Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


Wish that lady he smacked in the head at 2:20 came at him with the same energy.

I've seen 2 instances of this on packed subways. Dudes ready to throw hands because someone moved their foot when the train made a sharp turn.

It's like one has any personal space right now. We're packed in like sardines on a bumpy *** train with nothing securing us, and you're about to fight because someone moved and accidentally stepped on your shoe? Welcome to NYC subways! My name is Comparison Ford, and I will be your tour guide this afternoon.

I'm from Texas, So I don't know about that life. But makes sense. Us outsiders get to watch these wild *** train video all the time. We already know what it is, and we've never even been there. :rofl:
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