What type of salad dressing u guys use

I use sweet onion with a touch of balsamic vinagrette

some ACV, lime juice, cayenne and EVOO usually

or this

Had this discussion w/ my wife today...tuna fish and PB&J are the two sandwiches that are 100000% taste specific. Meaning the only person who makes them correctly, is you. Anyone else agree w/ this?
Had a similar conversation this weekend.

Was around a convo about, "Who makes the best Peanut butter and jelly."

I had to explain to them that, much like eggs, most folks will honestly feel their way is THE right way. So it is a pointless debate.

I need some bread
On salad dressing, I eat a lot of salads and use a variety of dressings depending on what the other ingredients are. But one that I like that’s pretty versatile, tasty and not too heavy is this:

suavamente suavamente Describe the taste of the Chick Pea dough. Is it GOOD? Like forreal good?

Interesting concept after reading up on it

Salad killer....

pretty good actually... the key is a good flavored protein powder (stevia flavored, no emulsifiers) I use instead of sweeteners. You wanna use organic beans of course and really whip em good.

if you've ever had this they taste similar

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