Followers versus LEADERS


Aug 20, 2012
What's more important to you, being a follower..

...or being a leader?

How do you really feel about people who tend to be lead like sheep?
you can't have followers without a leader . . . and you can't be a leader unless you have followers . . . maybe it's like yin and yang / chicken or the egg type deal?
you can't have followers without a leader . . . and you can't be a leader unless you have followers . . . maybe it's like yin and yang / chicken or the egg type deal?
Leading yourself perhaps?

Marching to the beat of your own drum?
it's "tend to be led like sheep"

People need to find their own place/role in this life....sometimes you gotta follow in order to lead.

Doesn't matter what position your playing as long as your comfortable in knowing why your in whatever position your in.

Maybe you don't have the skill-set necessary to get a job/goal accomplished and need to let someone else take the reigns and in doing so you learn.

Everything is a learning experience and a mistake is only a mistake if you let it keep on happening to you.
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Leading yourself perhaps?

Marching to the beat of your own drum?

As long as you are completely independent from anyone you are your own leader, unfortunately to get some where in life you always more than likely have to respond to someone above you, be it your boss, the government (paying taxes), police authority, etc.

You just gotta know when and who to lead and when and where to be led.
As long as you are completely independent from anyone you are your own leader, unfortunately to get some where in life you always more than likely have to respond to someone above you, be it your boss, the government (paying taxes), police authority, etc.
You just gotta know when and who to lead and when and where to be led.
Answering to someone does not mean that you are following them.

There is a difference.

Let's say that I am a musician. I learn from all the greats, the teachers and such. But in order to find my own VOICE, I must forget all that was taught to me, once I master my instrument.
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Answering to someone does not mean that you are following them.

There is a difference.

Let's say that I am a musician. I learn from all the greats, the teachers and such. But in order to find my own VOICE, I must forget all that was taught to me, once I master my instrument.

There is a reason why at work there is a chain of command, for example the CEO of my hospital doesn't call on me or every single therapist to discuss hospital policies and issues, he calls on my department head (the leader) to discuss these things, he then LEADS us, his staff in the right direction to make things run smoothly....ican then be a great therapist and provide my own type of leadership to my colleagues, if they need it.

No when to lead and know when to be led.

You are trying to label individiuals as leaders and followers, which is flawed.
There is a reason why at work there is a chain of command, for example the CEO of my hospital doesn't call on me or every single therapist to discuss hospital policies and issues, he calls on my department head (the leader) to discuss these things, he then LEADS us, his staff in the right direction to make things run smoothly....ican then be a great therapist and provide my own type of leadership to my colleagues, if they need it.
No when to lead and know when to be led.
You are trying to label individiuals as leaders and followers, which is flawed.
It's not flawed.

People do work for themselves, you know?

Do you know what it means to have your own voice? Do you know how that is cultivated within an individual?

What's more productive, a bunch of people working together, or a bunch people working for someone?

When you look at businesses that are doing well, especially in this economy, are not the businesses that give their employees a stake in the business, the company, doing damned well? 

Each individual is treated as a leader in their own right. You own a part of this, this is yours.

It's not coming from a position of, you work for me, do as I say.
It's not flawed.

People do work for themselves, you know?

Do you know what it means to have your own voice? Do you know how that is cultivated within an individual?

What's more productive, a bunch of people working together, or a bunch people working for someone?

When you look at businesses that are doing well, especially in this economy, are not the businesses that give their employees a stake in the business, the company, doing damned well? 

Each individual is treated as a leader in their own right. You own a part of this, this is yours.

It's not coming from a position of, you work for me, do as I say.

What do you consider yourself OP?

I have a my own business on the side, in which i call the the same toll I work for a hospital in which I have quite a few layers of authority/leadership above me and I don't know how many hospital employees own stock in their hospital....we all work together as a team to provide good health care, my boss doesn't have the "I'm the boss do as I say attitude" but he is our LEADER and in my work place I know my position.
What do you consider yourself OP?
I have a my own business on the side, in which i call the the same toll I work for a hospital in which I have quite a few layers of authority/leadership above me and I don't know how many hospital employees own stock in their hospital....we all work together as a team to provide good health care, my boss doesn't have the "I'm the boss do as I say attitude" but he is our LEADER and in my work place I know my position.
I've been on my own for fifteen years...and I have, then follow, my own voice, and then never, ever, would call anyone my leader.

