If you get close enough, yes, they stink.

But they’re pretty entertaining to watch. Lay around on top of eachother in funny positions. Make some interesting, loud sounds. Scarf down fish.
That’s cool. I like pretty much all animals (Except for insects).
Do they really? :frown:

They cute tho
Ya they stink. Been pretty close to em before on some docks, awful smell.

Last time i was out west i saw some while whale watching.
But yea, thanks for the suggestions.

I've been to SD a few times already, so I was just wondering about the non-typical spots that most visitors frequent.

But yea, the Sea Lions stink.

Having some fun in the kitchen before school gets super busy again! Made cookies with ube cream cheese frosting the other day. Topped with light cheddar cheese on some (yeah I know it sounds weird, but this is a traditional ube pairing), as well as toasted sticky rice and graham crackers on the others.
Last few times at restaurants i've ordered filet mignon and they were good AF.
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