Florence + The Machine - "Ceremonials"

Apr 1, 2009
No thread for this yet????
I was playing this to fall asleep too because her voice is just soothing. But 4 songs in and I'm wide awake. I love this album so far.
Can't say if I like it more than Lungs yet because I haven't finished the whole album but so far so good

Def adding this to my collection

She is an amazing vocalist.  I really liked "Dog Days are Over."
I didn't even know they came out with a new album.
I was a bit iffy about Ceremonials after hearing FATM was taking a more soul, less indie approach to this album. But I'm loving it. Sounds way more cohesive than Lungs. Also translates better live. It's nice to finally hear the studio version of songs she had been debuting on tour. My favorite song is "Strangeness and Charm". Has a Bjork quality to it. Can't wait for the Ceremonials tour. The band is amazing live!
The album was good musically and her voice is amazing, but it's way too big sounding at times.
##+# just gets hard to listen to, the songs start blending together.
I see why she went with this sound as it will be great for festivals and such but I can only listen to for it so long until it just sounds like she's screaming on every song.
I think people are more in love with her performance than the music itself.
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