Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Not so bad. I would have paid $260 for this pic

Yeah, it’s really a hit or miss with these celebs. Helped some friends out over the years at these and the checks are nice but it’s a lot of work and a long day.

I have a bunch of these kinda of Convention pics and the only one I willingly paid for was Ultimate Warrior since he was my childhood hero. He was super cool too but I’ve seen a lot of other celebs also act like douches.
Yeah, it’s really a hit or miss with these celebs. Helped some friends out over the years at these and the checks are nice but it’s a lot of work and a long day.

I have a bunch of these kinda of Convention pics and the only one I willingly paid for was Ultimate Warrior since he was my childhood hero. He was super cool too but I’ve seen a lot of other celebs also act like douches.
Yea. But also stories like this will let people in the future know it’s not worth it to do any fan experiences with you.

If he had a great experience that guy would’ve told the whole world and will prob pay double next time your at a con
Where you been for the last 15 years. Chris brown fans don’t care about any of that. Especially his female fans
Yup that's the sad part cuz even after the rihanna incident, he still went on to abuse other women and his female fans seem to ignore it
Would be cool for anyone else but they're wildin for getting a meet and greet for someone who has abused multiple women
Personally, I wouldn’t pay to meet anyone… unless I was having sex with her, but that’s just me :lol:

I’m not mad it though. Everyone has demons. Obviously, his played out more public than most, but stanning for a human being will always leave you disappointed.
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