quicken. You can keep track of your expenses/loan/bank accounts, plan future purchases, budget, prepare reports/graphs to analyze where yourmoney is going to, reconcile bank/cc accounts, etc.

Everything and anything related to your finances is in one program. It makes things so easy. Plus another great feature is you're able to download bank andcredit card transactions directly to the software.
somebody school me on checking/savings accounts with (relatively) high interest rates.

i got $8k sitting in my checkings with 0% interest

need to keep it liquid because i may be out of a job in 6 months depending on whether or not we get this grant.
Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

somebody school me on checking/savings accounts with (relatively) high interest rates.

i got $8k sitting in my checkings with 0% interest

need to keep it liquid because i may be out of a job in 6 months depending on whether or not we get this grant.

Check out IGN direct or HSBC direct. I am about to start one in about 2 weeks. So I am also in the same boast as you man.
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