Followers versus LEADERS

i feel like there are two types of leaders. those that have proven themselves and given authority and responsibility to make situations as efficient and effective as possible vs. those that have a desire to consolidate power and amass control. the ugly aspect is that both can be intertwined and the first can turn into the second.  

the difference between the two though is that good leaders know to do your job as efficient and effective as can be, and move on. leave the most positive impact you can, and let the next person follow your example. 

look no further than many "leaders" in Congress as the ones who are power hungry. 
Everyone is a leader to some extent and a follower to some extent, that's the BOTTOMLINE
depends. If your on a team in a work setting, sometimes you have to be a follower. But that doesnt mean you have to let the leaders decisions go unquestioned( as long as you question them politely)
The funny thing about this online thing is you can claim to be many things...
How am I am trying to create doubt?
The final judge for all things, is yourself.

Pardon me if you are religious, but that''s how we free thinkers get down.

Without religion, man is condemned to his freedoms

Albert Camus
The final judge for all things, is yourself.

Pardon me if you are religious, but that''s how we free thinkers get down.

Without religion, man is condemned to his freedoms

Albert Camus

I haven't been to church since like '99 so that's out the window

And once again what does "the final judge for all things" have to do with being a leader?

You can sit here and toss out your poetic rhetoric all day but you answer nothing by doing that and just make yourself less valid with each reply
Darned tootin'!

However, many also expose themselves to be nothing but willing puppets, ain't that a shame?

Define a willing puppet....

Do you mean someone who has enough sense to admit that in the workplace one must assume their role and practice it to the best of their ability, even if that means not being the "leader"
I haven't been to church since like '99 so that's out the window
And once again what does "the final judge for all things" have to do with being a leader?
You can sit here and toss out your poetic rhetoric all day but you answer nothing by doing that and just make yourself less valid with each reply
What does the final judge have to do with being a leader?

You do what you can live with, and you judge yourself on what you do NOT do, not what you do.

You, lead yourself.

Now, do you really think that I care about what you think appears  valid?
What does the final judge have to do with being a leader?

You do what you can live with, and you judge yourself on what you do NOT do, not what you do.

You, lead yourself.

Now, do you really think that I care about what you think appears valid?

I could careless what you think, I'm just calling it like it is

Leaders don't need to prove they are leaders which you clearly feel the need to do
I don't see where this is going. Longstroke, I think sometimes you like to type just to see your writing. If you are as interesting as you say you are, I'm sure you could find a live person around you and have a productive discussion. A lot of times on this board, you just talk in circles oftentimes getting lost in your own rhetoric. To get back to the topic, I think leaders can't be "made". True leaders operate out of certiain traits from their personality. You have those who fake it, but flop. Some leaders are just thrust into it and turn out to be something that they never thought they would be. What is it exactly are you trying to lead Longstroke?
Man dude is really on that elitist tip. You must really think you figured out life and/or lowkey think your superior to people.

Like you really gotta italicize and bold certain words to make your point more valid?
Dude just seems like an aweful person, you really exhibit the characteristics of a true introvert, you really can't be a leader without anyone to lead, and an introvert is not concern with anyone but themselves, therefore who are you really leading to claim you are a leader? your logic the bum down the street, who answers to no one, cares about no one and goes about life just living how they see fit is just as much a leader as you are.
Funny how this dude steezy is always throwing jabs and trying to start lil battles but instead of making bold statements he's says some slick at first. Then he tries to use his "everyday man" gimmick to look innocent. Just because he looks and portrays himself as non threatening doesn't mean he's free to say whatever he pleases then run and play the victim. The pattern is getting old and I don't know why more of NT doesnt see right through him. It's a trait mostly seen in females.
Funny how this dude steezy is always throwing jabs and trying to start lil battles but instead of making bold statements he's says some slick at first. Then he tries to use his "everyday man" gimmick to look innocent. Just because he looks and portrays himself as non threatening doesn't mean he's free to say whatever he pleases then run and play the victim. The pattern is getting old and I don't know why more of NT doesnt see right through him. It's a trait mostly seen in females.

Feel better?

Clown :lol:

Most of NT doesn't see that because most of NT is not hell bent on psychoanalyzing my e-character.
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