Ok your typing and lack of sentence structure has always... I dunno man, intrigued me. It's like you're purposely trying to type horribly, like girls in grade school on ICQ tHaT uSeD tO gO oUt Of ThEiR wAy To TyPe LiKe ThIs. I feel like it actually takes more energy doing that. Stop It. Do better. Also the way you shout orders with the shoulda shoulda shoulda, which isn't a word but I chose to leave that the way you type it. Being around you must be very tiring I'm sure, but you should think of other ways of suggestion. I appreciate the feedback.
I’ve stated why I type like this numerous times
Also all I press is return
Pressing return
And TyPiNg LiKe ThIs
Is two different things
Also wasn’t shouting orders
Was just giving constructive suggestions
That shouldn’t have been taken
Any kinda way but helpful
But since ur a sucka
And can’t tell the difference between two
I’m taking my rep back
U prolly don’t care
But I don’t care if u do or not
It’s just my form of protest
Continue on with ur day
And continue making bacon sandwiches
That are below standard

Quench that thirst...oooohhhh
I mean walkerswood is pretty legit. It can get hot.

If you’re on the fence try mild then if you want more heat get a hotter one.

I like the hot one but your mileage may vary.
I learned Hebrew, have BAs in English and Anthropology, and did pretty well in law school, but some things are definitely beyond my comprehension.
:lol: just because u got u a few degrees
Doesn’t make u smart
Know plenty of dumb people with degrees
But I get what ur TRYING to say
Are we going to continue this back and forth
Or just let it pass???
:lol: just because u got u a few degrees
Doesn’t make u smart
Know plenty of dumb people with degrees
But I get what ur TRYING to say
Are we going to continue this back and forth
Or just let it pass???

Did I say I was smart?
robtoofresco robtoofresco & DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , not feelin' the jerk-style plantain chips, my Gs. First bite was cool, lil' kick of flavor. But I had to stop eating them after 10 or 12 chips. The taste becomes overwhelming, and not in a good way. The OGs I can finish a bag in one sitting easy.

I been on these Bai drinks lately. Kula Watermelon and Ipanema Pomegranate are fire.
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robtoofresco robtoofresco & DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , not feelin' the jerk-style plantain chips, my Gs. First bite was cool, lil' kick of flavor. But I had to stop eating them after 10 or 12 chips. The taste becomes overwhelming, and not in a good way. The OGs I can finish a bag in one sitting easy.

I been on these Bai drinks lately. Kula Watermelon and Ipanema Pomegranate are fire.
Yeah, just from the sound of it I figured the spices wouldn’t compliment the chips well. What I enjoy about them is the plainness they got going on.

And yes, those Bai drinks are delicious. First tried this one in ‘17
and haven’t seen it in a store since.
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