Food Poisoning UNAPPRECIATION Vol. Wendys

Oct 28, 2007
So yesterday during lunch I was broke so I decided to go to Wendys for lunch, I get 2 Jr. Bacon Cheese Burgers and small fries... later that night I felt weirdin the stomach.. I fell asleep and I wake up at 3:30 with pain in my stomach and nausea.. I threw up like 3-4 times
What are some remedies for foodpoisoning?? I have to get better I just have to...
A lot of ginger ale, and Gatorade for you sir. Go see a doctor as well.

This is one of the reasons why i try to stay away from fast food all together these days.
thats nothing. When i had a food poisoning from Pancheros(mexican joint, burrito made by a dude with prison tats on his face)....i was throwing up and lettingcome out the other at the sametime...those 24 hours were the worst. I couldnt keep any fluid down at all.
ok ya'll got me scared again....the more often you eat at fastfood the more your chances increase.
i honestly think you're just as likely to get food poisoning anywhere you eat out, as you are at fast food chains... it's not hard at all tocontaminate something, and many fast food chains are very strict on health regulations and what not as compared to little mom and pop joints.

If you really want to be safe - don't eat meat anymore and wash all the fruits and veggies you eat first. Make sure there's no warnings out for badlettuce or anything, too...

Really - there's nothing you can do to avoid it sometimes though.
Just wait it out - usually blows itself over after you puke yourself out for 12 hours or so.

Just stay hydrated - and something like Gatorade as already mentioned is a good idea.

It's a rough feeling though.
Like, do yall got terrycloth stomachs or velvet intestines or just overall weak constitutions or sumthin? Cuz everytime I come into a fast-food related post onhere, its always talkin bout how fast food is horrible and it'll kill you and sexually harass your sister, give you explosive diarrhea, etc...but it neverseems 2 happen 2 me? Like, ever... No flame, just askin...

Oh, and on topic...Pedialyte. Yes, the chirren's drink. It works on adults 2...its like Gatorade but without all the extra sugar and isht that'll makeya...dual-ended digestive pyrotechnics...worse.
Originally Posted by kdwallace

Just wait it out - usually blows itself over after you puke yourself out for 12 hours or so.

Just stay hydrated - and something like Gatorade as already mentioned is a good idea.

It's a rough feeling though.

he is right, but stay near a toilet.
Originally Posted by the821empire

Originally Posted by kdwallace

Just wait it out - usually blows itself over after you puke yourself out for 12 hours or so.

Just stay hydrated - and something like Gatorade as already mentioned is a good idea.

It's a rough feeling though.

he is right, but stay near a toilet.
^^^ Good advice! Thanks eveyone!
i got in Jan.

2nd time, it's horrible, you cant leave the vacinity of a toilet

I tried to go into work after the 4th day and was .048974987329382 seconds from having to buy a new car
Yea man. I was broke the other day so i got a cheezeburger out the vending machine. I felt like throwin up the rest of the day.
i had a cousin who a couple years ago had a wendy's burger... 24hrs later he was hooked up to i.v.'s in the ER... burger was undercooked and hegot sometype food poisoning
Originally Posted by stoneyjax

i had a cousin who a couple years ago had a wendy's burger... 24hrs later he was hooked up to i.v.'s in the ER... burger was undercooked and hegot some type food poisoning
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

So yesterday during lunch I was broke so I decided to go to Wendys for lunch, I get 2 Jr. Bacon Cheese Burgers and small fries... later that night I felt weird in the stomach.. I fell asleep and I wake up at 3:30 with pain in my stomach and nausea.. I threw up like 3-4 times
What are some remedies for food poisoning?? I have to get better I just have to...

Funny thing, my mom had food poisoning yesterday night/ this morning, she told me she woke uparound 3am and was just throwing up etc etc .. I just gave her the "
.. I gotta go to school"
I got poisoned by White Castle... threw up and had diarrhea 10+ times, felt faint so I had to go to the ER and waited 4 hours and my symptoms were already goneand they still hooked me up with IVs
doctor just told me to buy Pedialyte and gave me the boot after like 5 minutes. It killed my intestines I didn't%%@@ right for a while.
Originally Posted by FreshProduct

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

So yesterday during lunch I was broke so I decided to go to Wendys for lunch, I get 2 Jr. Bacon Cheese Burgers and small fries... later that night I felt weird in the stomach.. I fell asleep and I wake up at 3:30 with pain in my stomach and nausea.. I threw up like 3-4 times
What are some remedies for food poisoning?? I have to get better I just have to...

Funny thing, my mom had food poisoning yesterday night/ this morning, she told me she woke up around 3am and was just throwing up etc etc .. I just gave her the "
.. I gotta go to school"
She have wendys yesterday too?
unappreciated. i had food poisoning from Cheesecake Factory during my first week of freshman year of college, and that was brutal. cuz as i was meeting my newsuitemates + trying to meet new ppl,etc., i had to use the toilet a lot....kinda awkward
, at least you'll lose weight (and gain it back afterward)
samething happen to me, i havnt had wendys in over a year easy. I had got the 1/4 classic or w/e. Good thing im a healthy person my body fought it off. I neverthrew up that hard in my life, the runs too. The next day i was super weak an just rested.
Unappreciated I think I had it yesterday. SMH at me eating some fries at school that tasted funny.
In 2000, I was 12 years old and ate at a DENNY's with my family. I had a major case which drastically reduced the portions of food I ate there after. Mystomach also developed an Ulcer, which caused me stomach aches and pains about 3-4 times a week. Once the Ulcer was gone, I went back to eating normally. Thislasted for about 3 months, in which I lost about 20 lbs. I also grew alot, I went from 5'5 170lbs to 5'10 150 lbs. I guess it was a blessing indisguise because I wasn't so self conscious about my body anymore. I haven't eaten at Denny's since then, and refuse to eat at restaurants likethat- Denny's, IHOP, etc.
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