Flydea - Nike Cortez - Rage Against the Machine


Feb 2, 2008
Whats up Nike Talk

Alright, I finished these shoes a few weeks ago but I wasn't able to post them up here until just now. Anyways I'm glad i can show em to you now atleast.

I wasn't very impressed with the quality of the leather on the base shoe, it was pretty shoddy in some parts, but I'm still REALLY happy with how theyturned out. These are my 2nd real customs, so like I said I'm feelin' good about them. Base shoe was all white with a black swoosh.

My friend wanted a Rage Against the Machine theme with portraits of Zach De La Rocha and Tom Morello. The RATM fist logo can also be found on the heels.

I got a lot more confident painting these shoes, and I'm hoping I'll be just as happy about my next ones (AF1's this time D:smile:







Comments, criticism, suggestions, it's all good.

Once I get a couple more pairs under my belt I'll be looking into doing some serious freelance work, if you want shoes in the future or know someone thatwants shoes, drop me a note at [email protected] and I'll get back to you eventually. No guarantees of course, I just want to know what interest is like.

Thanks, yo.
Nice job painting those characters so small. Really nice actually. What size brush did you use? Anyways keep up the good work, for only your 2nd custom thoseseem quite impressive.
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