Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


:lol: That's only hilarious because I had 2 exes that whipped their Nissan hard to music like that. Mostly R&B. Maximas though.

Broooo, Girls who drive like this being in Nissans is so on the money and I never made that observation before. I'm dying right now:lol:
I think at least one of me and this guy texting me belongs here, perhaps both.
Dude’s been periodically bothering me with offers for my Twitch username despite my standard “No.” responses but he still hasn’t given up.

If you’re ever in a stage of your life where one of your goals is to spend 12k on a Twitch username solely to impress the very few who know its value, please seek help.

I think at least one of me and this guy texting me belongs here, perhaps both.
Dude’s been periodically bothering me with offers for my Twitch username despite my standard “No.” responses but he still hasn’t given up.

If you’re ever in a stage of your life where one of your goals is to spend 12k on a Twitch username solely to impress the very few who know its value, please seek help.


.........Who's the person wilding????

Take the $$$$
This should be stickied to the first post.

M. Night Shamalan couldn't have thought up of a crazier twist:lol:
Give me 100 guesses and I ain’t ever coming up with that. I thought shorty was just gonna fall or something.

The way she walked and posed really had me thinking this is a fashion show with models on the run way. The music. The way she started to walk backwards without looking. People began to clap for her cuz she was stunting so hard.

Then she blows a kiss at the corpse. Ain’t no way. I started looking for a green screen to see if this was doctored
.........Who's the person wilding????

Take the $$$$
12k is a borderline insulting offer for that username.
I've declined legitimate offers from people I trust and have done business with before that have offered 18k, and even 20k. The value is only rising. Got my first $6k offer about 3-4 years ago, then straight to various offers ranging from $12k to $15k, and ultimately even one guy offering $18k and an immediate $20k when I said no.
It's by far the rarest username on Twitch, hence why it's worth so much. It's the only two-number username, and usernames under 4 characters in general we never meant to exist in the first place. They only exist from a very very old exploit, when Twitch was still called JustinTV.
Usernames under 4 characters are extremely extremely rare, and mine happens to not only be the rarest of them all but also looks the best, based on feedback from buyers/sellers.

I helped Twitch fix a 0day exploit that allowed me to log in on system administrators' accounts without having to know or enter their email and password. Or anyone else's account really, the options were endless.
Because I had committed a litany of federal hacking crimes along the way, I was given a non-prosecution deal by 2 Twitch Admins where I'd be allowed back on Twitch on an account of my choice.
Twitch would wipe any bans, reports or references to my online alias from their records, because the main reason they gave me this deal is because one of the admins literally said that they're in the process of being bought by Amazon, and under no circumstances could any of this become public during negotiations and for x amount of years after the deal's completion.

So in a way I look at that username as my reward for such an accomplishment, since I was never paid monetarily.
It's like my personal trophy, and showing off how I got it was a big factor in why my current employer hired me as a Software Test Engineer.
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