1000? In 6 months? I wonder if I should keep mines. What mind of guarantee do u do? =)
^^^^ I would be shocked if these are doing $1,000 in six months.. It's not like before. Shoes went up in value after months/years because people were wearing their kicks, destroying them.. The more the people wore and destroyed the less DS pairs there were hence the increase in value for a brand new pair.

With these Foamposites and most releases nowadays no one is wearing them. There's more people hoarding them than wearing them.
^^^^ I would be shocked if these are doing $1,000 in six months.. It's not like before. Shoes went up in value after months/years because people were wearing their kicks, destroying them.. The more the people wore and destroyed the less DS pairs there were hence the increase in value for a brand new pair.

With these Foamposites and most releases nowadays no one is wearing them. There's more people hoarding them than wearing them.

You apparently haven't resold much recently. Just because people sit on theirs it doesn't make them any more readily available to those who missed out on a release.
1000? In 6 months? I wonder if I should keep mines. What mind of guarantee do u do? =)

I know this isn't quite the same, but people said I was crazy for wanting $3K for my Eminem II's. I sold them to a guy in Australia for exactly that a few months ago.
He was saying there are 200 pairs of each size on eBay; there are only 40 pairs of size 11's in the red colorway right now. Like another person mentioned, the value of these shoes are only going to increase as the supply starts to dwindle.
wasn't taking a shot at you.. i appologize if it came off that way... just giving some perspective on the numbers
No I couldn't get a pair because I was at work making $37.63 an hour. I had to pay resell from an acquaintance who copped online but I have no qualms about that because I can afford it. I'm not saying they won't sell I'm saying these dudes asking for $1000 for a pair are delusional. Most sold are via PayPal invoice for way less than what they were listed on eBay for. I'm never salty because I can get whatever I want whether is retail or resale. The benefits of having financial stability. And they other guy is correct. I don't have any idea what I'm talking about. I'm not a sneaker reselling guru. What I do know is that reselling is slowly dying in my opinion. That's because everyone thinks they are a reseller now and are copping GR jordan releases and putting them on eBay trying to make a profit. The only way to truly make good money is to get something truly limited like I stated. The lebron championship pack sold easily at thousands of dollars and so do yeezys. That was a come up. But to each their own. Some people are in situations where a $50-$100 profit truly helps them.
Those who have to advertise how much money they make or how much of a "grown man" they are are lames imo 
af1 1982 af1 1982 Thanks for the compliment. I think dudes who stand out side for hours for a shoe are "lamies". Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
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Originally Posted by Luckyme6

No I couldn't get a pair because I was at work making $37.63 an hour. I had to pay resell from an acquaintance who copped online but I have no qualms about that because I can afford it. I'm not saying they won't sell I'm saying these dudes asking for $1000 for a pair are delusional. Most sold are via PayPal invoice for way less than what they were listed on eBay for. I'm never salty because I can get whatever I want whether is retail or resale. The benefits of having financial stability.

Perfect opportunity to brag, eh? I guarantee in six months selling a pair for $1,000 won't take much effort.

Ok!? I don't get why you have to put your hourly and remind yourself you have a "stable" job. Lol. Guys in NT these days. LMAO!!!!! Congrats on paying a rack from some $250 shoes!
You are correct my friend. But these young reseller dudes don't have that patience. Most are looking for a quick come up and can't afford to wait that long. That how you find good deals. Look for that desperate guy who needs that money back ASAP and PayPal invoice his ***

True, I picked up an XI/XII Countdown Pack the same way. A guy on Craigslist sold them to me for retail just a few weeks after the release.
[@=/u/101334/cheddaman]@cheddaman[/@] $450. I'm try to talk him down to $400 when I meet him to pick em up

That is a ***** move man. You agreed on a price right? Pay it. Don't do the little hemming hawwing dance once the shoes are there.
This isn't some dude I don't know. Coworker/acquaintance who's into kicks as well. I hooked him up with infrared 23 6s for a good price so he could do me a favor.
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Got my first shipping conf. I accidentally put in two orders, let's see if the second goes through- never got a cancellation email.
This isn't some dude I don't know. Coworker/acquaintance who's into kicks as well. I hooked him up with infrared 23 6s for a good price so he could do me a favor.
You don't call paying $450 for shoes that are going for easily $200 more than that a favor? I'm just saying be a man of your word. If you say 450, do 450.
Got my first shipping conf. I accidentally put in two orders, let's see if the second goes through- never got a cancellation email.

You don't call paying $450 for shoes that are going for easily $200 more than that a favor? I'm just saying be a man of your word. If you say 450, do 450.
Congrats fam! Still keeping my fingers crossed for mine.
Got my first shipping conf. I accidentally put in two orders, let's see if the second goes through- never got a cancellation email.

You don't call paying $450 for shoes that are going for easily $200 more than that a favor? I'm just saying be a man of your word. If you say 450, do 450.

Not to mention, it doesn't make sense he would pull something like that if he's got the money to cover a price that was agreed on.
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byukid byukid I get were your coming from but you don't know our relationship. Dude haggled the hell outta me for this infrared 6s. I'm just getting back at him. Enough with the resell talk from me though. For all those saying that foams are dead and overrated..... These black supremes are tough as hell IMO. Best foams to drop since the stealths. I would still cop if they were a GR. Not too many people will say that.
True, I picked up an XI/XII Countdown Pack the same way. A guy on Craigslist sold them to me for retail just a few weeks after the release.
That's how the game is now. Sad that everyone is out there to make a quick buck. The time and effort to sell them they should work OT and not worry about the struggle. I'm laughing cause the Tiffany Dunks on feebay are going for 350+ and locally on CL they're going for 250-270.
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y'all keep arguing and debating over these, i just backdoored into some Oregon foams for a good price since ewverybody is focused on these..i'll come back and get these when the hype dies down on the next hyped foam release...
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