Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I never excused him for his actions in what I wrote I was talking about all "famous" people in general can't go about having a stranger get close to them the same way you and I or any average joe could.

You're saying I'm implying things when you're implying and assuming things... where did I say by being a celebrity you're not a regular citizen... I'll wait.

Everyone is a regular citizen but your status as a celebrity or some top political figure lets some get away with things that normal citizens can't, but they're all still regular citizens but I never said they weren't.

All I said they react to things differently to people getting close to them whereas a regular joe... well it's just regular for them.

Still don't see where I said it was okay for Afromanto do what he did but what if that lady was crazy and stabbed him or something then the tune would be different. He, Afroman, could have easily turned around and saw that it was a normal no danger lady and pushed her aside or called security.

He looks like he was agitated or his strings weren't working good or something.

Here is a recent stunt with a fan running on stage and Kanye started running away:

You Tek as you are today if you were on some auditorium stage at your school and someone climbed on stage you wouldn't think nothing of it, but as someone famous you don't know what that person is getting on stage to do.

So again check your reading comprehension and stop assuming things and trying to get laughs from the peanut gallery.
people run up on celebrities every day. nonstop. no matter what u say, ur excusing this behavior. there shouldn't be a but. and it seems u dont understand the word imply - " where did I say by being a celebrity you're not a regular citizen... I'll wait." hit that dictionary up. we'll all wait.

what ur saying is the equivalent of "im not saying cops are above the law, because theyre citizens just like us... they just dont have to follow laws like we do." o_O nah famb. you cant just swing on someone in ANY scenario and say "well im famous so i got scared i thought they might shank me or rob me for my jewels." foh, straight to jail or straight to court to come straight up out them pockets. 

even kanye ran away. he aint straight punch dude. BOTTOM LINE: there should be no but. your level of celebrity should not determine which laws u can break or how many women you can hit. word to chris brown. 
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lol. dance in a cell or plexi glass like amsterdamn, or make the stage higher or get security.

lol at steven tyler moonwalking and falling off stage.

great he got arrested.

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