I don't care WHO they are.
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I've been on my own for fifteen years...and I have, then follow, my own voice, and then never, ever, would call anyone my leader.

I don't care WHO they are.

Lulz...ok bro, you simply don't grasp the idea of being a leader and being led, you trying to put it as this black & white thing when there is plenty of grey in between.
lead for me, it's the only way I'd be able to explore and create. But in order to do so, for a little bit one has to follow others in order to learn what they did and why they did it, so he or she can build his own.
Kind of a ridiculous question honestly.

Neither leading nor following are "important" to me.

Bunch of external nonsense. What's important to me is being happy with myself. Taking care of my responsibilities, my family etc.

I don't desire to be a leader. If I lead, it's by example alone.

Followers don't bother me unless they are incredibly vocal really.

If you're happy with yourself and doing your thing low key, follower or leader, more power to you.
Lulz...ok bro, you simply don't grasp the idea of being a leader and being led, you trying to put it as this black & white thing when there is plenty of grey in between.
I don't grasp, because I am not a follower.

There is a thing called independence. It's a scary thought for those who need to claim a leader.

They, never grasp the idea of freedom.
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There is a thing called independence. It's a scary thought for those who need to claim a leader.

They, never grasp the idea of freedom.

BRB bout to kick in my CEO's door and tell him how I really feel about some of the policies @ work, will come back to you with an update, for sure it'll work out in my favor.
BRB bout to kick in my CEO's door and tell him how I really feel about some of the policies @ work, will come back to you with an update, for sure it'll work out in my favor.

The funny thing is, you're being sarcastic, and you don't even realize how much respect there is to be gained by doing this (minus the door kicking).

And I speak from experience. I got one of the most ridiculous raises in my career by having an open, honest conversation with the president of my company.

Assuming you have something intelligent to say to said CEO.
Lulz...ok bro, you simply don't grasp the idea of being a leader and being led, you trying to put it as this black
I don't grasp, because I am not a follower.

There is a thing called independence. It's a scary thought for those who need to claim a leader.

They, never grasp the idea of freedom.

I dont think you know what being a leader and being a follower truly are.
OP is trying to convince himself he's a leader to which there is no such thing, from your posts it seems you have this built up aggression that holds you back from social acceptance and self acceptance

I don't even think you grasp your own topic

As long as you are happy in your life does anything else really matter?
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I dont think you know what being a leader and being a follower truly are.
OP is trying to convince himself he's a leader to which there is no such thing, from your posts it seems you have this built up aggression that holds you back from social acceptance and self acceptance
I don't even think you grasp your own topic
As long as you are happy in your life does anything else really matter?
The two examples above are examples of how some try and create followers. They suggest what people do NOT or must not know, they claiming there is some other authority.  

They try and create doubt.

It's a tactic used by the religious, in order to create more followers.

There is no greater authority on you, than you.
I know I can be a leader..I need to be a leader...but yea I'm a follower...that was tough typing
True . . . but I guess if someone is that secure as an individual, he / she wouldn't even deal with the issue of leaders and followers?
There is nothing wrong with asking questions, in order to hear opinions.

The ultimate in being secure, is to understand that everyone has an opinion. However, none of those opinions are a direct reflection of you.
The funny thing is, you're being sarcastic, and you don't even realize how much respect there is to be gained by doing this (minus the door kicking).
And I speak from experience. I got one of the most ridiculous raises in my career by having an open, honest conversation with the president of my company.
Assuming you have something intelligent to say to said CEO.

Glad it worked in your favor and taking that chance paid off.
The two examples above are examples of how some try and create followers. They suggest what people do NOT or must not know, they claiming there is some other authority.  

They try and create doubt.

It's a tactic used by the religious, in order to create more followers.

There is no greater authority on you, than you.

Sometimes trying to sound really intelligent falls flat

Go murder someone and tell the judge you are your OWN authority and get back to me
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