Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

That was way too much after that first kick, especially when you consider the opponent. In all honesty he could've finished it off with two good blows. He was beating that person like they talked about his dead mother.

I had the video muted so I'm not sure who the instigator is but the LGBTQ individual should've not put hands on that cat. However I will agree with all of you that the level of beating was extremely excessive. The former regretted their actions after the first or second punch on the bench and was dazed. The punches after that and the kicking were on a next level of brutality which explains why that cat has 19 charges in 2 years. :smh:

aepps20 aepps20

First and foremost thank you @hand2handking for asking me to breakdown this fight. So much to digest but I will do my best.

1. Fellas, camera work and production quality is more than half the battle for getting fans in the seats. This fight should've been at the MGM not a bus.

2. Fighters like Roy have all the natural talent in the world but very little discipline. Young fighters need to learn that just because you can work off of the jab in the early rounds, you have ELITE POWER and skills doesnt mean you should use those skills in every bout. The fighter in blue didn't have Roy's skills and Roy could've used his elite defense to avoid the ramifications of an unsanctioned bout.

3. The crowd was awful.

4. I suspect that the Nevada State athletic commission will suspend roy for a couple of years.
Oh I meant the bus incident but yea that security guard going down too :lol: Like what made him think I need to break out the pepper spray for this

Oh yeah that ***** was wildin b he gonna catch an attempted murder charge. With hate crime sprinkled on top cuz ole boy was Tran

Nothing I like more than a good old fashioned brawl. The camera work from HBO was probably the best camera work and production quality we've seen in the last 4 fights. When capturing elite level fighters with elite hand speed slowing down the action is critical for casual fans to see everything. HBO used to do this for May and Pac.

On to the action. The fighter with the red button up around her waist did amazing work. She was up against a taller fighter with a significant reach advantage but slipped every punch and scored the knockdown. I was very impressed with her use of the chopping left hook and her ability to circle away from the fighter in blue's attack. Fighter in blue overextended and got hit with a clean overhand clubbing right which resulted in the knockdown.

As impressed as I was with the fighter with the red button up around her waist, I was equally if not more so impressed with the fighter in the black top. She started things off with the clubbing right hand and used that punch to set the tone for the rest if the fight. The use if the flying knee at the end was textbook. Had it not been for the ref, she would've scored the decisive KO. Very impressed with the ref. Usually refs don't let fighters figure things out but he was very good. His use of pepper spray was appropriate because fighters are expected to obey the refs commands at all time so it was appropriate. Props to the trainers, promoters and HBO for putting on this amazing fight card.
The stomping on the end was excessive but you gotta be prepared for any consequence if you touching other people

Gotta stop ****ing with folks, you don't know who's crazy.

True talk! What's excessive for me may not be the same for the ***** standing next to me. Personally I don't see the point in fighting a person that is obviously weaker than me. It's a lose lose situation, :smh:. One good punch or slap would suffice to handle that person, but Roy was feeling like he was in death match :rofl:
This dude at my job was going at it with the blind store owner in our lobby because his prices are to high. It got heated and the blind guy said he'll **** him up, lol. That would just cause me to laugh and buss out some jokes. This ***** was ready to throw down on the blind dude. If they were in the streets he would've :lol:. To me that is dumb as hell and non beneficial, but everybody don't look at things the same.
You never know what is Roy thinking. You don't know what has happened in his life. Before you are quick to say this and that, maybe there are psychological issues.

Perhaps Roy was abused as a child, maybe molested, who the ****s knows. One thing is certain, he stayed seated and remained cool. The aggressor was the person that got stomped. He actually put hands on Roy.

If he would of have remain seated and not put hands, maybe none of that would have happened.

What I'm saying, looking from the outside, yes it looks OD excessive, but there's consequences to your actions.
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You never know what's that man thinking. You don't know has happened in his life. Before people are to quick to say this and that, maybe there are psychological issues.

Perhaps that dude was abused as a child, maybe molested, who the ****s knows. One thing is certain, he stayed seated and remain cool. The aggressor was the person that got stomped. He actually put this hand on the other person.

If he would of have remain seated and not put hands, maybe none of this happened.

What I'm saying, although looking from the outside it looks OD excessive, but there's consequences to your actions.
It looked OD because it was OD.

If a person putting their arm on you is all it takes for you to be willing to attempt murder, you've got serious problems that no prior history would justify.

The consequence should be in proportion to the offense. It's easy to say "there's consequences to your actions" without actually thinking if the consequences were all that warranted.

That was a disgusting video and the fact that you're even attempting to advocate for this dude shows how backwards your logic is.
It looked OD because it was OD.

If a person putting their arm on you is all it takes for you to be willing to attempt murder, you've got serious problems that no prior history would justify.

The consequence should be in proportion to the offense. It's easy to say "there's consequences to your actions" without actually thinking if the consequences were all that warranted.

That was a disgusting video and the fact that you're even attempting to advocate for this dude shows how backwards your logic is.
he's not advocating this. read his reply again.
he's saying you never know....thats why you don't mess with folks cause you never know.

and he's right
It looked OD because it was OD.

If a person putting their arm on you is all it takes for you to be willing to attempt murder, you've got serious problems that no prior history would justify.

The consequence should be in proportion to the offense. It's easy to say "there's consequences to your actions" without actually thinking if the consequences were all that warranted.

That was a disgusting video and the fact that you're even attempting to advocate for this dude shows how backwards your logic is.
I'm not trying to justify his actions. There are reasons why a lot of people that commit same offenses or worst are set free.

You have look at all the underlying issues.

You can jump out your high horse and call my logic backwards, but it seems to me you have little knowledge of how this really works.

People need to understand, if you are willing to escalate a situation, then you have to live with the consequences.

There are crazy people out there ...
I'm not trying to justify his actions. There are reasons why a lot of people that commit same offenses or worst are set free.

You have look at all the underlying issues.

You can jump out your high horse and call my logic backwards, but it seems to me you have little knowledge of how this really works.

People need to understand, if you are willing to escalate a situation, then you have to live with the consequences.

There are crazy people out there ...
This is some idiotic logic if I've ever seen it.

So someone placing there arm on someone is "escalating a situation" enough to justify what amounts to attempted murder?

There are some crazy people out there, but for you advocate in favor of the crazy person's overreaction is telling as to how your mind functions.

I'm not even saying the dude shouldn't have had hands put on him. I'm just saying a two-piece would have been more than sufficient for the offense. Anything more than that is, again, OD.
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