Best Foamposite Release Of 2017 (Pick Your 3 Could Only List 10 Max.. Omitted Metallic Gold Pros)

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Got the sequoia cheap on StockX before even seeing them in person. Took a chance because I love SOME foams and have since 97 when Bibby rocked the royals. I wanted a non all black winter beater and I liked the orange accents.


Haven’t been a fan of wild colored, textured, graphic or non foam material foams that have been releasing in the last few years (I can rock with royal, eggplants and voltage pros and be done) but these sequoia are NICE. I actually like the texture and tough look with the canvas upper. The orange accents set it off from being a another dark green/almost all black foam.
Those are the best foams after the royals.

Everytime I see someone wearing those I look at them.
Seen alot of girls with those too.
talking about those above? they not even top 20 like somebody else said. holos pop more than them. heck, the gone fishings look better than those.

also, royals not the best. id take some metallic reds over royals.

but every1 is entitled to their opinion.
I like the abs but a top 5 foam , i dont know about that...

I have them and love them but they arent a top 5 foam at all..

i put together some funky outfits with the color combination this summer though.

top 5 off the top of my head
1. Holograms
2. Royal
3. Metallic Red
4. Gone Fish
5. Pearl pro / Doom
Speaking of the Abalones, I wouldn't mind a pair if the price was right. Been searching a few pages back in this thread, but those links are all dried up. Didn't see any left at my local mall, and called another local mall, no dice. Looking like StockX might be my only avenue? Size 9, fwiw.
Nothing beats the original. The Metallic Red's are nice, but they could've been nicer. To me, the finish of the foam isn't right.

But you are correct, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

i just have a bias for the metallic reds cause i missed out on the OGs and then also on the most recent release of em again. so i still dont have a pair thus why id take them over royals. that and plus i like red more than blue anyways.
My top 5...Royal's are #1, 2 thru 5 in any order.

1. Royal
2. Hologram
3. Vachetta Tan
4. Royal Mirror's
5. Very first release of the Egglant(OG pair)
I realize it's an odd opinion but all the other foams I've seen, I can look at one time and it's like whatever.

The abalone ones I never get tired of looking at.
They are the most pleasing to my eye.
The combination of colors on top of the texture of the foamposite is very aesthetic. Looks like water

And to be honest, the only reason I put the royals above those may be sentimentality.
1. OG Royal SAMPLES (the one in my Avy)
2. Black/Black/White translucent sole (1998)
2. Black/Black/White gum sole (1998)
4. Dark Amry Green HOH (2008)
5. Black/Voltage Yellow FA exclusive (1998)
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