**FLASHBACK** When you were younger....

Sep 2, 2009
....what did you want to be when you grew up?

I was looking thru my grade school book that my moms had for me...
From pre-k to 8th grade...it had my school pic...my teacher...new friends...blah blah blah

Anyway...I thought it was weird to see what I wanted to be when I was younger...

Ranged from a Ninja, Firefighter, Football player, to lawyer....

Sadly....I didn't grow up to be a ninja...FML
I'm exactly where I wanna be right now/perfectly on track from what i wished for in middle school...just a little underpaid, but its only a matter of timetill it comes rolling in...
I wanted to be this guy when i was like 11


I even used to fake the Tics he had

I always wanted to be a superhero
It's all because of Fox Kids Saturday morning line-up. Spider-man, The X-Men, Power Rangers, who didnt want to be the kid on the block with newly foundsuper powers

But in the real world, I wanted to be an Astronomer and examine space, stars, planets, and look for aliens and $$%@
I became disintrested later on when I was a kid when I found out how much math and what not was involoved
doctor- pediatrician
music producer
wnba player ...i wanted to be team mates with cynthia cooper. no romo
black panther

i work in IT
wanted to be an oceanographer. then i realized i was deathly afraid of dark water & the mysteries that swam underneath... yeah, no dice.
I also wanted to be an archaeologist...jus so I could dig holes looking for things...
My moms hated that phase...I dug maad holes in my backyard looking for "spear heads" and what not...
Wanted to become:
Baseball player

A College Basketball Referee
Verizon tester...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]CIA agent[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Defense Lawyer[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Actor[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]NBA player[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Treasure Hunter (I was 11 and dug a 2-3ft hole in my backyard nh)[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Hired Assassin[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Rock climber/Adventurous guy[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]And just plain, filthy rich[/color]
NBA player - then I soon realized genetics didn't agree with me, average height FTL
CIA agent - movies and Jack Bauer had me amped
sportscenter anchor - realized I didn't have the speaking voice for TV, I work much better behind the camera

currently an Accounting Technician for the government, not long term hopefully
I never knew what I wanted to be, kids would always say fire fighters and cops....I always shrugged
i wanted to be a star receiver for nebraska or auburn because they were one of the few teams that were on the college football back then
I always put NBA player, NFL player, or doctor. I scratched the NFL a while back, but the other 2 are still in the works
I wanted to be a lot of *$#! when I was younger. Mainly something in entertainment.

My biggest thing for a while was wanting to be part of a SWAT team, too. I still kinda want to be that
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