Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

-Man calls police to report his father missing after father takes dog for a walk, dog returns home
-Police call man in for questioning. Police investigate and have reason to believe man is not telling truth.
-They break him down during a 17hr interrogation even bringing his dog in saying it will be euthanized
-Distraught man falsely confesses to killing father and later tries to kill himself while alone in interrogation room
-Father shows up alive and well. He decided to take an unannounced trip.
-Man sues city for 900K and wins
-1 cop retired, other cop still working

we about to be done outchea….

It didn’t use to be this way :smh:

i feel you…you’re still in the game at least so you haven’t completely succumb to washedness of adulthood & responsibilities but it definitely hits different when you have to really seriously consider the possibile pros & cons of physical exertion else end up like this dude:

I was cooked for about 3 weeks last year playing in an alumni softball nasty
nasty work 🤣
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