I have. It isn’t bad. Lately I’ve been buying all my meats from TJ. They have been the only ones with decent prices. Whole Foods and wegmans upped their meat at least 1.50.

Yea I went this morning. I get ground turkey from them, even though they raised their price to 3.99 per lb during the pandemic.

Salmon is 8.99 per lb, I usually get the BBQ Cut filets. (Not frozen)

Bananas are still 19c.

I will always respect the Trader Joes.
Yea I went this morning. I get ground turkey from them, even though they raised their price to 3.99 per lb during the pandemic.

Salmon is 8.99 per lb, I usually get the BBQ Cut filets. (Not frozen)

Bananas are still 19c.

I will always respect the Trader Joes.
The BBQ Cut Salmon is great. I get it every time I go.

Love the packaged marinated carne asada too.

Never bought steaks from them. May have to try that out.
Banana dog sandwich for a snack
My brother on earth…

My brother on earth…

A scrumptious banana dog sandwich :wink: . C'mom people has nobody else on here ever had one? was my 1st time too :lol:. I saw it on Google & said let me try. It wasn't bad, I could use a different jelly next time though. Smucker's instead of Welsh. Welsh has a funny after taste imo. Only chose it because it was the only squeezable one the supermarket had. All the others came in jars.
A scrumptious banana dog sandwich :wink: . C'mom people has nobody else on here ever had one? was my 1st time too :lol:. I saw it on Google & said let me try. It wasn't bad, I could use a different jelly next time though. Smucker's instead of Welsh. Welsh has a funny after taste imo. Only chose it because it was the only squeezable one the supermarket had. All the others came in jars.

PB&J and banana is fire so i'm with you there :pimp:

the sprinkles had me chuckling though :lol:
PB&J and banana is fire so i'm with you there :pimp:

the sprinkles had me chuckling though :lol:
PB&J is one of the GOAT foods 💯. As I got older I cared less & less for jelly but it's still appreciated on a PB&J sandwich on whole wheat bread with a cold glass of milk. The sprinkles...yeah about that :lol: that's what the picture on Google showed so that's why I did it, lmao. Never again! See. The chocolate spread & PB cups variation looks promising, lol.

I mean people eat Peanut Butter and Banana SANDWICHES so changing the shape of the bread isn't really crazy.

Did you toast the hot dog bun at least?

zmaqbool zmaqbool
Damn! I didn't, that could set it off actually 🤔.
I’m wanna fly to NY just for a slice!!! Who here has had this? Is it as fire as it looks…

I've been to this Krispy pizza location. Had their regular & Palermo slice & they were really good. I'm assuming this has to be good too given their well rounded reputation.
No more questions from you until you answer my question I asked you 2 days earlier: Why're you so anti Taco Bell? 😁

They are low-level drunk food but folks in this thread act like they are In the MVP running.



Gordon didn’t miss with this one

It looks good but I've been hearing folks were down on it. But as long as you enjoyed them.

PB&J is one of the GOAT foods 💯. As I got older I cared less & less for jelly but it's still appreciated on a PB&J sandwich on whole wheat bread with a cold glass of milk. The sprinkles...yeah about that :lol: that's what the picture on Google showed so that's why I did it, lmao. Never again! See. The chocolate spread & PB cups variation looks promising, lol.

Damn! I didn't, that could set it off actually 🤔.

Next you want to put it in a pan with butter and fry it like a grilled cheese - the Elvis sandwich. Haven’t had one of those in years.
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