Floyd Mayweather Jr. Launches Shoe Design Contest.

Floyd's Chicken Shoe 1.0:
Originally Posted by DaulDierce

Originally Posted by RyanNYC

are yall mad about 3k?

son you lucky it aint 1k yall $%*+@ about EVERYTHING.

yall def got 4 lips and bleed for 7days. disgusting
Shut up. You sound like a old man. You always complaining in every thread about "US" .. go to bed. Im tired of #%!#. You complain in every damn thread.

my man fan
bye bye.
I didn't know those were Reeboks he was rocking on Saturday night. Shoes were dope as hell.
You guys can't be serious complaing about 3k off of something you could make in like 20 minutes 

Not only that but you get a signed pair of the kicks which if you're not a Mayweather fan could sell for a %$%% load of money.

The prize is more than enough for the effort participants have to put in 
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