Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Sons doing it with that comedic value..

His house on the other hand is not doing it.
I remember someone said that was Ninjahood's pool party
I remember this, I think he shot a cop and when he got caught the pigs buddies went to work on him.

Cliff of what happened
- Esteban Carpio was brought in and questioned for the stabbing of an 85yr old lady.
- One officer leaves the room and Esteban grabs the remaining officer's gun and shoots him the face.
- Leaped out a 3rd floor window and ends up being caught 45min later.
- Photo is of Esteban during his arraignment which his family claims police brutality.
That face sitting dude just likes the smell of ***** and ***. He's just not embarrassed about it and found a way to smell all the random Vag he wants.

Write "I wanna smell your ***** and *******" on the sign and your reactions from women will probably change

Not all vagina smells gold tho, so your taking some pretty big risks there, lol. That's like playing nasty vagina roulette... dangerous man lol.




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Girl I went to HS with...SMH smh SMH and her friends was telling her she looked good...
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