First World Problems

When that one raindrop makes it past my umbrella and jacket and goes down my collar making me shiver.
Walking 20 minutes to class, only to realize that class was cancelled. Then I have to walk back home. 
having to carry my coat around all day because i misjudged the weather and dont want to be too warm
when you dont "FEEL" like eating leftovers

when you have throw food away to make room for the new groceries you just brought

when the water filter on the fridge goes bad

when the AC goes out

when its time to shampoo the carpet

when the garage door opener doesnt work

......the list goes on
the past couple of days the heat in my house was not working so i had to double up on sweats and sweaters to stay warm, now the heat is working but it gets too warm that i have to turn on the window ac.
Originally Posted by champg23

"Huh, this video won't play on my iphone?"

::tongue:ulls out iPad::

When you drop a meaty chud in your first world toilet but realize you only have a wipe or two worth of toilet paper left... So you have to get up, pull up your drawers just under your butt cheeks, pull your shirt down over your butt because your roommates are home, and duck walk out to your first world closet where you have a plethora of rolls. Then retrieve it so you can continue with your business.
O yea, also, when the toilet seat is too cold so you gotta lay toilet paper down so its warm and comfy.
When a package gets delayed.

I hate it when cashier's don't give me my change back.

When fast food chains screw up my order.

It gets annoying when the internet is laggin online.

Pisses me off when I pick up my one of friends, they tell you to come thru, and they not even ready.
Originally Posted by Storm2006

Originally Posted by megatron

I hate it when I can't decide which of my cars to drive.

I hate it when I have to get ready to go on a date, and I look in my closet, I see dozens of shoes, & can't decide which ones to wear.

I have to make sure to keep my car keys out of my pocket with my iPhone, and vice versa. It gets annoying.

It pisses me off so much when I crave Chick fil a on a sunday so i have to drive another 10 miles to go to In n out.

Sometimes there isn't enough screen room on 15inch macbook pro.

When i have trouble deciding what music stays and what music goes on to my 32gb iphone 4.

When I have to be somewhere but I need to stop to put in gas

When I have to decide whether to get a bottle of a jagermeister or hennessy. so i end up getting both sometimes

i forget to put my water bottles in the fridge sometimes, so i have to drink it at room temperature

i have to go to my girls house to watch the Kardashians on E! because directv doesnt have that channel in HD

having to relog back into facebook when i switch from my iphone, ipad or macbook.

when i'm not first to post

theres more but damn

when college kids complain about tuition increases but have iphones and macbooks
Originally Posted by Af1 Jordan collecterz

 I hate it when cashier's don't give me my change back.

When the cashier gives me pennies and i dont want em
Originally Posted by Af1 Jordan collecterz

When a package gets delayed.

I hate it when cashier's don't give me my change back.

When fast food chains screw up my order.

It gets annoying when the internet is laggin online.

Pisses me off when I pick up my one of friends, they tell you to come thru, and they not even ready.
How you letting your local barista strong arm you for ya change though?
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