First thing you do every morning vol. Probably done before.

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

take a piss, and try to get rid of my morning wood.


I hate when I wake up with some lumber, cause I live in a college suite and my boys could easily see it when I walk from my room to the bathroom. I just hopethey are not looking in that region.
use the bathroom

brush my teeth

wash my face

change for school

go to school
Get up, turn the alarm off, go right back to sleep.

Dam I'm lazy.
on a school day: get up, turn on the computer, go back to sleep with cell phone in hand and set an alarm.
i go to sleep when morning comes..

back in high school though my moms would push open me and the boys room doors then yell ''wake up'' .. i didn't have class until 9 though..and it'd be like 6

so i would get up, close my door, and go back to sleep until my tv woke me up at 8ish, shower, get dressed, listen to music and then off to school..
i told her every other day that i don't need her +!# to wake me up..but she did that +#@% everyday for like 2 1/2 years
##*%%%@ pot heads and their BS memories
Turn off the alarm
Roll over - pack/smoke a bowl
check my email
get out of bed
----, shower, shave
get dressed
go about my day
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