Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

You love internet tough talk. Hopefully you can find somebody to engage with you elsewhere.

All hurt cuz you never made somebody laugh IRL. No cheeks in IRL either judging by those messages.


Shaqtuscactus needs guidance

"I used to be a player now I coach fools on how to get this money stack it and spend it just how your spose to, call some ******* to roll thru and it's kooool"
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Not sure. I was kinda surprised at first when i saw that video. I just assumed it woulda been some kinda animated dealer.

Yup, like in yonkers
make it seem "more realistic"

feel like with real people its easier to get ppl to gamble online instead of playing online with a bot and no human
yea makes sense in a way. I personally don't really enjoy electronic gambling. Gambling is one of the few things which don't really need an advancement in technology :lol:

Wow, respeck.

On a side note, watch bunch of cats start suiting up in full NBA gear of their favorite player. :lol:
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