Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


I’ve only been caught in this situation once in my life. In HS, I went to a Halloween party with my GF at the time, her older sister, her brother (my BOY)
and another friend of ours. For one reason or another, my girl & I got into a little spout & she left outside to go in the car. I stayed inside cause it was lit
& within minutes was freakin’ on a bad joint in a Wonder Woman costume.

Her sister must have been way out of view for me to even attempt something that bold but before me & ol’ girl could even get in a groove, big sis came outta nowhere and NOPED the whole situation.
She then straight power walked outside to go snitch on me (of course she was in the right)
but my boy (her bro) was a fellow of the savageship and held me DOWN with the on the fly story I made up to my girl before she had a chance to process and react to what happened.

Can’t confirm because the memory is a little hazy on the ending but knowing me back then, I probably still ended up in them guts.
Im sorry i know people have rights and all. but I think this should be illegal at basketball / football games and etc.

I have a 6 year old son and I feel like my son isn't supposed to see things of this nature from a male . smh
I hope they keep loosing with BS like this going on at the games. F that dude and F the fool who thought that was a good idea.

First off, how the **** was this even approved? Not only is this offensive, it's scary. The term thug somehow is only associated with us, and the image they decide to use to portray said thug is that of the average male of color. By simply wearing a sports jersey, a snapback/fitted/headband, and a chain signifies us as being thugs? Meanwhile the real thugs are no where to be seen in any of those pictures :smh:











That is way too much **** for facebook. People really need to get a life, :smh:

I’d take the bullet as well.

Did they mix up the pictures? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Its hard to understand what theyre saying, but from what i gather, the girl claiming to be his sister really wasnt. and she tagged the other girls the guy was cheating with. and the main chick accusing her of not being his sister revealed shes HIV positive and that they all probably have it now? this is sick. and she does need to go to jail. this is how these diseases keep spreading like wildfire.... besides parents who dont believe in vaccinations

Dude needs to go to jail if he's out there infecting *****es like the outbreak monkey, not her.

Social media a gift and a curse. :smh:. 10 years ago I never would have heard of this foolishness.

Homie and his doll.
giphy (2).gif

He should just get a handicapped girlfriend and call it a day.

I need to hear the audio on this dumb **** :rofl:

Let me know what you think about this. Just trying to figure out if I am being insensitive.........LOL

I don't think you're being insensitive, there is no reason why anybody should get into the wrong uber or lyft with all the information that is available to us. You have the make and model of the car, a picture of the driver's face all of that. Since when are drivers randomly coming up to you and guiding you to their cars? That should be a red flag for any woman. It's ****ed up that this kind of **** happens, but people need to pay closer attention. I'm not saying it's right, and I don't wan't to victim blame, but sometimes people put themselves in unnecessary situations.

I think they misspelled Jimmy Darmody :lol:
Look at these goddamn thugs.

That fool *** black man trying to stop them, :smh:. If he don't sit his *** down and let those white thugs fight so we can't get all their ****ery on tape :rofl:
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Having no knowledge of his background, I assumed he was a Southern man by just watching that video and a quick Google confirmed it. He’s a bama. :lol:

"Wait did he say I could have knocked you out at any time? I hit you in the body."

WHAT? Dude at what point could you have knocked him out, Wilder was in control the whole little skirmish. They should have really let him end that kid, let him wake up seeing birds flying around.
Honestly he need to chill with all that killing mfers in the ring talk. He stay on that.
Dude watching to much Rocky IV, walking around thinking he Ivan Drago.
Everything Jesse Lee Petersons does is wilding, but this interview takes the cake. I'm not a fan DC, but he had me rolling going back and forth with that fool :lol:

Kicked that ***** hood back on his head, :rofl:

Writers for the past two seasons of Game of Thrones, finale just came out yesterday in THEIR vision.
Didn't they write for the entire series?

Between him and Shannon Sharpe idk who's more cringe worthy.
Some country bamas :lol:
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Chill on the Unc slander. But why is it that some southern folks got accents and others don't? I'm not talking about transplants but folks that grew up in the south.

Are you from the south? We all do. You might just be used to it.


And if you think by wearing shorts it makes it better, you are a bigger fool.

****** booty *** *****. :rofl:
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