Flordia Passes "take you gun to work " law

Florida is Crazy on the gun ...but its really MIAMI-DADE them ak-47's are like handguns out here dont go beefing with the wrong goonz
damn, i would bring a vest and a helmet to work then, thank god i don't live in florida.
WOW.........thats kinda crazy

a lot of jobs have a policy..........no drugs on weapons on they property.
Just an invitation for trouble. I know there's the citizens rights and all, but...there's too many fools in the world today for things like this.I'm still mixed about gun-control, though. Sure, if a criminal wants a gun, they will likely go to the black-market. But just remember, the guy who went onthe massacre at VT, he got his gun and ammo legally...
Originally Posted by bxbadboy90

smh @ the society we live in 2day... why would someone need to bring a gun to work?

Because, there are innocent people losing their lives when someone comes to the workplace and shoots up the place, for not getting the job and otherridiculous reasons.
Originally Posted by Elocin023

Originally Posted by bxbadboy90

smh @ the society we live in 2day... why would someone need to bring a gun to work?

Because, there are innocent people losing their lives when someone comes to the workplace and shoots up the place, for not getting the job and other ridiculous reasons.

How often does that happen? And to be honest, I don't want an office full of fake-me-out-Rambo's who, if the rare chance should arise that agun-men does enter, they will feel the need to play 'hero' and likely end up getting themselves killed or others. Police officers have to get testedthroughout the year to remain proficient with their weaponry, I doubt joe-blow citizen will spend that much time perfecting their skill. Of course, I don'treally have a problem with people owning guns for whatever reason, but when we talk about people being allowed to carry them to work, I think thats a whole newproblem. And the link wasn't working for me, will the new law allow concealed or open carry? If its open carry, whoever brings a gun to the work-place'for protection', will have a huge bullseye on their back...
The bill, allowing workers to keep guns in their cars for self-protection, was approved by the Florida Senate by a vote of 26-13. It now goes to Republican Gov. Charlie Crist to sign into law.

It wasn't legal, but who would of stopped you from doing this before? I really don't see this as a big deal..
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

The bill, allowing workers to keep guns in their cars for self-protection, was approved by the Florida Senate by a vote of 26-13. It now goes to Republican Gov. Charlie Crist to sign into law.

It wasn't legal, but who would of stopped you from doing this before? I really don't see this as a big deal..

Well, if you got pulled over and the police found it, you'd be in a tight-spot...And now that I actually know what the law is (lol, I didn't readthe article), what is the purpose? If a crazed-gun men comes to the building and goes on a killing spree, what good will your gun do if its in your car?
Or, I guess you can risk bringing it inside the building and gettingsuspended/fired/arrested...
I think most people who responded to this thread didn't read the article
Well the link ain't work for me so that's why i ain't read it.

I think this is mad stupid though, why do you need to be strapped in a workplace? You finna have shootout from your cubicles or something

I guess Plies wasn't kiddin "Down here, we in the middle of murkin season"
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