Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

:( >: >: >:

dumbass people. look how big that crowd is too youd think 1 person would have some common sense.


its time, b.
Brainless morons. These are the people wasting resources on our planet. Useless eaters. Reproducing more useless morons. Type to pet a rabbit to death as kids. Their mothers should've swallowed them.
@ the lengths people go for likes online.

Thats why this is all my social media. Instagram, facebook, and twitter have destroyed all hope for American society in the future.
The dolphin is the second most intelligent species on the planet Earth, only second to mice, although many outside observers don't know about the mice. They long ago knew of Earth's planned destruction and tried to communicate this to humans who misinterpreted it as "amusing attempts to punch football or whistle for tidbits." The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double-backward somersault through a hoop while whistling the "Star Spangled Banner," but was, in fact, a message. The message was "so long, and thanks for all the fish.

The Dolphin has developed a rather peculiar ability, which exploits the Plural nature of their galactic sector, not dissimilar to that evolved by the Babel fish, which is this: In the picosecond before inevitable calamity, dolphins instantly wink into existence in all other possible probabilities in the Whole Sort of General Mish Mash.

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy :hat one of my fav movies
That's creative, if she's actually doing legitimate sign language. I don't think many of us guys would continue to holler at her once non-verbal communication is the only option.

That means you HAVE to use NT Logic to do the "when in doubt,...."
:lol at one of the comments

goongawd via iPhone-3 points : 2 replies : 2 hours ago reply
You got lucky that time. The next guy is gonna think "that means they can't hear her screams"
at one of the comments

goongawd via iPhone-3 points : 2 replies : 2 hours ago reply
You got lucky that time. The next guy is gonna think "that means they can't hear her screams"
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