Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

He must have a 4 inch crank to feel the need to impose his "power" by grandstanding with a gun. Probably has one of those lifted pick up trucks with massive tires in the garage too. Dude just reeks of someone who will be a guest on Fox News in the near future.
He must have a 4 inch crank to feel the need to impose his "power" by grandstanding with a gun. Probably has one of those lifted pick up trucks with massive tires in the garage too. Dude just reeks of someone who will be a guest on Fox News in the near future.

..... bad boys reference. catch it... you didnt. *yoda voice*
..... bad boys reference. catch it... you didnt. *yoda voice*

Nah he just needed a reason to "stunt."

The whole holding a gun in the presence of my daughter's boyfriend has been a corny joke for a while now. Started in movies/TV now it's for likes and e-props.
... what?

the aforementioned gentleman believed that by orchestrating a meeting between his daughter's suitor and himself, he would prevent any of the typical taboo behavior one would expect to happen on the night of prom. Namely, he foolishly believed that by asking said suitor to reveal his honest intentions, that he would lay his intentions bare for all to see. but instead, the cunning lass most likely engaged in a most raunchy act of coitus on that night. One that would make any father weep. The thought of a father thinking that as long as he asked a young man to call if he needed anything would prevent any less desirable acts from befalling one's daughter is humorous indeed.

Nah he just needed a reason to "stunt."

The whole holding a gun in the presence of my daughter's boyfriend has been a corny joke for a while now. Started in movies/TV now it's for likes and e-props.

jeez you must be the life of the party. yall take things way too seriously sometimes. yikes

Dying at this! Did playboy not tell her she had to jump? :lol:
I feel like dudes are tripping on the gun thing, it's like a yearly thing for fathers to do that sending their daughters off to prom. It's a joke, but I understand in this climate.
I feel like dudes are tripping on the gun thing, it's like a yearly thing for fathers to do that sending their daughters off to prom. It's a joke, but I understand in this climate.

the climate didnt change except for the kids themselves... but this isnt the place for that discussion. wont even go there in this thread.

Dying at this! Did playboy not tell her she had to jump? :lol:

i always wonder how so many people make this mistake. once u realize you didnt let go in time, just keep holding on and land again lmao
the aforementioned gentleman believed that by orchestrating a meeting between his daughter's suitor and himself, he would prevent any of the typical taboo behavior one would expect to happen on the night of prom. Namely, he foolishly believed that by asking said suitor to reveal his honest intentions, that he would lay his intentions bare for all to see. but instead, the cunning lass most likely engaged in a most raunchy act of coitus on that night. One that would make any father weep. The thought of a father thinking that as long as he asked a young man to call if he needed anything would prevent any less desirable acts from befalling one's daughter is humorous indeed.
my "what?" wasn't because I didn't understand what you said. Both fathers accomplished nothing and so my "what?" was out of confusion as to why you went at the "virtue signalers". Like you said, kids are are ruthless. I bet that threat made him want to get at his daughter more.
You can tell from this snippet that it was the later rounds of the fight, as fatigue affected both fighters in different ways.

Fighter in black was winning the round by being more active but throwing reckless haymakers and sloppy combinations in order to end the fight. Smart move to attack when your opponent is weak and vulnerable, but don't leave your guard down.

Fighter in grey did a great job of keeping his defenses up, even though he was clearly out of gas. He kept his guard up , gave his opponent a small target, used the ropes, even went low and caused his attacker to lose his footing (and shoe) giving him more time to rest.

I'd say he did his best to escape the round without a knockout, but that flurry clearly put him behind on the scorecards, and I would assume he would need a knockout to win the fight. Not an impossible task for the fighter in grey if he could just be patient and take advantage of the sloppy flurries and counter with some precise well timed shots.

EXCELLENT breakdown and I agree with you. Fellas, if you are preparing for your upcoming bout please devote at least 50% of training camp to strength and conditioning. How can you expect to work off the jab into the late rounds if you're too tired?
EXCELLENT breakdown and I agree with you. Fellas, if you are preparing for your upcoming bout please devote at least 50% of training camp to strength and conditioning. How can you expect to work off the jab into the late rounds if you're too tired?

a real street cat only goes 1 round. throw haymakers until 1 connects and its game over.

my "what?" wasn't because I didn't understand what you said. Both fathers accomplished nothing and so my "what?" was out of confusion as to why you went at the "virtue signalers". Like you said, kids are are ruthless. I bet that threat made him want to get at his daughter more.

aaaaaah it was I, who misunderstood. embarrassing! lol and yea.... im sure they prolly both got a laugh out it and then went to work

i wanted to post so bad that his daughter probably got pounded with NO mercy. i mean nasty style, no respect just flat out smashed in a $50/hr hotel and then came back home to daddy #1 like it was all good. lmaooooooooooo. dudes out here are ruthless. taking him to dinner and ssaying call me if u need anything wont save your daughters cheeks fam. i hate virtue signalers

Taking the guy to dinner isn’t the worst idea in the world (make sure the guy isn’t a complete lunatic) but all that extra stuff unnecessary
Taking the guy to dinner isn’t the worst idea in the world (make sure the guy isn’t a complete lunatic) but all that extra stuff unnecessary
personally, the first time i meet my daughters bf better not be a week before prom. it is what it is. but thats one reason i pray i dont have a daughter so all i gotta do is raise my son not to be out here slangin meat round the whole city.
personally, the first time i meet my daughters bf better not be a week before prom. it is what it is. but thats one reason i pray i dont have a daughter so all i gotta do is raise my son not to be out here slangin meat round the whole city.
Yea I mean maybe everyone would handle it differently but for most the classic stare down when he goes to pick her up for the prom should be enough.
Although like I said it is different nowadays with all these crazy mfers shooting up schools and doing extra **** so not a horrible idea. But asking about intentions and desires is doing too much, any father ain’t gonna like the truthful answer to that
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